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Attended/Unattended Macroing


That sounds simple but as a pure crafter it isn't that simple. My house design is setup so my crafters can access my boxes from inside and my gatherers can access it from outside. mining has its own box, carpenter has its own, my carpenter and my bowyer can access everything they need without having to move, same with my miner smith and tinker. Should I have to rearrange my house every week? Should i dance to? Every attended resource I have gathered since day one has been kept in those few chests, Besides what I have on the vendors. The gm has seen what I got and i'm sure he will tell it wasn't much. That was all my resources. Compared to what some people probably have on this server for resources. Its a drop in the lake. Even if they don't ban for it. I still will live in fear as I gather. I don't believe that is right. This is a game and i'm supposed to be having fun doing what I love to do in the game while following the rules. To many circumstances can cause someone to not notice a gm even if he is shooting fireworks and running around one of your characters. I can't think of any reason why you wouldn't noticed a big red window pop up on every client you are running and answer a random question within 4 minutes. or even retype a word that's visible in the window something like captcha. If that can be macroed than so can responding to a gm be macroed.


I can't think of any reason why you wouldn't noticed a big red window pop up on every client you are running and answer a random question within 4 minutes.

This would encourage unattended gathering. I know what it's like to worry about having more than one person gathering (3 people turning in bods), and it would be amazing if I can just have everything minimized and an alert pop-up, but that is only necessary if I were to be unattended gathering. If you can't pay full attention to all of your gatherers, then limit the amount of gatherers you are using at a time until you can.

Forget about the other people flaming your thread. I don't believe you were doing anything intentionally, but I do think you misunderstand what unattended gathering is. If you can't pay attention to what goes on in each screen of each gatherer, you're probably gathering unattended.

The solutions you're coming up with are easy to bypass with razor or steam. If you have to do all of your macros manually, you should look up how to do macros for the things you are gathering. There's no reason why you should have to pay so much attention to one client that you miss the others. Learn to macro so that you can afk, but don't be afk. I would NEVER do bod turning in manually. I'd rather have the client on the side of my screen while my main char is in the middle of the screen running around.


60 seconds is not enough time, I have polish friends who sometimes have lag spikes longer than this....
if somebody is truly afk macroing/scripting they will not respond after 60 seconds or 60 minutes or 5 hours

On the other hand though, you DO need to be able to see all of your clients at all times
If you can't see them all for one reason or another then you are running too many at once

I have a crafter on all four accounts for filling/turning in bods but for turning in I will often only do it with 3 accounts so I have 1 section of real estate left for forum browsing (dual 23" monitors in split screen easily fits 4 of whatever I want)
"I was here the whole time but I was browsing the forums" will not cut it

As for the gump thing, this could be easily detected and automated with either easyuo or steam. I would like to see more time given though and even some fireworks would be nice to get our attention, or even a gump would be great addition really as long as its not used to completely asses afk/non afk but just used as a helpful service to players and then the staff can assess the player for themselves just as they do now.... I don't do nearly as many bods as I used to but there were days I turned in over 10k bods in one day and believe me after a while your eyes start to glaze over and even sitting and staring directly at your screen it can be pretty easy to not see a gm or them trying to talk to you until you are teleported to jail and then you instantly say WHOOOAAAAA! But at that point it is too late. Resource gathering is a very important and vital part of a thriving wizard game economy, without them there are no crafters, and without crafters new players can't get the gear they need without buying kits and making it themselves and this is not so good.

royal kapero2

I hear that kenan wants his items back :) oh wait. Nvm

I didn't took anything from Kenan. OH wait NVM you high ignorance dumb. You meant Palanzane, yes i stole his stuff but friends dont count pixxels.. You never had real virtual friend? Must be pain to you, crying all time in brit gate about missing Firas.


This kinda reminds me of how i learned this lesson the hard way, i talked a friend into playing Demise a long time ago and his characters were living out of my house. He wanted to lumberjack or mine ore (i forget) but apparently one day he got caught unattended gathering. I remember logging on to see a GM on my steps, they said my friend got caught, and they were going to take all resources on my steps, not just resources my friend gathered, but the material that was in my boxes as well. . . that sucked.
60 seconds is not enough time, I have polish friends who sometimes have lag spikes longer than this....
if somebody is truly afk macroing/scripting they will not respond after 60 seconds or 60 minutes or 5 hours

On the other hand though, you DO need to be able to see all of your clients at all times
If you can't see them all for one reason or another then you are running too many at once

