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Gluttony's PVP Power Rankings -- Week 1

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Im gonna use this thread to discuss who is hot and who is not in the world of UOGamers PVP... without further ado, here is week 1:

#1. Immortal -- their synchs are the best, theyre old school players(sharp, esk, prodigy, Jacques of SDS) and even though LHALF(link has a long face) theyre still awesome at duels and that means alot.

#2. EQ/MS -- we dominated here for 3 years, went to darkfall and dominated there, have several high ELO players in LoL and decided nothing compares to killing baddies who think theyre pro. We're bit rusty not having played for 2 years but since we've been back we've dirted your crew multiple times and have made sure to trap your pets for that extra burn. With free agent additions of Mico, Jesse Jane, Lord T, Dylan, and Sanchen -- we will be #1 soon.

#3. SCRUBBY RUSSIANS -- well, you guys use EUO, play clones, and still die all the time but at least you guys are red and honest that youre scrubby.

#4. S1CK -- ill give you guys credit, you roll deep(never seen you with less than 8) but youre ALL reaalllly bad. Sometimes i like to sit there and trade exp/eb dumps with you because you guys are even worse than us at at it. If you werent pussies, you guys would faction seeing as how you never roll less than 8 deep.

#5. DMG -- blue factioners who joined SL to try to hide on EQMS nuts. D.S. Sixty Niner is a rager who raged that we housed his swampy when we killed for the 3rd time in one night. Nothing special here guys... sorry :(

#6. HS -- you guys are trash and the new G&G... except you carry wands... why?


LOL, I hope this is a joke. How are you, or anybody from your newbie guild going to talk shit about the way people pvp. You guys are by far the worst thing to come to this shard, your going to talk shit about peoples syncs, when all you guys ever do is cast MS and EQ and STILL fail at that. So instead of wasting my time writing a paragraph making fun of you, how about this. You get your best 4 players, and we can do a 4v4, 3v3, 2v2, or 1v1 and ill put up 5 mil if you guys can beat us in any type of situation lol.


We have blue faction alts, because its a nice change sometimes then from always pking. And who the fuck is stupid enough to have a red faction character anymore when all of faction fighting is done in town now moron? Again, if your going to dodge my request shut your mouth, we all know how much of a pussy you and your "crew" are. Too any real pvpers, you guys are the biggest joke on the server, I can't believe you would ever open your mouth about pvp LOL.

Kenny Powers

^^ just another no namer crying bc his little 3man squad got dirted and looted by killers in purple.
Just another no namer? How come people throw that shit out there on this server so much. Bro get a life its a 15 year old game and you guys care so much it's sad. Who gives a fuck if people know who you are on this old ass game really?

Kenny Powers

No it's because they are TB, they capture sigils, and kinda if you hadn't noticed red factioners are pointless??? You can't go into your town and guard your sigil. Nice logic and GG for being the biggest retard on all of the server. You do realize you're worse then HS and let alone putting HS in the top 5 just shows how scurbby you are. They can't even kill me 1v7
Or needs to go in town to buy somthing.


#3. SCRUBBY RUSSIANS -- well, you guys use EUO, play clones, and still die all the time but at least you guys are red and honest that youre scrubby.

We dont use EUO. I'll give you 2000$ if u find EUO programm (or scripts) on my pc. also, we fight vs any number of reds\blues, coz we dont afraid to lose our loot or something, just playing for fun, that's why we die so often .We would be immortal if we used it. (Sorry for my bad english)
your rank is a little off. if you put even numbers from each guild yours would easily be 4th behind immortal/DMG/Scrubby russians.

regardless i like how you bash them for playing blue factioners then cry when the blues start fighting with the blue factioners against you. you would think maybe its time to play a blue yourself learn the real pvp mechanics.

i cant hate your guild ive noticed a group of about 4-5 start to learn the proper way to pvp. but even numbers they get dirted hard because they cant decide whether to heal or dump fast enough. my guess is they are making the effort to be good pvpers because your already getting bored and cant keep the 20-30 on that you need to win.
We dont use EUO. I'll give you 2000$ if u find EUO programm (or scripts) on my pc. also, we fight vs any number of reds\blues, coz we dont afraid to lose our loot or something, just playing for fun, that's why we die so often .We would be immortal if we used it. (Sorry for my bad english)

no one cares what you call the program you cheat with. its evident when you instant cure after running by scorpions or instant pop pouches as soon as your paraed. i could go ahead and say your syncs are too because the 3 of you cast the exact same spells everytime. ill give you the benefit of the doubt there and say that could be practice and only one of you is good at poisons but its still hilarious to watch yall die with the assistance of whatever you want to call it.


no one cares what you call the program you cheat with. its evident when you instant cure after running by scorpions or instant pop pouches as soon as your paraed. i could go ahead and say your syncs are too because the 3 of you cast the exact same spells everytime. ill give you the benefit of the doubt there and say that could be practice and only one of you is good at poisons but its still hilarious to watch yall die with the assistance of whatever you want to call it.
we dont cheat. instant cure? just tapping cure button while sync. same spells? ofc, we on skype and do it by call.


Glutt you're a fat whore, your guild is bad. You lose consistently when having more then double the numbers of any group, and also I havn't seen immortal field in weeks, looks like some of em are playing on com trying to be sneaky but if they did it would make me want to actually log in to show you kids who the real long dong is around here, your power rankings are just pulled out of your ass much like anything you say to try to whore the attention of anyone.


Still waiting for someone Ive heard of(besides Black Sheep) to post in this thread... lots of no namers putting in their worthless opinions :/
To be fair glutt, i have played on and off since 04 and it wasn't until your resurrection that i even knew who you were / are. Not everyone used the forums the entire time they have been on this server. I didn't bother joining the forums until 2010 - so i am a relative no-namer still. Plus you guys have not been back long enough for people who did not play while you did to know who you were / are. All the cats i played with from 04 to 05 wouldn't know who you or anyone on that list you put up are. Still glad to see people bringing crews out and hope to see ya on the field more often.

Caught a 1v1 with a member in occlo the other day and i was on an ethie so i dismounted to prove i wasnt going to run away and he hopped off his beetle and tried to use it to kill me on his hally mage. Guess he thought disrupts where what he needed, he even mounted an ethie so he could keep pace. Long story short i killed his beetle healed all his syncs with only bandages and regs and we fought for 15 minutes till some other guy showed up and we turned and merked him instead for interupting. The part that i was impressed about was having 20+ guildies not a single guild mate was called in.
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