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Bring Old Players Back


Someone to take the lead and organize a date or series of dates that will attract and bring back old players. Once people see the interest i'm sure players will return.... even if it's temporary. Post here if interested in returning, someone TAKE CONTROL organize, i'm looking at you staff. Sundays usually seem to be best for availability. Organize some sort of events and post them here, group faction fights, PK fights vs Blues, 2v2s, 3v3, 5v5 arena tournys. ETC. (offer stock houses as rewards.. an incentive for people to play, nobody enjoys farming)


I don't post much here, so this clearly raises a red flag saying somethings wrong, and needs to be done about it. Don't let this thread die, or my interest in the server will.


Lets start by seeing names character names posted, along with INTERESTED IN:___________ and the best day according to your availability.


Someone to take the lead and organize a date or series of dates that will attract and bring back old players. Once people see the interest i'm sure players will return.... even if it's temporary. Post here if interested in returning, someone TAKE CONTROL organize, i'm looking at you staff. Sundays usually seem to be best for availability. Organize some sort of events and post them here, group faction fights, PK fights vs Blues, 2v2s, 3v3, 5v5 arena tournys. ETC. (offer stock houses as rewards.. an incentive for people to play, nobody enjoys farming)
I've been streaming and it helps get people to come back and it also causes alot of pvp! So i'm definitely interested. With streaming it gets people from all around to join in. I actually helped a new player get a house and gave him some starter regs to start working on his characters and he came from my stream! Is this the real prodikeys that used to live with me next to britain moongate?


Start posting when you're streaming
I'll start posting on the general discussion section and putting in a help ticket to help spread it on the server itself to show pvp and other stuff. I feel if we show we have some action more people will come. I also will upgraded my internet with my new job so that I can upload and have a better quality stream. I will also post pvp videos to youtube to spread that way.


I'll start posting on the general discussion section and putting in a help ticket to help spread it on the server itself to show pvp and other stuff. I feel if we show we have some action more people will come. I also will upgraded my internet with my new job so that I can upload and have a better quality stream. I will also post pvp videos to youtube to spread that way.
I think staff should encourage this with some events, not in trammel. Perhaps a nice GY bash for old times sake?
I'll start posting on the general discussion section and putting in a help ticket to help spread it on the server itself to show pvp and other stuff. I feel if we show we have some action more people will come. I also will upgraded my internet with my new job so that I can upload and have a better quality stream. I will also post pvp videos to youtube to spread that way.


but yea, that does make it hard to see when night sight fades off.


Well... I will put my honest opinion in here this time.

To me, it seems to the game got old, theres nothing new to reach or to find fun at. Yes, you can still find PvP and still get fun SOMETIMES, but not as it used to be when I would be entertained the WHOLE time.

Is this the Staff fault? Certainly not.

Many of us growed up (atleast in age), and start giving more attention to other things other than gaming. I still play here and there, but it seems like its not the same to me.

New events could be fun? Maybe.

New dungeons could be fun? Maybe.

Valorite blessed weapons is the mainly fault to people do not play? No.

PvP has changed its style during the years, I remember when explosion potions wouldn't be so much abused as it is right now, I also can remember when bolas wouldn't be so easy and so flooded everywhere along with 7x mares everywhere. The mainly point is... People get adepted to new ages, like they always did.

I also will put as that, IF you take wands away, as i saw some threads where people were claiming it, 1. you would need to replace something for the tamers, which is the "most" incentive to people still farm in these days, 2. people would start bitching a second after when they get explo pots all over their asses. We would see many new healing mage templates, and people getting adepted to the new change.

Now, SOMETHING that I would love to try, quite honestly, and thats just MY opinion, would be revelation server with Hybrid ruleset and maybe some certain changes to make its unique. OH, YOU ARE SAYING THAT BECAUSE YOU DONT HAVE SHIT IN HYBRID? Man... i still have 100m worth restock, tons of shit and private castle, I've had all the kind of items I ever wanted to have, but its just not fun... I get more fun trolling people in forums/skype than currently playing the game as whats its at.

Again, this is not a Staff fault, maybe its my fault... who knows. I love seeing players trying to help to get the shard going, but hey, theres no changes that make players play... the same players who ask for changes, when those happens, will come back for 2 weeks and go away waiting on other changes, they simple wont stick to the server while its good, or bad... maybe because they think just as me and stick to other games, or are not loyalty enough and go to other servers (such as some pvper's crew who have switched servers and keep coming on this forums to cry about shit).

Well, I know this will get trolled, maybe some of this doesn't make sense due to my english? maybe I am just a crazy brown guy... but thats my 2 cents.

Have fun,


Maybe even staff members should take turns on blue characters streaming.

The fact that I can type ultima online on twitch and uof shows up as the only stream on multiple account.... That's obnoxious.


Bring players back?
ask ryan to revert shard back to before he came back from his last MIA, then ask him to step down and hand the shard off to someone who knows what they are doing.

Then maybe the HUGE influx of players that left right around the time he came back (hmm coincidence?) might consider coming back.