I have a crafter on all four accounts for filling/turning in bods but for turning in I will often only do it with 3 accounts so I have 1 section of real estate left for forum browsing (dual 23" monitors in split screen easily fits 4 of whatever I want)
"I was here the whole time but I was browsing the forums" will not cut it

As for the gump thing, this could be easily detected and automated with either easyuo or steam. I would like to see more time given though and even some fireworks would be nice to get our attention, or even a gump would be great addition really as long as its not used to completely asses afk/non afk but just used as a helpful service to players and then the staff can assess the player for themselves just as they do now.... I don't do nearly as many bods as I used to but there were days I turned in over 10k bods in one day and believe me after a while your eyes start to glaze over and even sitting and staring directly at your screen it can be pretty easy to not see a gm or them trying to talk to you until you are teleported to jail and then you instantly say WHOOOAAAAA! But at that point it is too late. Resource gathering is a very important and vital part of a thriving wizard game economy, without them there are no crafters, and without crafters new players can't get the gear they need without buying kits and making it themselves and this is not so good.
60 seconds is plenty of time to be able to respond, if your friends lag spike for longer than 60 seconds they are going to disconnect and their macro is going to fuck up, so I'm not buying that. People that afk resource gather are a cancer to the economy.


Last tot event I was busy killing stuff on my sampire and a what looked like a ghost appeared (not sure how long they were there), I told them "Sorry, I can't rez on this char" upon closer look it was a GM but I thought it was just a ghost.

It would be nice to have something like fireworks or something to grab your attention. A dull character in the background that says "Hey insertname" doesn't grab my attention after looking at a screen for 8 hrs turning BODs in, I barely even notice. It's even worse if I have been drinking during that time.

Not complaining just saying fireworks or something would be great to grab attention!


I got in pulled to jail when the runic fletching kits came out. I was doing them by hand, people were routinely trying to talk to me, and I ignored the wrong person (a GM).

It happens.


Last tot event I was busy killing stuff on my sampire and a what looked like a ghost appeared (not sure how long they were there), I told them "Sorry, I can't rez on this char" upon closer look it was a GM but I thought it was just a ghost.

It would be nice to have something like fireworks or something to grab your attention. A dull character in the background that says "Hey insertname" doesn't grab my attention after looking at a screen for 8 hrs turning BODs in, I barely even notice. It's even worse if I have been drinking during that time.

Not complaining just saying fireworks or something would be great to grab attention!

My very first bid in the demise pen I had thought exactly as you did, staff on osi never checked anybody for afk so i had no idea i just thought it was a ghost because that is the hue when they are only visible to you. I figured it was noob looking for a rez. I thought about typing to them "dude the healer is to the east just go to them" but having all hotkeys and stuff if I started typing it would screw up my razor macro for turning in the bods i was doing at that time. So I ignored. They kept saying "Elianna are you there?" "Please answer if you are not afk..." and of course i just ignored them saying to myself you stupid nub go find a healer. Next thing I knew i was sitting in jail... I explained what happened but they said sorry it is too late now that you are here but don't worry you will be out in 6 hours. It took me about 2 days to get out though because i d/c'd two times. There have been other times my daughter fell or something and was crying and i just jumped up to see what was wrong without even thinking about pause button (I think if i stopped to pause my macros before checking on her i really would be a bad father as a certain Brazilian will often claim) and for those times i take full responsibility and did my time happily, I even asked styx what time breakfast would be served but I don't think they found humor in that. There will be times that people dont notice staff while staring right at the screen but the big problem is that 99% of the people are going to 'claim' that they were not afk when in fact they probably were. And since there is no way for them to tell then its gotta be the way that it is, but some kind of attention grabber would be nice for sure.


First I'll start by saying that I have lumberjacks and miners that I run macros on, and have never ended up in jail.
HOWEVER, I have seen how easy it is to become distracted and suddenly realize that I hadn't been watching one of my guys for a bit. Usually at that point I decide it's time for a break and shut them down and go do something else.
If during one of those lapses, I had ended up in jail, it would've been my own fault, not because someone reported me or because of some supposedly corrupt GM that just wants my ingots.
Would it suck? Yeah.
Would I whine about it? Probably a little, but only about it being my own fault and I should have paid more attention, because I know the rules.

