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That's the way it's been for a long time and people will use any tactic or exploit to win. Even if they change it; people will still find a way to exploit it. It's a damn if you do or damn if you dont situation.
That's not an excuse to not even try.

I said explicately that there have always been cheap aspects to this game, but this is just ridiculous.


Funny thing is i never knew anything is broken... i am born and raised on Demise and its home.. so you homeless alines should stop crying and adapt :)
Again... you miss the point...

We HAVE adapted, but that's not the reason I am "crying". This shard does NOT support creativity at all, which is one aspect of UO that has always made it unique. Is it too much to ask for balance on this shard? Really. Answer me that.

Still not convinced? Play a melee for PvP. Then you will understand.


Forum Member of the Year 2008
Is it too much to ask for balance on this shard? Really. Answer me that.

To be honest, yes. It is very, extremely, unbelievabely hard to balance a UO Shard.

What is out of balance for you, is something that is fine for someone else, yet what someone else finds is unbalanced, all looks good to you.

Then it's possible to attempt to rebalance, the what, 50'ish skills of the game so that they all work in harmony. Modifying a digit here and there can have a tremendous impact on what you know now as a game.

Even the slightest change, can take something that YOU consider OP to become obsolete and by the same way, another aspect of the game will rise on top to become the new OP mode.

It doesn't matter how hard they try. And hard they do try I believe. It's realistically impossible to have a perfect balance. Overall this server looks very healthy to me, as it been said before if there are ways to fight against it's really not as bad as it could be. Sure I'm not saying that the balance is not in favour of some templates in particular, but playing Yo-Yo with nerf this, buff that, then nerf that, and buff this to try to create a better balance, most often than not you'll end yourself with a game that is far more unbalanced than it is now.

just my 2¢



As you may know, I and many other Demise players have some serious issues with several imbalances in this game. We would like to see them addressed. The two problems that stick out the most are:

1) Robohealing with UOSteam. One or the other needs to happen to fix this: either disable steam for this shard, or change the casting to have an actual FCR period.

2) 4/6 Spellweaving. Everyone has been Essence of Winded. Everyone has been 4/6 thunderstormed to death. Everyone has had 96 pixies thrown at them, which cost only 5 mana to re-summon. Everyone knows how broken that this skill is. However, at 2/6 casting, with the bugged pixie mana cost addressed, the skill would be much more balanced. Gift of Renewal, Wildfire, Essence of Wind, Pixies, Gift of Life, and Thunderstorm would all be strong, but not completely overpowered.

I want Demise to succeed, and I want to support the awesome community that this shard has. I know I am not the only person that feels this way. Everyone who wants these problems addressed, feel free to comment or like this thread.

Thank you.


Which guild raided your spawn this time? :rolleyes: :(
There will always be "slight" imbalance... It depends on what you like to play - mage, dexer, noxer or mix of them. When I first started here there were only 2 or 3 noxers. Back in that days most of the PvPers didn't wear any pots and even said that it was unfair that I use (lol) . And "E. Pots" was equal to "Night Sight" on jewels. This was the first time I left Demise.
When I was back - 2 or 3 years later I started noxer again (thats all I can play LOL) just to find out that most of the Fellucians had whole kegs in them :)
So - what do I mean - the game is evolving and the players must adapt.
Now I haven't set foot in Fell, and I have no idea what's wrong with the casting, but what I read is disturbing... Lol 140 HP on mage... crazy mini-heal to full... Spell Weaving at 4/6 ... feys for 6 mana...


To be honest, yes. It is very, extremely, unbelievabely hard to balance a UO Shard.

What is out of balance for you, is something that is fine for someone else, yet what someone else finds is unbalanced, all looks good to you.

Then it's possible to attempt to rebalance, the what, 50'ish skills of the game so that they all work in harmony. Modifying a digit here and there can have a tremendous impact on what you know now as a game.

Even the slightest change, can take something that YOU consider OP to become obsolete and by the same way, another aspect of the game will rise on top to become the new OP mode.

It doesn't matter how hard they try. And hard they do try I believe. It's realistically impossible to have a perfect balance. Overall this server looks very healthy to me, as it been said before if there are ways to fight against it's really not as bad as it could be. Sure I'm not saying that the balance is not in favour of some templates in particular, but playing Yo-Yo with nerf this, buff that, then nerf that, and buff this to try to create a better balance, most often than not you'll end yourself with a game that is far more unbalanced than it is now.

just my 2¢
My bad, I don't want PERFECT balance, but I want something a little closer than the ridiculous imbalance that we have now.

I realize that it is literally impossible for perfect balance in a game like UO, but when you have entire thralls of classes that are simply obsolete, SOMETHING must be done.


There will always be "slight" imbalance... It depends on what you like to play - mage, dexer, noxer or mix of them. When I first started here there were only 2 or 3 noxers. Back in that days most of the PvPers didn't wear any pots and even said that it was unfair that I use (lol) . And "E. Pots" was equal to "Night Sight" on jewels. This was the first time I left Demise.

So - what do I mean - the game is evolving and the players must adapt.
So why not adapt to a more balanced shard?


What is sad is that you are in one of the biggest zerg guilds and still get your ass kicked by everyone.
Then you need to come crying to the forums instead of adapting.

edit- You even have to double post to quote 2 different persons, pathetic :poop:


What is sad is that you are in one of the biggest zerg guilds and still get your ass kicked by everyone.
Then you need to come crying to the forums instead of adapting.

edit- You even have to double post to quote 2 different persons, pathetic :poop:
You are really immature...


