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Imbus is killing Felluca

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Re: Imbus is killing Felluca

I guess at the end of the day it really doesn't matter. The profit arguement is null because you can donate 25 bucks for 1 million gold. On this server you don't need to dungeon hunt for your gold. I dungeon hunt to have fun, so I go to Imbus myself at times. I am not aiming for profit, im just enjoying the game. If you want to kill other people, join factions. Eventually you'll reach a point in the game where you will see this as well. Until then, enjoy your dungeon hunt. Maybe the way you hunt is the only way you can enjoy yourself, worrying about monetary gains. Then again this is coming from someone with a post-secondary graduate job, so I have real money. I don't know your situation so im sorry if you cannot donate, however, please give this a serious read and consider it. I won't return to the thread for a while so please save your arguement. I won't be here to argue.


Re: Imbus is killing Felluca

Balron of UOG said:
Well said, I totally agree that roleplayers can have imbus, but the issue here is the growing number of non roleplayers in imbus who are using the dungeons there as a free ride because pking there is not allowed. You may as well remove the fellucia dungeons altogether while the imbus ones exist because no one is going to use them as klong as they have safer alternate means for farming gold.

What?? No one at any point has said or made a rule that pking wasn't allowed in Imbus. PKing is allowed, and the evil guilds have been hunting down those tamers since the early days of Imbus.


Re: Imbus is killing Felluca

Imbus is a very bad idea, it isn't convienient to get there, and is just a uog Tram. Making a rp area wouldn't have been that bad of an idea, but what is with a whole facet????


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Staff member
Re: Imbus is killing Felluca

TheRemedy said:
Imbus is a very bad idea, it isn't convienient to get there, and is just a uog Tram. Making a rp area wouldn't have been that bad of an idea, but what is with a whole facet????

It's not an entire facet and you obviously have no iea what you're talking about.

Dr Zoidberg

Re: Imbus is killing Felluca

Bobby Mcprescott said:
PKing is legal in Imbus, griefing is not.

Yes, but please, what is the rules on what constitues griefing and what constitutes PKing? Would it be griefing to dry loot a person if you wanted everything he had?

Bobby Mcprescott said:
Regardless, still too many bluebie farmers in the "roleplaying" area of the map.

Those are the ones i want to punish : )


Re: Imbus is killing Felluca

Ryan said:
It's not an entire facet and you obviously have no iea what you're talking about.

Someone from UO:G talking when they know not of which they speak? That is BLASPHAMY! I've never heard of such a thing! :cool:
Re: Imbus is killing Felluca

Dr Zoidberg said:
Yes, but please, what is the rules on what constitues griefing and what constitutes PKing? Would it be griefing to dry loot a person if you wanted everything he had?

Exactly, I was just trying to clear up the fact that you can indeed PK there if you really want to, I saw some people saying PK is not allowed.

Dr Zoidberg

Re: Imbus is killing Felluca

Would it be considered griefing if a squad jumped in, cleaned out for players, drylooted and took over the spawn?

Van Dam

Re: Imbus is killing Felluca

Dr zoidberg you start the guild I follow im sure we can come up with a badass pk theme


Re: Imbus is killing Felluca

Stevian said:
I guess at the end of the day it really doesn't matter. The profit arguement is null because you can donate 25 bucks for 1 million gold. On this server you don't need to dungeon hunt for your gold. I dungeon hunt to have fun, so I go to Imbus myself at times. I am not aiming for profit, im just enjoying the game. If you want to kill other people, join factions. Eventually you'll reach a point in the game where you will see this as well. Until then, enjoy your dungeon hunt. Maybe the way you hunt is the only way you can enjoy yourself, worrying about monetary gains. Then again this is coming from someone with a post-secondary graduate job, so I have real money. I don't know your situation so im sorry if you cannot donate, however, please give this a serious read and consider it. I won't return to the thread for a while so please save your arguement. I won't be here to argue.

You know... Obviously, you don't understand that some of us don't have the money to donate... Thats kinda why we play a free shard... You don't understand that DUNGEONS AND MONSTERS ARE THE ONLY FORM OF INCOME!!!!

You wanna know my situation with monetary gains? Yea sorry I don't have a very good job right now... I just got out of the military, and haven't even had time to enroll in college... I have bills to pay, and I think that at the age of 20 as yourself, unless you were smart enough to graduate high school at the age of 16... YOU DON'T EVEN HAVE AS MUCH EDUCATION AS I DO! I have an associates, just moved states after I got out of the military, have military background, and am currently look for a good job. So yes, in a month or so I will have PLENTY of money to donate to the shard, but the question is... WILL I donate money to the shard? Yea I can't lie... I probably will, but its for people who DON'T have the money to donate that I am talking about...

