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PVP competition thread gone dumb

A US Marshall

Most of the people who actively participates in pvp on this server are almost all suited. Some don't have perfect gear but they make do anyway.

Most of the people here debating on the faction arties don't want it to be added to increase their gear's stats but for people eager to pvp to have an easy access to it and that's a good thing because as anyone who pvps around here know: we are a dying breed on a dying game.

Picture yourself a random guy who played UO years ago who's willing to join in because he loved UO's pvp (That was exactly my case), I've got a job, school, gf, shitload of stuff to attend to IRL, if I didn't have some people hook me up I wouldn't have spend one month here because (and here's a simple truth): no fucking body who has a life has the time to farm for that shit anymore.
Say you've got 4 hours a day to play UO once you've sorted everything else. Do you really want to spend all of them mindlessly farming gaunt or anything in order to get some gear to then maybe pvp in six months once you're suited? I don't say noone enjoys that, if you're into it that's fine by me.

So yes : add faction arties. Faction pvp is awesome, town wars are awesome, the stuff will make people eager to try out the pvp scene (and maybe stick to it). It would make Luna sitters wanna try something out than showing off their DS's clothes and suit (BTW what is the deal with these people sitting at the bank with nearly perfect pvp gear and who NEVER ever participates in any pvp event nor do they go try out their skills in Fel?)

My two cents

Well said sir. As far as the people in mad pvp gear sitting at Luna. Those are the people complaining about us trying to get faction arties implemented to help new players to be able to easily jump right into demise PVP...

*cries*... my bank sitting suit won't be as good as a real pvp'rs suit... *cries* I got to actually earn my pvp gear soon with skill and actually pvp instead of my easyuo bot farming gauntlet and taking advatage of the economy to get me geared out and rich...*cries* STFU.

Like slug said. It's a dying game and the only real fun in this dying game is pvp and we need more people to join the fight to keep it rolling and those people need pvp gear otherwise this game is just "pull the next mob" till you shoot yourself IRL. The pvm here has never been impressive.


1) Who cares about the economy of this game?

2) Why should anyone care?

3) Artifacts are useless on this shard outside of PvP. If PvP dies, the oh-so-important economy of the shard dies with it.

4) Farming the gauntlet for hours is not, "Fun and Challenging", it's boring and stupidly monotonous.

5) I doubt it will drop the prices of non-faction artifacts if they are implemented properly (Only useable in Felucca, on a Faction Character, who can be put in stat loss by any Faction Stealth Archer who manages to get a lucky shot).

meh, attitude like this will certainly kill any game.
An attitude of, "The Economy of this shard is the absolute MOST important thing EVAR!" Will ruin this game. This game should not be purely about economics. There MUST be a price for obtaining items, of course, but a game can be challenging without being a dull grind.


I don't think they need to be usable in fel only. The fact that you must maintain a rank to equip them is enough to ensure pvp will take place.


Bug Huntress
I don't think they need to be usable in fel only. The fact that you must maintain a rank to equip them is enough to ensure pvp will take place.
With the added 10% (atrophy) daily point loss whether you log in or not

A US Marshall

I don't think they need to be usable in fel only. The fact that you must maintain a rank to equip them is enough to ensure pvp will take place.

4 accounts X 5 characters on each account = more than enough points farming your other account characters to maintain a rank and not need to pvp to acquire and keep your faction artie thus requiring only usable in fel etc...
Good thought though.


Bug Huntress
Are we going to get faction equippables and consumables?

Eventually, yes! These are part of ML and are scheduled to be added in the future. It remains to be seen whether we will tweak the items and/or system, as obtaining silver is significantly easier here with everyone having 4 accounts and being allowed to multiclient. Players have suggested making them equippable only in Felucca, for example, which is something we could consider. We are definitely not planning on adding these artifacts and making them trivial to obtain, causing the original artifacts to become worthless.



4 accounts X 5 characters on each account = more than enough points farming your other account characters to maintain a rank and not need to pvp to acquire and keep your faction artie thus requiring only usable in fel etc...
Good thought though.
Takes more points to get high rank when there are more active players in a faction.

A US Marshall

still if you only have one account in tb and the rest in com then that gives you 15 points per day x 6 days until you have to delete those characters and do it again. more than enough to keep it rolling thus this issue needs to be considered in all of this. you shouldn't be able to just farm yourself and use the PVP arties in tram which is why everyone is saying fel only plus its fucking pvp items... you shouldn't be farming in pvp shit anyways unless your about to pvp...

Fel only and if you take the items to tram then they break period... my vote.

A US Marshall

just cause you dont care doesnt mean the game should be ruined for others, dick.

the game doesnt revolve around gauntlet
1) Who cares about the economy of this game?

2) Why should anyone care?

3) Artifacts are useless on this shard outside of PvP. If PvP dies, the oh-so-important economy of the shard dies with it.

4) Farming the gauntlet for hours is not, "Fun and Challenging", it's boring and stupidly monotonous.

5) I doubt it will drop the prices of non-faction artifacts if they are implemented properly (Only useable in Felucca, on a Faction Character, who can be put in stat loss by any Faction Stealth Archer who manages to get a lucky shot).


An attitude of, "The Economy of this shard is the absolute MOST important thing EVAR!" Will ruin this game. This game should not be purely about economics. There MUST be a price for obtaining items, of course, but a game can be challenging without being a dull grind.



you guys seem to be missing the point here. stupidly monotonous farming is part of the game. you want a diablo clone? and why doesnt the unwatch button work :| i keep seeing these still.

You might aswell leave now because Faction arties are being added.

Ouch :\ i hope their tweaked and break in trammel... i will still be making a char with those items and farm in fel when others sleep.

