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Publish 75 - 5/13/07


Re: Publish 75 - 5/13/07

reds can still be in towns correct? just cant bank or buy? Or is it guard whack?

the illest2

Re: Publish 75 - 5/13/07

these changes are great, everyone complains about reds in town and needing statloss, i think this is something that meets in the middle where everyone can be semi-happy. as for the house rule, fuckin brilliant, i think it should be less than 4 honestly but with all these colorful reasons why everyone has so many accounts i dont think it would work, either way good job coming up with this great patch guys

a noob

Re: Publish 75 - 5/13/07

i have a question, will the house be deleted or the whole account owning the house?


Re: Publish 75 - 5/13/07

Nice I love the changes helps people like me out allot!!! But my question is will there be down time if so how much?


Re: Publish 75 - 5/13/07

A Walrus;1422145 said:
so i will ask again, will reds be able to purchase warhorses or not

Nope. Not my intention, but that's how it goes.


Re: Publish 75 - 5/13/07

Question: I have a rl friend that quit uo for a while due to work.. but plans on coming back... He has moved for an extended period of time and is currently living out of a motor home with no computer... yes i feel bad for this guy no cpu... but anyways, he gave me his accounts so i can refresh his accounts/2houses. Would those count against the 4 per ip... if they were created on a different ip, but have only been used on my ip for the past 3months or so ?

thank you in advance.


Re: Publish 75 - 5/13/07

So.. how long is server gonna be down?

Edit: It's funny to see all the people that are hording houses sweating and making excuses to keep their houses. I predict house prices going down.


Re: Publish 75 - 5/13/07

but i think this is a good idea overall... the red shit dosen't affect me personally, my red's bank is empty and my alts buy everything I need..
this will create more small houses for people to have when they start.

so an easier start equals more new players to the server, more donation money, and a happier and less strapped for cash admin staff.


Re: Publish 75 - 5/13/07

Everything seems for the best only thing I'm not to crazy about is the time it takes for a house to fall, sometimes people may not be able to refresh a house for a couple of weeks due to business out of town for work, vacation (it is almost summer) or in some cases for medical reasons.


Re: Publish 75 - 5/13/07

fuck you LoD you son's of bitches!!!1111

lol but seriously, good thing you have friends who will look out for you.

shit, good thing I have them too.

Total Recall

Re: Publish 75 - 5/13/07

Yea... some people will get fucked on that only 14 days... :/

and what if u made ur accts on a certain ip and now im livin somewhere else.. with a diff ip.. and i know my brother plays on the other ip.. that i was first at.... mhmm ..

and if we have gone on a friends acct.. that shouldnt count as usin a house spot... my irl friends all own a few houses and ive been on all their accts :/ *durp*
Re: Publish 75 - 5/13/07

I understand the reasons behind implementing the limits on houses. My question is, if I own more than 4 houses and for whatever reason someone decides to remove a house because I'm over the limit, how do you decide which house(s) are going to be deleted? Will more focus be towards empty plots or less-used homes vs. homes being used and filled with loot?

Also, regarding the idoc decay, I guess this means we can't go on 2 weeks of vacation without worrying about losing our houses? Sure, some people can get a friend to refresh, but I can see issues with this ( don't trust anybody in game, reluctance to rely on in-game friends who may forget to refresh, etc).

I jsut get the feeling that these two changes will reduce the active population over time because player's houses could get removed indiscriminately or their houses will drop due to the shorter decay period because of not being able to refresh their houses at times. Overall, could lead to people just deciding to quit vs trying to restart.