Make a fool of yourself again... Try and make fun of me again about my education... I really don't care... I know that I am smarter than you, and I know that my level of ignorance and ability to comprehend things is much beyond that of yours... I have the money, and will continue to have the money... Its just the fact that Im not willing when I can get the money in game for free by hunting... You can go ahead and :foff: now... THANKS MAN for letting me keep making a fool of you soo much...
Re: Imbus is killing Felluca

Ryan said:
Imbus is not Trammel.

I love how someone starts a thread to discuss something and it deteriorates into "Imbus is gay" and "Imbus = trammel". If you cannot articulate what you want to say you should just stay out of threads that require a bit of intellect.

I would much rather see the RP'ers in fel myself. The problem is we have about 500 prepubescent assholes who grief them non stop. There's no need for that. You talk about there being no risk vs. reward in Imbus... and I about fall out of my damn chair in shock.

You "elite pkers" run around griefing all day long with NO RISK. "Oh boy I might lose some regs". Give me a damn break. This entire shard is trammel if thats your idea of trammel. Reds have it easy, RPers have it easy, crafters have it easy... (bull spawns anyone).

Seriously... you guys amaze me. Who gives a damn if the RP'ers have a place to congregate and have a good time? There's no reason to bash them over it. If you want more action quit being pussies and actually join factions and play them rather than being a fucking forum warrior.

Factions are the only time you have a risk on this shard... THAT'S WHY THEY ARE THE LEAST POPULATED FORM OF PVP ON THE SHARD. You all run around "pretending" to be hard asses all the damn time but you're all a bunch of scared asses. Those of you that do faction "E." and the like do nothing but house hide.

Bottom line you all play UO like its playing Barbie dolls with your sisters... get over it and learn to die and come back for more (yes that means you too RP'ers).

I'm one of them "elites". :gay:

Van Dam

Re: Imbus is killing Felluca

youve got your red dress on screaming that second you were such a turn on and the fog forming on my window tells me that the mornings here and youll be gone before too long who taught you those new tricks.. damn i shouldnt start that talk but life is one big question when your staring at the clock and the answers always waiting at the liquor store 40 oz to freedom so ill take that walk


Re: Imbus is killing Felluca

Drayven said:
You know... blah blah understand that some of us don't have the money to donate(make a difference in the world, you can get a job at 10, mow someones lawn.)... Thats kinda why we play a free shard... You don't understand that DUNGEONS AND MONSTERS ARE THE ONLY FORM OF INCOME!!!! :eek:rly: (That might be because...they aren't.)

You wanna know my situation with monetary gains? (No.) blah blah don't very good job right now (good job or not is matter of opinion, ask those geezers greeting you at wal mart)... I just got out of the military (I actually appreciate this, private.), and haven't even had time to enroll in college(slacker, you could be doing that now instead of typing this essay... I have bills to pay *gasp* :eek:rly: and I think that at the age of 20 as yourself, blah blah blah (I'm in medical, not really comparable.) I have an associates, just moved states :eek:rly: (why do I care anyway?) blah blah can't find a good job. So yes, in a month or so blah blah Yea I can't lie, i'll donate... blah blah who DON'T have the money to donate that I am talking about...(don't care)

Make a fool of yourself again... :words: :fap: Try and make fun of me again about my education (leaving this in cause I wasn't making fun of you, and did no prior research into who you were... I really don't care aka you took the time to write a mile long post blah... male ego at its finest blah... Its just blah money blah :foff: ... THANKS MAN ...

-_- I regret coming back to this thread because I said I wasn't going to argue with you, but please keep in mind...I don't care. I am not staff and have no reason or wish to care. At all. Do not get all agitated because I made a post you did not agree with. On my end of the computer if you want to know who this man is who your all angry with is, I am scratching my ass in my boxers watching TV, that glanced over to the computer, clicked a mouse button and saw your post, and smiled. Then in pure apathy edited your post all to hell. Go smoke a blunt or something, either way, calm the hell down.


Re: Imbus is killing Felluca

Drayven said:
You know... blah blah understand that some of us don't have the money to donate(make a difference in the world, you can get a job at 10, mow someones lawn.)... Thats kinda why we play a free shard... You don't understand that DUNGEONS AND MONSTERS ARE THE ONLY FORM OF INCOME!!!! (That might be because...they aren't.)

