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I'm the best

White Lotus

Screen shots?

[e snore

Let's see some videos.

Or would it just be boring to watch you guys sit in town for 20 minutes at a time until you have enough blues to zerg a small group of reds?

Bring back faction fighting! Those fight's were boring to watch :/
You guys ran out on us. Can't help it you were all throwing rocks at men with machine guns.
It was good fights tho. I now have plenty of wands to fight you guys next year when I get on again.

I took no part in the fight I am simply commenting on the pictures you posted. I was one of the blues running around watching the fights actually. But like I said if you ever want to do some even numbered fights I can probably round up 2-3 guy's. Or I am always down to do some one vs ones.

Pat McGroin

It's so funny listening to you talk shit because you can zerg with 8+ people 2 of which are using hybrid mares and still get rekt. Thanks for all the wands bro I almost had to buy GH wands until you came out on the field.


Pat McGroin

I want to be the first to say, welcome back to the forums Mickey! Last I heard you were no longer posting here.

5 screenes versus the 15 I posted should speak volumes. Especially considering I logged early after getting bored with beating your crew.

If you view my screen shots, you can clearly see I began the nights festivities with ZERO wands and quickly accumulated many after you showed up. Even one screen shot shows your corpse with roughly 7-8 wands in it.

The last two fights mostly consisted of you guys barricaded in a brit gy house with numbers.

Regardless it was a good night. Kbr crew retains the championship belt. Perhaps I will return in the future.

13/15 screen shots were not fights I even took part in LOL.

But again, anytime you want to do some even numbered fights I will have someone record but we both know that won't ever happen. Probably don't wanna get rekt again like when you get smashed 6-0 in the pits.

Pat McGroin

Nice work. It's alchy anybody can get a lucky stun. I think a few days ago I went 25-1 against nibbles. (even he was able to get a lucky random stun.) But getting wrecked 6-0 speaks volumes.

Get good bro

Pat McGroin

so the guy who wants gheal wands removed so badly and hates on vizeroth because he uses them, admits to using so many that he constantly has to restock them?

once again; you're retarded mickey

I never said I had a problem with gh wands but I do think they should take mana to use them. Only thing I said was it takes no skill to run away and off screen with bandages and gh wands. Only time I use gh wands is when I have multiple people expo pot lightning wanding me down in a gank or of course if I am stunned with nothing loaded but that comes back to having skill and being able to heal syncs. But you wouldn't know what thats like because you're the only person other then general lee and base jumper who have dedicated thousands of hours to this game and still can't heal simple ebolt or lightning syncs.

Pat McGroin

All I know is old school kbr ( that hadn't played together in ages) beat ice , mickeys crew and the random Blues all at the same time last night.

The end.

Actually your 9 man zerg got wrecked by 4 reds who have never played together. Care to do some set up fights for gold? I will have someone record :)

Oh wait of course not. You have been dodging that request for years now lol