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Attended/Unattended Macroing


I never asked you to double the size, so I don't care to compensate, I would rather have had the old one. I honestly don't dislike you, it just always seemed that you were never concerned with playing with me just for fun, only if it was to your advantage to, I felt very badly about taking your items until you made the comment "It was convenient for you to get rid of my trash for me". You don't compensate for a "favor". Once you decided to declare a very old debt from my brother over items that do not benefit you in any way, just to sell them for more gold that you could have gotten elswhere it showed your real character. So in short, I apologize for taking your "trash" I would work to give back only those items if I really thought you wanted to salvage a friendship, but it seems you have no interest in playing with me for any other reason than having me as an extra pvper, even though we have had countless good conversations over the years. If you still want to play with me for fun, we can come up with a MUTUAL agreement and be friends, I have always thought highly of you, and yes, it was wrong of me to take those items and I take full credit, but they are gone to people who will not give them back to me, otherwise you would have them now, I hope that one day we will stop this non-sense and come to terms. I wouldn't have taken anything I thought was actually valuable, just a bunch of random things that are only valuable in bulk, not individually. My only wish is for you to act like I am your friend, and not just some good-ping good-pvper who helps you win fights against the opposition. If I had extra things you needed they would have been free, but you always seemed more concerned about your own gain than friendship, I hope that we resolve this at some point during the lifetime of this server, because I have always considered you to be my friend, it just always seemed like you did not feel the same about me.
Alvin has done me and my boys good, he's helped literally everyone I've brought here, and has helped me a shitload. Good guy in my book.
I never asked you to double the size, so I don't care to compensate, I would rather have had the old one. I honestly don't dislike you, it just always seemed that you were never concerned with playing with me just for fun, only if it was to your advantage to, I felt very badly about taking your items until you made the comment "It was convenient for you to get rid of my trash for me". You don't compensate for a "favor". Once you decided to declare a very old debt from my brother over items that do not benefit you in any way, just to sell them for more gold that you could have gotten elswhere it showed your real character. So in short, I apologize for taking your "trash" I would work to give back only those items if I really thought you wanted to salvage a friendship, but it seems you have no interest in playing with me for any other reason than having me as an extra pvper, even though we have had countless good conversations over the years. If you still want to play with me for fun, we can come up with a MUTUAL agreement and be friends, I have always thought highly of you, and yes, it was wrong of me to take those items and I take full credit, but they are gone to people who will not give them back to me, otherwise you would have them now, I hope that one day we will stop this non-sense and come to terms. I wouldn't have taken anything I thought was actually valuable, just a bunch of random things that are only valuable in bulk, not individually. My only wish is for you to act like I am your friend, and not just some good-ping good-pvper who helps you win fights against the opposition. If I had extra things you needed they would have been free, but you always seemed more concerned about your own gain than friendship, I hope that we resolve this at some point during the lifetime of this server, because I have always considered you to be my friend, it just always seemed like you did not feel the same about me.
You seem to be struggling for friends, when I play with people yeah they are "friends" but of course I have them around to help in pvp...I would assume alvin is the same way, why would he not want his friend to help in pvp?

The only way you can make this right is to re-emburse this guy for the items you took from him, or atleast give half.

I would like to see this friendship "that I know nothing about" continue, you guys seem to really like each other.


I was not just some guy who was partied to him we have known each other for years, and a re-embursement is not so simple.
Yeah it is, re-emburse him via gold or an item you value.. Show him you care enough to repair a friendship for something that is obviously from what you done because that is the subject.


Yeah it is, re-emburse him via gold or an item you value.. Show him you care enough to repair a friendship for something that is obviously from what you done because that is the subject.

It isn't just what I did after years of abuse, so just stop commenting on a subject you know nothing about, not trying to be rude, I didn't just take his shit. It has nothing to do with you or this thread.


a small part of a razor window can easily disguise that puff a smoke in a peripheral view, say looking at the 32" tv or the shear system messages going on can do the same as April0395 has said. ditto for journal or any other little icon for skills and spells, map, paper doll, backpack, or menu bar.

The point is the gm's are relying on the actual game screen which is always at the background of everything else to confirm afk. We all know there isn't enough blackness to allow for everything. If you don't know, you haven't played this game long enough yet. So you set macros and try to minimize it all to a minimum so you can make it work.
this wasn't part of the incident but also could pose a problem.
The problem of having a couple of chars with the same name and you make one spell icon and it appears for all the chars with that name so i cant get rid of it on one without getting rid of it on them all. Name change deed can solve that when I get money.
Please gm's make it blatantly obvious with the red window. I guarantee ill never miss the question.
It isn't just what I did after years of abuse, so just stop commenting on a subject you know nothing about, not trying to be rude, I didn't just take his shit. It has nothing to do with you or this thread.
See now you're defensive, and know you're in the wrong but scared to admit it and repair the issue. Not trying to be rude.