You wanna know my situation with monetary gains? (No.) blah blah don't very good job right now (good job or not is matter of opinion, ask those geezers greeting you at wal mart)... I just got out of the military (I actually appreciate this, private.), and haven't even had time to enroll in college(slacker, you could be doing that now instead of typing this essay... I have bills to pay *gasp* and I think that at the age of 20 as yourself, blah blah blah (I'm in medical, not really comparable.) I have an associates, just moved states (why do I care anyway?) blah blah can't find a good job. So yes, in a month or so blah blah Yea I can't lie, i'll donate... blah blah who DON'T have the money to donate that I am talking about...(don't care)

Make a fool of yourself again... Try and make fun of me again about my education (leaving this in cause I wasn't making fun of you, and did no prior research into who you were... I really don't care aka you took the time to write a mile long post blah... male ego at its finest blah... Its just blah money blah ... THANKS MAN ...

LMFAO!!!!! I liked that, was pretty funny to read actually... Thanks for the appreciation, I'm not really angry or even close... Im just stating that there are people that refuse/can't donate to the shard... And yea I guess thats not really the only form of income... I am setting at the mage shop right now making scrolls and selling them for a profit which is relatively safe... Does that make me a trammy/care bear? Not really... Just smart enough to realize that I can make money in town without spamming a Buy/Sell macro... Sooo... Yea... Oh yea though... Just wanna clear one thing up... I really don't have the time to enroll in college, I have a lot of bills to catch up cause I spent 2 months (LIKE A FUCKING FOOL) on my ass once I got out of the military... So I am having to work a LOT to catch those bills up... Oh and one other thing, before I laugh this one off again... Its not private DAMNIT!!! Thats PRIVATE FIRST CLASS!!!! LMFAO!!!! Anyways, yea... Just wanted to make sure that you didn't think I was angry and yelling at you...

Do I call you a fool? Yea, cause you can't realize the obvious that some people out there are farming those dungeons for money... Infact, I think I may start farming here soon for some extra crap cash... Just probably not in Imbus... Anyways, catch ya later...


Re: Imbus is killing Felluca

I'm one of those people out there farming for money, im not saying it doesn't happen, im saying there are other ways to do it. I practically live in Wind, when im Imbus I only mess with Artic ogre lords, besides that, it is not really my fancy. I do have to say from the way your post came off, it appeared you were angry, I am glad to here that wasn't the case. Theres never a need to insult people on the net, I am sorry you assumed I insulted you. Hazed, maybe. Insult? Far from it, and no setting up a mage shop is not trammy in the slightest I guarantee you.

On the other hand, I am going to tell you, do not be a prisoner to your money. I am already saving for retirement at the age of 20, but I already have certifications and am going to make far more money than GED graduates will see in their lifetime. Does that make GED grads dumb? No, they just have no ambition. Go to college, worry about the bills afterwards. Do you realize sir if you work til your 80 and work constantly you will earn over 4 million dollars while having plenty of time during your career to relax? And thats only if you don't want to retire. I think the only thing that offended me in your entire post is that you don't want to get a post secondary education. We are both 20 and I already graduated post-secondary, but that only matters between me and my employer. I highly recommend finding something you like and enrolling in school. The bills will pay themselves off, I guarantee you. On a further note because I get a feeling its part of your equation, do not let women run your life either. Dates can wait, instead masturbate. My father served 14 years in the military, and my grandfather before him even longer in the army. (Maybe thats why I don't find your 2 months impressive, no offense) and did not get married until 25 and 32, respectively, and never had a divorce. Wait on it, and don't marry a skank who already has kids before you meet them. You have to realize that there is always a reason they had a divorce before they met you.

Look, im rambling. My bottom line is get back in school and don't let women get in your way. There is always some girl willing to bend over on the first date. Let's not ever have a little flame war like that again, I really don't appreciate it. Truce friend, and pleasant gaming.

Apoc Arad

Re: Imbus is killing Felluca

Kill them all.

Non-rpers that come to ''initiate'' themselves to rp are welcomes.
Non-rpers comin to farm are not.

I'm actually killin them as often as I meet one. Come rping or die. Ye, i'm drunk.
Re: Imbus is killing Felluca

Sorrynametaken said:
What?? No one at any point has said or made a rule that pking wasn't allowed in Imbus. PKing is allowed, and the evil guilds have been hunting down those tamers since the early days of Imbus.
Well I feel stupid. Forget my whole argument.

Apoc Arad

Re: Imbus is killing Felluca

Stevian: Well, that's nice

But, 1) you need a fuckin school willin to have you, not easy without fuckin nice low schools results
2) 5 billions dollars have no fuckin meanin when ya've drink one liter at 40°
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