But I do have a few things to note about your issue:
I notice on my smaller monitor that my lumberjack macro was in error and that i'm in jail.
The way you wrote that it seems as if you noticed the macro error first, then that you were in jail. Which seems to be consistent with your saying:
I watch 2 things as i'm attending gathering, the journal and razor.
What you should be watching is your actual game screen. If you had, then you would have seen the GM. but you admit that you didn't see him:
...try to assure him that I was not unattending. I just didn't notice him.
Sorry, if you didn't notice him, then you were unattended.
So obviously I was not unattended since I have responded by time he got to my second gatherer.
Obviously not, since you admit you weren't "watching" your character:
The gm just happen to get the one char that I wasn't immediately watching or working on.
He also said it was 4 minutes from finding me til jail. that's not a lot of time.
4 minutes is a LOT of time. Don't you think the GMs have better things to do than to follow someone around for 4 minutes or more just trying to get the player to notice them, when if they were attended, they should have noticed them right away?
I could have been counting the valorite as it was plopping into my backpack.
Counting valorite on your miner is not attending your lumberjack. Simple.
I even have to restock my shovels manually which draws me away from my lumberjack for a few minutes. Do I have to stop my macro then?Nothing in the rules says yes I do.
If it takes your attention away from your other macro to the point that you don't respond to a GM for 4 minutes, YES, you have to stop your macro because you are unattended, and that is in the rules.
My macros are not good enough to unattend macro... I am perfectly ok with these glitches
You shouldn't be fine with glitches if they take your attention away from your other character to the point that you don't respond to a GM for 4 minutes.
The other factor is my razor window always on top partially blocking the main screen since so little room in black area of screen.

We all know there isn't enough blackness to allow for everything. If you don't know, you haven't played this game long enough yet.

a small part of a razor window can easily disguise that puff a smoke in a peripheral view...ditto for journal or any other little icon for skills and spells, map, paper doll, backpack, or menu bar.
If the "black space" is an issue then there are ways to adjust your screen resolution that might help, but if you are just running a macro for lumberjacking, why do you need spell or skill icons, map, menu bar, paperdoll on your screen?
the gm's are relying on the actual game screen which is always at the background of everything else to confirm afk.
Why would you let your actual game screen be in the background of everything else to the point where you can't see what's going on? What if someone or something attacked your character?
We shouldn't be punished for not having enough space on our screens
You weren't, you were punished for not responding to a GM while gathering resources.
there must be a better way of identification other than just appearance & speaking,
Why? Apparently you think that even more blatant attempts to get your attention would be difficult to notice as well:
To many circumstances can cause someone to not notice a gm even if he is shooting fireworks and running around one of your characters.

I don't make enough money from attended mining and lumber jacking to justify even getting a warning or second strike or third strike.
The amount of money you make from it has nothing to do with the justification.
From your statements, you were obviously not paying enough attention to notice the GM, which means you were unattended, which means the punishment was justified.

One last thing:
But I have a serious problem of being harassed by my competition or any jealous idiot

i'm gonna start calling gm every time I see someone macroing. Especially my competition.
You have a "serious problem" with other people reporting macroers, but feel justified to do it yourself? Doesn't that seem just a wee bit hypocritical?

My suggestion:
Take this as a learning experience. Make or get better macros, rearrange your screens so you can SEE the game screen, maybe run only one gatherer at a time? You know now that the GMs check on macroers, so pay attention, and if you find yourself getting distracted, stop and go do something else, either in game or out.


I have been jailed 2 times in my uo career lol. Doing hw quest was 1. I was unable to see gm due to menus, trash cans or whatever. On osi I got jailed due to my chars name Iman S Hole. I still sleep well at night despite being a ex con lol


I think there should be a window pop up or something like fireworks flashes of light, something. There's plenty of times that I've had crafting windows, backpacks, razor ect open and would never have noticed if a gm popped up behind that stuff. Especially when I'm turning in bods or doing the fletching kit quests. Just because someone can't see someone behind that stuff doesn't mean that they are afk unattended.


What are the get out of jail cards for? I would like to afk macro turning in bods for one full day and not have to go to jail. Otherwise, I don't see their utility...

Mister Pink

I would say if you are thrown in jail and within 45 seconds you say wtf? And then are able to answer the gms questions. You indeed are not afk macroing/scripting. That might not be what the rules state or whatever, but as others have discussed it is easy to overlook a gm when you are concentrating on your backpack/the macro screen.


Bug Huntress
Seriously though if people want to AFK resources what really is the big deal?
There is risk involved with it so what exactly is the problem let them AFK resources

The only problem I see with AFK resource gathering is when other people are gathering resources attended they have to keep AFK people alive or risk getting paged because if the person who was AFK dies it was the person who was not AFK that lured something to them

Apparently 4 minutes is not enough to be considered AFK
Where do we draw the line 5 minutes? 10 minutes? An hour? How long?

These 2 characters have been AFK resource gathering for at least 4 hours eventually something bad happened to them.
One name seems familiar..............
...........and I'm just "mining" my own business
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