Quebec - it's only hard to balance a UO server... when it's dedicated to Steam spacebar-faceroll script crutching, dogmatic itemization whoring, and lacks any meaningful risk vs reward [which serves to filter scrubs out of 'big boy' moments, making them more legit and thus more competitive for the real ppl]. Without those things it's actually feasible to make a balanced PvP game out of UO, even in 2015... well, for the most part.

There's still ingenuity found in this game (and server) but mechanically speaking there's so many things broken or derpified that there's no way Demise could ever look like a competitive meta scene in PvP. In fact, it's more of a joke in my opinion. Not that there's anything wrong with jokes - just don't take em too seriously.


Forum Member of the Year 2008
In fact, it's more of a joke in my opinion. Not that there's anything wrong with jokes - just don't take em too seriously.

LOL I love that statement :D


Really, the only thing I was trying to say, is that I've seen this happen again, and again, and again, and again, and i think yet again another time.

Nerf Pixies! Then 3 days later it will be Nerf Archery! When archers are not viables anymore, we will need to Nerf Necro because they became OP, and so on until we return to pixies being on top and that they'll need to be nerfed once more, and the process yet again begins.
(Please note that those skills/spells were chosen completely at random and does not represent my current feel of them)

I'm not saying you are wrong with Steam, I'm not saying that people are not abusing the power of these tools to exploit game mechanics, but quite frankly, as far I am concerned, I don't give much of a damn about it because it would just annoy me.

Basically, take what is being thrown at you, sort what's fun, and what's not, and focus on what's fun for you.
Still not convinced? Play a melee for PvP. Then you will understand.

I played a field necro macer for a very long time and never had any issues.

My apologies, I just like being the devil's advocate.

I'm not entirely sure how long you've been on Demise, but it must not be too long or else you would have noticed a couple things:

1.) Staff here don't typically respond to a thread in General Discussion from players telling them what they "need" to fix, or balance. If there are bugs, that are not up to OSI specifications, use the bug report section, and they will get to them when they can. This has been an "OSI Clone" (and I use that terminology very loosely) since the beginning, and they will, in time, do their best to replicate OSI standards.

2.) Complaining on forums about something will never get you anywhere. Except troll central. Which I can tell this thread is already headed towards. The people that take advantage of the "bugs" or issues on the shard will whole heartedly disagree with you and tell you to suck it up, basically.

I once had a stupidly retarded dueling character that was incredibly difficult for most of the best players on this shard to beat because I could afford to completely gear it out with the best of everything, and I took advantage of a time when tactics wasn't required for weapon skills to be used. I certainly wasn't the BEST pvp'er, but that character was just gimp so it gave me an advantage.
Last edited:

Zul Moonstryfe

Funny thing is i never knew anything is broken... i am born and raised on Demise and its home.. so you homeless alines should stop crying and adapt :)
I dont know who you are in the game Nor do I care but just because you are a mage thats used to this Noob healing mage casting system does not mean that it is right you can talk all the smack you want about SEGA and any other guild but in the End hes trying to Prove a point that does need to be Addressed so instead of knocking on him and trying to feel tough try to help the server and make it become one of the best Free Shards out there!!!!!


LOL I love that statement :D


Really, the only thing I was trying to say, is that I've seen this happen again, and again, and again, and again, and i think yet again another time.

Nerf Pixies! Then 3 days later it will be Nerf Archery! When archers are not viables anymore, we will need to Nerf Necro because they became OP, and so on until we return to pixies being on top and that they'll need to be nerfed once more, and the process yet again begins.
(Please note that those skills/spells were chosen completely at random and does not represent my current feel of them)

I'm not saying you are wrong with Steam, I'm not saying that people are not abusing the power of these tools to exploit game mechanics, but quite frankly, as far I am concerned, I don't give much of a damn about it because it would just annoy me.

Basically, take what is being thrown at you, sort what's fun, and what's not, and focus on what's fun for you.
Well, Quebec, you sound a bit like you have given up hope. I still have some hope for this shard, and I do, in the end, find PvP fun. But there is a lot of potential for this shard, and I hope that some more people see it that way.


Forum Member of the Year 2008
Well, Quebec, you sound a bit like you have given up hope. I still have some hope for this shard, and I do, in the end, find PvP fun. But there is a lot of potential for this shard, and I hope that some more people see it that way.

I have not given hope at all. As far as I am concerned this shard offers lots of pleasurable experiences, and is entirely satisfying for me.

I realistically never expect it to reach a point where an archer, a sw mage, a tactics mage, a necro mage etc... will all be balanced out, and that there will not be someone, somewhere, complaining about something.

I'm very stoic about that kind of things. If something feels wrong, I stay out of it, and frankly, it's simply because it's a game and I just want to play, relax, have fun, without getting too freaky about something :)

But then again, that's just my opinion, and you have yours, which is great, your opinion is as good as mine, but it does also mean, that mine, is as good as yours :p


Recipe for balanced and skillful UO PvP:

No insurance
No mounts
No 'new' skills like Spellweaving, etc
No skills beyond GM & 700 hard cap
No hard stats beyond 225
Packet sent to force statbar gump close when said player leaves screen (LoS range)
Heal through Poison
No Steam

gg close