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Re: 9/11

Dany Mortal;2124276 said:
So in other words..."They got what was coming to them"? You are a nut job.

im not a nut job. lol, and i just said i dont believe in terrorist attacks.


Forum Member of the year 09'
Re: 9/11

Dany Mortal;2124247 said:
I feel bad that thousands of people were killed/injured due to the ignorance of our president. 9/11 was a provoked attack by us, I can't say I'm surprised.

Who are you to talk about ignorance? This is the most ignorant statement I've ever read.


Forum Member of the year 09'
Re: 9/11

Kingllama;2124254 said:
Sorry for the people who died because bush pulled a hitler.

Are you saying people died on 9/11 because Bush launched a retaliatory invasion 2 years later? How does that make any sense?
Re: 9/11

LKP;2124302 said:
Who are you to talk about ignorance? This is the most ignorant statement I've ever read.

Glad someone challenged me.

Gulf War - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Lets examine the Persian Gulf War sometimes called "Operation Desert Storm"

Fact 1 : Iraq invaded Kuwait
Fact 2 : The UN and our President got angry and deployed our troops[Whom of which made up a "great majority" of the Coalition of the Gulf War henceforth referred to as the CotGW]
Fact 3 : Our overwhelming Aid in this war was due to conflict we had with Iraq being the Soviet Unions ally during the Cold War.

The invasion of Kuwait by Iraqi troops that began 2 August 1990 was met with international condemnation, and brought immediate economic sanctions against Iraq by members of the UN Security Council. U.S. President George H. W. Bush deployed American forces to Saudi Arabia almost 6 months afterwards, and urged other countries to send their own forces to the scene. An array of nations joined the Coalition of the Gulf War. The great majority of the military forces in the coalition were from the United States, with Saudi Arabia, the United Kingdom and Egypt as leading contributors, in that order. Around US$40 billion of the US$60 billion cost was paid by Saudi Arabia.

Throughout much of the Cold War, Iraq had been an ally of the Soviet Union, and there was a history of friction between it and the United States. The U.S. was concerned with Iraq's position on Israeli–Palestinian politics, and its disapproval of the nature of the peace between Israel and Egypt.
The United States also disliked Iraqi support for various Arab and Palestinian militant groups such as Abu Nidal, which led to its inclusion on the developing U.S. list of State Sponsors of Terrorism on 29 December 1979. The U.S. remained officially neutral after the invasion of Iran, which became the Iran–Iraq War, although it assisted Iraq covertly. In March 1982, however, Iran began a successful counteroffensive - Operation Undeniable Victory, and the United States increased its support for Iraq to prevent Iran from forcing a surrender.

Let us conclude :

Iraq helps Soviet Union in the Cold War, to the US disliking.
Cold War ends
Iraq invades Kuwait over an Oil dispute.
We decide to put a bunch of our troops there to aid Kuwait[And get back at Iraq for their part in the cold war]

Is it then to far fetched to see Saddam retaliating at us with 9/11?

You don't see 2 people fighting and you and all your friends go over and start beating on one of them and expect no retaliation ever, espicially when his friends are watching.
Re: 9/11

I thought it was osama bin laden not Saddam Hussein? Sadam was just a scape goat so we could invade Iraq and get a better percentage of their oil and make the country more democratic. In fact it was proved that Sadam didn't have weapons of mass destruction (The whole excuse on why we invaded.), then every other week it was a new reason. They finally settled on he was a "bad" ruler. If that was the case how come we don't invade Africa or North Korea? I find it funny that we have satellites with infrared and we can't find some dude in a cave.

Aside from the reasons why we were attacked I feel for every family that lost a member.
Re: 9/11

I do feel like it was an inside job, a planned demolition and an excuse to make up a fake war to keep the people a slave to the dollar but i will not be rude and bash those who died, I will be respectful and polite.

I remember I was in the 4th grade when it happen and my teacher at the time had a sister who worked there and she was freaking out crying and everything. a lot of the teachers in my school left and the rest of the school day I shared a class from with 2 other classes just kind a hung out, but i remember it was a very sad day.

and it's a shame that it took that event to bring so many people together as one. and history will repeat it self but by then it will be to late. because so many people can't leave the blue glow or believe what they have been told by the blue glow.



Re: 9/11

The US has at least half a century of political and military intervention in the Middle East. In Iran, we helped overthrow a Democratic Revolution and install/maintain a monarch for our own political interest. I don't remember the dates 50-70's range.

I believe Osama Bin Laden worked with the CIA back in the 70-80's in Iran/Afghanistan to aid our interests in the Cold War. George Bush senior provided a lot of aid to Saddam in the 80's to protect our interests in the Middle East. Take it all as an opinion though, I'm not inclined to get into a big discussion on these things.

The point is, when countries interfere and perform covert actions around the globe that even the majority of their own population is unaware of, you are going to create enemies, and a lot of them. Enemies that have only one purpose in life, revenge. I think that I would be hard pressed to turn the other cheek against a country that killed my family from collateral damage from any of these types of things.

I just wish we all knew the complete truth of things, so that we knew when justice was being served or not. That's just not the way the world works though. I feel sorry for the people that died in 9/11, because they were only at best indirectly involved with things that relate to the economic actions and decision that get made which affect other people. I also think though that we need to keep a little perspective. Hundreds of thousands die each year from smoking, it's on them now as far as I'm concerned, but there wasn't always truth in advertising when it comes to smoking. Millions of civilian non-combatants have died in some of the wars that we have been involved in.


Re: 9/11

glyph1c;2124355 said:
fucking lol

You've taken an interesting turn in representing yourself.

So what exactly do you offer the world that makes you so special?