See now you're defensive, and know you're in the wrong but scared to admit it and repair the issue. Not trying to be rude.

I'm not being defensive, I explained the issue, and there is alot more than what you might read on forums, since you don't know me or him really, it's not very appropriate for you to have an opinion, nor is it appropriate to continue this conversation on an open thread, Not trying to be rude.
I'm not being defensive, I explained the issue, and there is alot more than what you might read on forums, since you don't know me or him really, it's not very appropriate for you to have an opinion, nor is it appropriate to continue this conversation on an open thread, Not trying to be rude.
If it's not appropriate for me to comment, then why are you telling everyone on the forum your life story between the both of you? Take it to pm's if you want it to be private, hop off my nuts for commenting on something that you both made public.


In America its absolutely fine to clean your best friends castle from items after years of knowing the person (like you did to Alvin) and punishing criminals breaking the rules is being 'a pathetic douche', what a beautiful country

I hear that kenan wants his items back :) oh wait. Nvm

If it's not appropriate for me to comment, then why are you telling everyone on the forum your life story between the both of you? Take it to pm's if you want it to be private, hop off my nuts for commenting on something that you both made public.

Actually kapero brought it up and kob was commenting on it, But reading the whole thing or getting facts right would be to hard for you right.
I hear that kenan wants his items back :) oh wait. Nvm

Actually kapero brought it up and kob was commenting on it, But reading the whole thing or getting facts right would be to hard for you right.
Actually, I never said he brought it up...? Here you go again, dumb as fuck always commenting on something I say. I said he went on in detail explaining the situation for the public to see, then expects the public not to comment? Rofl hop of the sack


I made the mistake of over-explaining our situation in public, and it became a "thing" just let it die. Anyways, if you need to talk to GM's I'm sure they will explain the situation in person. "Usually" they will give you ample time to respond, but sometimes they are hasty.


I have spoken with the gm that was involved in the incident. He confirmed I had responded right away when he appeared to the miner character and that he found me randomly and not from a page. He also said it was 4 minutes from finding me til jail. that's not a lot of time.
The gm didn't appear to my other char until after first one was thrown in jail. I could have been restarting my macro on my smith. I mean come on lets be reasonable here I even have to restock my shovels manually which draws me away from my lumberjack for a few minutes. Do I have to stop my macro then?Nothing in the rules says yes I do. The gm just happen to get the one char that I wasn't immediately watching or working on. It could be something as simple as that. and yet 4 minutes later i was in jail. and then what eventually three strikes and your out. The odds get worse the longer you play? 4 minutes is horrible in such situations. I'm not saying this is what happened during this incident. Cause I don't remember what exactly was happening 4 minutes before because it all blurs together as you go along. I could have been counting the valorite as it was plopping into my backpack. I always enjoy collecting valorite. Anyways so as of right now i'm ceasing all resource gathering due to risk of another violation.

And I hope I get more input on the proper topic of this thread. (let me simplify for you that don't get it. SHUT UP) Thank you for reminding me why I don't go on forums.

Also I hope that the red event message idea gets more input. Its a good idea to prevent further risk to non afk gatherers and should be pretty easy to implement. "copy and paste event window code and adjust code for all of a individuals currently running clients. Add code for math problem or whatever random questions and use code from random container location to make window appear randomly on screen and make it bigger than razor window, done. I'm sure I made it sound little easier than reality. But really not hard.

Any other ideas please post them.

I don't want to be in constant fear of banning after all the hard work I have and will do. If something isn't done I fear I may have to leave and destroy all the hard earned resources I have gathered.


I hate to say it but, this problem always ends up happening when you gather, the best thing to do is periodically move your resources to a different container so they know your not constantly afk like they will assume. I don't think you will get banned for repeated use, the staff is pretty good about that, just make sure you can always see your screen area and always watch for yellow names to appear.
He also said it was 4 minutes from finding me til jail. that's not a lot of time.

4 minutes is alot of time when macroing for materials. i can go take a shit and be back in under 4 minutes. 4 minutes is more then enough time to respond back to someone if you were "not afk" as you claim


I would say, that if you leave one of your characters unattended for several minutes, while restocking another character manually, thereby missing what goes on with your first character, that kinda makes it unattended.

My 2 cents.
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