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Is there a market for Felucca vendors?


I have a fel house/library and i was thinking about adding a few vendors there and gating, but i don't want to waste my time if there is no market for felucca vendors really.

If i do go ahead with it, what are some things what would sell well there?


Forum Member of the Year 2008
If there is a market for stuff there is one question, but I think what's most important is if there is a reason for you to have a vendor in fel?

I mean, aside allowing reds to shop freely at your vendor shop, I don't see what you could offer there that would make it worthwile. I think most people, probably reds included, would rather do their shopping in tram on one of their blues.

So basically all you'd get from that, would be less visit due to the people not willing to go the extra mile to get an item that they probably can get easily in a safer location.

Just my 2¢
I personally don't think that there would be a good market for people to actual shop. I think what it would turn into would be reds staking the place out waiting to gank shoppers.


Well i noticed another person not long ago gating to felucca from the vendor mall, i'm not sure how it turned out for them, that's where i got the idea, but i'll have to think abut it i guess.


Most of those gates are just traps.
Don't sell anything to reds, they don't deserve the trouble...