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Zagars 3rd MMA Fight 0-3


Well, guys im very dissapointed in myself. But, I know i could of won. But, you can agree or not. But, I faked the knockout due to an anxiety attack. and I wasn';t gunna call a times out. So, he bearly hit me the whole round but, I decided to let him get me a handfull of times and let him feel good about himself. But, i'll be taking a break till my anxiety is worked out. But, as u can see I did very well. he has bigger man tits so don't get us mixed up lmao.


Amazing Larry

That sort of shit happens man, I speak from experience. There are times when you're running out of steam, you've nailed a guy with some good shots and he's still coming, and then that little monster pops in your head and you freak out.

Have to get your mental game squared away before you can handle the rest. Good luck man.


you said "but" like 500 times. Of course that guy knocked you the fuck out, he beat you senseless!


There's a psychological aspect to pro fighting, watch Mike Tyson's documentary if you don't believe me. Fights can be won even before a punch is thrown. Atleast Zag is learning an important lesson in humility.


There's a psychological aspect to pro fighting, watch Mike Tyson's documentary if you don't believe me. Fights can be won even before a punch is thrown. Atleast Zag is learning an important lesson in humility.

lol indeed. But, was worth every minute.


why would u quit? u know how common anxiety in a fight is?? unless u get drunk or ur really pissed off its gonna be there...

take a xanex dont quit dude
You're gonna hate me but I think you should work on your diet and skills for another 2 years before you try a fight. IT just looks like some really bad bad boxing and when you get hurt some really bad bad wrestling take down attempt.