I will now go and cry myself to sleep.


1) Who cares about the economy of this game?
Most the people that play here are trammies that never go to fel, so my guess it's those players, and also staff care about the economy.

2) Why should anyone care?
Cause some people like it, UO is a grinding game. Designed to be a time sink to get the player hooked to keep paying monthly subscription fees. If everything is too easy to get, then players wont want to keep spending monthy subscription fees.

3) Artifacts are useless on this shard outside of PvP. If PvP dies, the oh-so-important economy of the shard dies with it.
All PVM builds benefit from artifacts, And trammies love getting rich, hence why the economy is so important.

4) Farming the gauntlet for hours is not, "Fun and Challenging", it's boring and stupidly monotonous.
While I agree with you here, some players enjoy it. But I feel like farming points and silver will be annoying too, especially when the points atrophy.

5) I doubt it will drop the prices of non-faction artifacts if they are implemented properly (Only useable in Felucca, on a Faction Character, who can be put in stat loss by any Faction Stealth Archer who manages to get a lucky shot).
Well, prices are a function of supply and demand. Supply goes up, demand goes down, prices drop. Prices should drop.

An attitude of, "The Economy of this shard is the absolute MOST important thing EVAR!" Will ruin this game. This game should not be purely about economics. There MUST be a price for obtaining items, of course, but a game can be challenging without being a dull grind.

I feel you're being overdramatic here, the economy has always been an vital part of UO, and there certainly has to be a balance. The economy is what drives players to craft, hunt, and have player run shops. There needs to be a balance, however, I don't think faction arties will ruin the economy.
I think faction arties should be allowed to be used in trammel. If its fel only, it will only discourage trammies even more from going to fel because they will be at a disadvantage.
On the contrary though, we have seen that artifacts will not always mean more pvp (im thinking of the trammies with perfect suits that never engage in fel activities)
So lets make faction arties available to everyone, Farming points and silver is annoying so I probably won't participate in the system.
Just my $0.02, take it or leave it


Even if they are fel only there will be people who farm points off there chars and avoid pvp while they farm whatever they farm in fel.

Bad Mutha

you guys seem to be missing the point here. stupidly monotonous farming is part of the game. you want a diablo clone? and why doesnt the unwatch button work :| i keep seeing these still.

Ouch :\ i hope their tweaked and break in trammel... i will still be making a char with those items and farm in fel when others sleep.

I will now go and cry myself to sleep.

Having to farm for days for an item seems a bit like Diablo already.


Days is too easy, try months. Fokken love the feeling when a totem drops after a month of tedious farming.


Bug Huntress

Kill points

Kill points are earned when opposing Faction members successfully kill someone in an opposing Faction. The amount of kill points taken from the victim is 10% of the total kill points on the victim. The examples below illustrate the results from a battle, where the name "Winner" was victorious in the battle and "victim" was killed by "winner".

For example, assume the victim had 100 kill points and the winner of the fight had zero kill points. 10% of this goes to the victor, from the victim. Therefore the victim moves to 90 kill points and the winner of the fight now has 10 kill points. A minimum of 1 kill point is awarded each time a faction player dies, if the victim's kill point total is 19 or lower.

For non-whole number totals resulting from percentages, the end results are rounded downward if the result is not a whole number.

Example 1: Winner: 85 kill points, Victim: 18 kill points. Result from death of the victim, Winner gets 1 kill point from the victim, moving the winner to 86 kill points. The victim's kill points reduce to 17.

Example 2: Winner has 50 kill points, victim has 21. Result from the death of the victim, winner gets 10% of the victim's kill points, rounded down to the nearest whole number. 10% of 21, or 2 kill points. The victim then has 19 kill points, and the winner of the fight has 52 kill points.

When a Faction player reaches zero kill points and is then killed again, they move into a range called "deficit", where they do not have kill points at that time. Instead they have deficit points.

Deficit is the total on a faction player that reflects whether they are below zero kill points or not. The most deficit points any faction member can have are 6. When a Faction member is at 6 deficit points, killing them will not increase their deficit and will result in no kill point gain for the winner. Each time a Faction member dies and they are within deficit, the winner that killed them will get 1 kill point for the kill unless the victim is at 6 deficit.

Example 1: A Faction member with 60 kill points kills another faction member with a deficit of 2. The winner of the battle will get 1 kill point, moving them to 61 kill points. The victim increases their deficit moving to a total 3 deficit.

Example 2: A faction member with a deficit of 3 kills a Faction member with 80 kill points. The victim (with 80 kill points) will lose 10% of their kill points to the winner, or 8 kill points. The winner of the battle moves from a deficit of 3 to having 5 kill points. 3 of the 8 kill points they won were used to get them out of deficit. The remaining 5 kill points the winner earns are added to the kill point total (since this player no longer is within deficit). Now they have zero deficit and 5 kill points. The winner can now be killed 5 times before reaching zero kill points again.

Example 3: A Faction member with 10 kill points kills another faction member with a deficit of 6. No points are exchanged in this example, since the victim is already at 6 deficit (which is the deficit cap). The victim will not gain any more deficit points, and the winner will not gain any kill points. Had the victim been at 5 deficit, the winner would have gained 1 kill point and the victim would have then been moved to 6 deficit.

royal kapero2

Hiya. I have a decent concept. We should improve our flagging system. I noticed people who are being flagged often play with a gate macro, recall macro, hide in a house. Let's finally stop that nonsense. If someone doesn't want to PvP he can play as a blue character and stay at guardzone. That's should be the only way to be safe. I know how annoying it is I used to get of the middle of enemy and recall with protection ON. It will be fair when the both sides: attackers and victims will receive the battle mode for finding themselves in a warfare. Please guys comment on this.