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Marijuana Vs. Alcohol

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Mark [TDP]

Well, a way for the government to make billions woulkd be to regulate marijuana crop feilds and then tax it. I am sure the government know of this..


the cigarette makers are too powerful, they wont let anything like that pass. they make huge contributions to political offices.

Mark [TDP]

Why would ciggerrete companys loss money or care about the marijuana. I am sure they would make money off of it as well.


well i can say for myself, i would much rather smoke pot then cigarette, and the large manufacturers would have no control over it, small growers will rule that industry. Marijuana does not need the large processing that a cigarette will need to make its product allowing small business to run it all.

Mark [TDP]

Me and everyone I know that smoke would not quit Tabaco is weed was legal. Aswell the government could make it illegal to grow and just have to need a certain licence to grow witch would e limited. Tabaco Companys could grow it and then be taxed by the government...


well for it to be free enterprise it must allow anyone to be able to acquire this license and sell the product. the government would not be able to hand over the growing and sales to a select few companies. its just my 2 cents. i don't disagree with you that it should be legalized or (heaven forbid) alcohol should become illegal :p

Mark [TDP]

Ya, true.... but I know its more then just sales... the licences could just become hard to obtain and perhaps expensive enough that profit is only obtained threw large sales.. Or perhaps a large tax on marijuana breeders... There is always a way to get threw this problem.. Then other problems arise... Adiction/Harmfull then again look at ciggerrets and alcohol...


I just don't think Americans are in the right mindset to do anything like that. 2 of the 3 states this last election voted against the use of medical marijuana, let alone anything for recreational use. but we can hope :)


I think smoking weed is more harmful then ciggerrets and alcohol. I don't do any of it because I wanna keep my body in good shape, and don't care to be drunk/high or whatever.

In response to the medical marijuana, there is a difference between what they use for medical and what everyone smokes to get high. Smoking regular marijuana has no medical use. I don't know anything about a poll that went on with the medical use of it and what states voted against it or whatever, but I don't think they should be for the states or government as a whole to decide. I think the DEA has control over that.


"Everyone thinks that if weed is legalized, then they will have mass anarchy running around. Please read up on your facts. Noone has ever been caught stealing or killing anyone under the influence of weed. Thats why there is a cop organization that is trying to legalize weed so they don't have to keep putting harmless pot users in jail. Weed is less addictive than alchohol AND cigarettes. And you can never overdose on it. The reason people are against weed is they watch TV and see the commercials about bad things happening, but the truth is they never happen." - Meathead

Sir you are retarded.....Please read up on your facts? Dude your saying you cannot overdose on weed! Your retarded man, do a freaking search on goggle or yahoo or whatever. You will find tons of sites that list side effects and dangers of it. Wait let me guess.......this is just what we see on the internet, TV, and commericals. Stuff like this never happens. You've been smoking to much man, get a real life.

P.S. This qoute came out of the Bush poll that was closed and fit in good here so I decided to reply :D

Mark [TDP]

Earth Crisis I would just like to know. Why do you beleive Marijuana is worse then ciggs and alcohol? Marijuana is not addictive, and it is impossible to overdose of marijauna. I also beleive that alcohol impairs your judgement more then marijuana.


I've known quite a few people who have gotten into accidents driving while high.

Cigarettes actually calm the body and make it easier to focus.

Both are horrible, imo, it's just that marijuana is worse for the public safety.

Alcohol is bad when driving, as well, but well, I'm not about to get into that part. I drink, yes, but I know my limits.


the gov. would spend more money trying to stop people from growing their own pot then they are trying to stop the smuggling of it right now. there many be a good about of smugglers but there would be so many more people growing their own stuff.

theres a few states that allow you to carry a small amount on you, as well as some places in canada. but if your willing to move somewhere for the sole reason that you can have some bud on you and smoke whenever, then i think you need to rethink where your life is heading.

Mark [TDP]

heh, your just as likly to get into an accedent high or drunk... its pretty much the same. there are drunk drivers.. they kill many people every year.. marijuana may up the death rate slightly... but it seems people dont realy care about that anyhow.. after all bush is our president.


You can not overdose on THC. Technically you can but it has never happened. Theoretically you would have to smoke like well over your body weight in pot in a small amount of time for it to kill you. Of course, table salt can kill you if you eat enough of it at once as well.

Alcohol will destroy your liver much quicker than weed will your lungs, it is much more addictive, it causes people to act violently, and it impares judgement much worse in most cases. I expect a drunk person to be dumb enough to drive a lot more than someone high. When people are drunk they think they can do anything, its really the opposite with weed, you usually feel less like taking that chance. You can tell when drunks are on the road because the speed, swerve and take chances. Usually I can also tell when someone high is on the road because they are going about 15 mph under the speed limit and slow really early before a light. In Amsterdam they say that the only problem they have really is with alcohol, not the heroin junkies, not the potheads, but the drunks.

Also, medical marijuana is exactly the same as street weed. There are different forms of it but its all THC. Scientists have worked with it a lot to try and dull down the side effects while maintaining the pain killing effect but of course none of this has been properly tested since its illegal. Medical marijuana has many uses other than just pain killing too, its been used in pill form(synthetic THC) to help control autism, parkinsons, arthritis and more. Like you said google it you'll learn a lot. Furthermore it has no long term side effects unless smoken, unlike most Opium based pain killers on the market now like Hydro/Oxycodone, Codeine, Oxycoton, etc. These are rough on the liver, addictive, easily tolerated after a few weeks of taking them, can be overdosed on and are often prescribed for very long periods of time, often to elderly with chronic pain. Ederly men and women would most likely benefit most from medical THC as it could greatly reduce health risks involved in most Rx pain killers, but I'd be extremely interested to see how it could be used to help autistic children. The fact that a natural drug like THC can be outlawed for monetary reasons(no matter what you say) when it has so much potential is really just wrong.

There's another aspect of this however. The drug war. Its expensive and extremely inefective and leaves many good people dead or incarcerated. I don't feel like going into the drug war thing right now but I guarantee it carries much heavier prices than legalization ever would.
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