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Hybrid Status Update


Because Ryan isn't paying him which is bull shit.

We put that mother fucker in a differnt tax bracket and he expects us to pay the one guy who can possibly bring the sever back to life?

That's a spit in the face of everybody that has supported this sever if you ask me
u play for free or nah


Hybrid Staff Member
pay HIS employees
1. We are not employees were are volunteers. We are your employees. We are here for you, the players.
2. We don't charge you to play on any UOGamers server. Anyone can play for free.
3. Any money willingly spent by a player is strictly a donation.

Any further inquiries regarding this topic please private message me directly.
Yea I think this is the first time mickey and i have ever agreed on something. kudos to that

taken from the home page:

Donations will be utilized to maintain all of our services and provide our users with a best in class service you wont find anywhere else.

Best case scenario krrios is greedy and extorting, worst case scenario the entire uogamers hybrid donation pledge is fraudulent.

If 4 grand is all krrios needs, I'm sure ryan can front him the bill paid for by the countless number of players that have been strung out on the idea that their donations actually go to maintaining and the betterment of the shard. Not 'pay me, but also pay him' shit.


I hate to be the bearer of news. But sadly, Ryan hasn't made millions or stored away gobs of cash in some bank vault. He lives in a non-fictional reality where he pays bills, has a family and on the side runs a "free" shard based on a game from almost 20 years ago. If you believe that wild theory, you'll understand why Krrios is asking for donations. I'm sure he loves us and the game. However I'm willing to bet he still has bills to pay IRL. Unless he's some trust fund baby with a passion to write programs for 20 year old games. The great thing about donations is it's not mandatory.

If this still bothers you, I highly recommend not playing on any successful free shards. Now that I think about it, we shouldn't play any game that makes a profit. Can someone publish a letter to EA games? I demand they work for free, how dare them force us to live in capitalistic society!
I bet EA games response would be to make your own game :)

What people are seeing and what is bothering them is it appears to just be a cash grab ever since they came back. We have seen no ground breaking updates, even the simple ones that can be fixed with EASE such as making poisoning not DP when you have 0 poisoning skill. Swampies costing 500k to claim... these are things that can be fixed within mere minutes.

Only updates I have really seen have been donation prices, and a half assed attempt to curve wands by making a pvp item rare.

Silly Santa

Some people like @YewGuards prolly never donated...thus, does not realize how much this shard collected in donations. ..its way more than u realize...and i used to be a big donator here so i have a good idea based on donation individual "order numbers." that are sent out.. The number accumulates every time someone donates.

•waits for my ban•

a wombat

People have been waiting for promised updates. We don't hear anything for 3 months, but when we do, it's asking for money.

This server is finished. The remaining people who have been waiting should all fucking quit.


Some people like @YewGuards prolly never donated...thus, does not realize how much this shard collected in donations. ..its way more than u realize...and i used to be a big donator here so i have a good idea based on donation individual "order numbers." that are sent out.. The number accumulates every time someone donates.

•waits for my ban•
I have and do see your point. However just because I bought food at my favorite restaurant for years, doesn't mean it won't need capital for a revamp. Also, the number does not accumulate and sit idle in between each one of your purchases. It goes to operation expenses. Same theory applies to games and even more so for free shards based on a 20 year old game.

A client will not make people come back. The shard needs a overall more than anything.

*I do appreciate Krirros's effort and time doing Sallos though.
Can't agree with you more and staff has already announced that Sallos is not the only pending change.

People have been waiting for promised updates. We don't hear anything for 3 months, but when we do, it's asking for money.

This server is finished. The remaining people who have been waiting should all fucking quit.
But the players asked staff to include information about the donation link.


That 4k mark one is intriguing: "We're already making a dynamic world. If we can hit this milestone, I'll work to build a new world to explore, to settle, and to siege."

An entire new world? This would be very intereseting indeed

Is it just me or does Kirrios look like Dexter Morgan?

Pat McGroin

Operations expense?

During hybrids hay day he was making 50 grand a month and his only "operations expense" is the $200 a month bill to run the server.

Please enlighten me on these operations expensives you speak of.

He's not paying any of his "volunteers"