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Shard is (no longer) back up - UPDATED

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Darkgod said:
me to, i can't enter

I need to act rashly my plants or they die :( :confused:

Ya, 4 of mine died. My growth cycle was at 7 pm (when the server restarts) and I made a mad dash to try and care for over 50 plants. Meh, stuff happens that you have no control over. That's what insurance, pet bonding and stocking extra seeds is for


hope its up soon

Iv talked to alot of friends about the whole server being down thing, and uhhh there not to happy about it.Some are thinkin about quiting n goin to other games becuase it the downtimes recently. im gunna be here either way long as it comes back up :p, but for the shards shake and to keep the player base i hope it comes back up soon
BuGGz BuNnY- said:
Iv talked to alot of friends about the whole server being down thing, and uhhh there not to happy about it.Some are thinkin about quiting n goin to other games becuase it the downtimes recently. im gunna be here either way long as it comes back up :p, but for the shards shake and to keep the player base i hope it comes back up soon

I think im gonna quit school because it snowed and they cancelled classes for the next couple days so im just gonna drop out. Thats pretty similar to what your friends are doing. It's not the admin's or staffs fault this is happening so if they want to quit playing here because of it then im sure the devoted players here including myself don't give a rats ass about them. They will have a hard time finding a shard better than this one because it doesn't exist. Tell them good luck.


Red Squirrel said:
We catch them and send all our pets after them.

Really though, I hope authorities are doing something, it's not up to demise staff to do the investigating. This is not only affecting this server but most likely other servers on the networks being used for the attacks. People need to learn to secure their machines though since all of this would not be possible without infected zombie computers.

To a certain extent, but not entirely true. Using rings of people dedicated to the purpose can do the same. A single user on a modem can brng down large networks on digital lines with syn floods. Currently, ISPs are the only ones really capable of helping with dos attacks and then they really cannot stop them but make it much harder to accomplish. Means set in place to take out dos attacks will mean extremely laggy play, such as IP verification. Would cause huge amounts of overhead.

As the legal issue, have you really considered all that? Have you thoroughly read rules and copyright material listing on *all* your software? I do play but I'm not naive to the technical aspects of playing free shards. There's a corporation we are all very familiar with that frowns upon this activity and actually has some legal beefs about it. I don't agree, but I have to wonder exactly what legal recourse there is towards those who attack player run shards or ISPs that host them. Seems one of those grey areas I don't see too much info about nor anyone willing to tread into it.


Demise/RunUO is COMPLETELY legal.

The problem with gettng FBI and law enforcement involved is the lack of monetary damages. FBI wont' even CONSIDER looking at it until a $5k loss...

And odds are, based on our suspicions and our experiences in the past, these are lawless jackasses in some 2nd or 3rd world country.
Layne said:
To a certain extent, but not entirely true. Using rings of people dedicated to the purpose can do the same. A single user on a modem can brng down large networks on digital lines with syn floods. Currently, ISPs are the only ones really capable of helping with dos attacks and then they really cannot stop them but make it much harder to accomplish. Means set in place to take out dos attacks will mean extremely laggy play, such as IP verification. Would cause huge amounts of overhead.

As the legal issue, have you really considered all that? Have you thoroughly read rules and copyright material listing on *all* your software? I do play but I'm not naive to the technical aspects of playing free shards. There's a corporation we are all very familiar with that frowns upon this activity and actually has some legal beefs about it. I don't agree, but I have to wonder exactly what legal recourse there is towards those who attack player run shards or ISPs that host them. Seems one of those grey areas I don't see too much info about nor anyone willing to tread into it.

EA can't really do anything except whine and bitch about uo emulators because it's perfectly legal as long as the admins, or hosts doesn't charge people to play. I guess if you can't Sue em. . DDOS em! Not that im saying all this is EA's fault. ..there is no proof of that at all. It seems like there would be some sort of legal action to take against who ever is behind all this. ..i mean forcing somone else's computer to aid in your malicious plan .. .would that be considered . . .cyber, or virtual rape? I would be mad if i was one of the people who were violated. . real mad.


I would assume so also. I just do not know and I haven't ever heard a player run shard admin actully get into it but I've heard the question time and time again. It's kind of like if I kicked the crap out of my neighbor and some items came up missing in my house, would I call a cop? Probably not.

However, attacks on anyone using a computer I thought was illegal regardless also. We used to bomb the kiddie sites in IRC long tme ago but a law got passed under Bubba that enforced cyber treats and we were k-lined from then on, regardless of whether or not they were doing illegal activities. So I guess you're right, it really wouldnt matter. Unfortunately, someone obviously this capable has learned to cover their tracks.

This is a growing problem all over the net and I have to wonder if the people that do it think about what it will mean for their own privacy in the end when measures are put in place to end it, because it will take away personal internet freedom. Sometimes I wonder about that.
And of course even if we did have laws against it. . .like Asayre was saying. .. if the person lives in another country where internet laws are not enforced, then we have to just get over it. But hey why don't we all unite and become a better community just to show this guy that he only makes us stronger! Quickly everyone Middle Fingers in the air! I'm doing it who's with me?


ASayre8 said:
The problem with gettng FBI and law enforcement involved is the lack of monetary damages. FBI wont' even CONSIDER looking at it until a $5k loss...

Well THATS a bit prejudiced! Tell them that the users in UO have lossed VIRTUAL cash well exceeding that amount :D :D :D

but seriously, I'd like to hope that law enforcement would not be based on cash. I hope here in the uk they would be more accommodating...

everyone, protect yourselves! get zonealarm! get SOMETHING!!


Layne said:
LOL if you think an online role playing game based in fantasy is life, then you really need to get one. LOLOLOL

Not being mean that just struck me as funny, sorry.

Actually Uo demise is my so called "life" ;)


Nephyses said:
Actually Uo demise is my so called "life" ;)

Nephyses, I'm sorry, I really was just joking trying to lighten the mood a little. Did not mean to seem like I was picking at ya. I'm never one to talk, I spend far too much time in UO probably than I should but I'm getting a little up there in age and have done quite a bit in my lifetime that so many others suggest we go do other than play UO. I'm with you.
This is too bad. We all have something that we all like and some people just have to hurt us by killing it cause they can :mad:

Good luck with the fixing, I really think this is an awsome shard, hope its up in the next week or so :cool:


A register system of counts for e-mail would solve many of these problems: multiple acc's, invasions, accs and itens in excess... and much more.

It's my opinion, only an comment.


Layne said:
Nephyses, I'm sorry, I really was just joking trying to lighten the mood a little. Did not mean to seem like I was picking at ya. I'm never one to talk, I spend far too much time in UO probably than I should but I'm getting a little up there in age and have done quite a bit in my lifetime that so many others suggest we go do other than play UO. I'm with you.

Hehe =D.. I didnt get offended


_Icaro said:
A register system of counts for e-mail would solve many of these problems: multiple acc's, invasions, accs and itens in excess... and much more.

It's my opinion, only an comment.

Im not sure if it would avoid this particular case, but is not a bad idea at all.
Is it up Yet?

Is it up Yet?

Is it up Yet?

Is it up Yet?

Is it up Yet?

Is it up Yet?

Is it up Yet?

Is it up Yet?

Is it up Yet?

Is it up Yet?

Is it up Yet?

Is it up Yet?

Is it up Yet?

Is it up Yet?

Is it up Yet?

Methinks the server will be up when it's up...


IMO it's another shard admin that thinks "that f#%& demise is better than us! let's destroy them"

For get it kiddo, i'll never leave this shard even if i'll have to wait for months
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