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Your wedding suggestions are appreciated


Re: Your wedding suggestions are appreciated

in my opinion nien, when you re-do the packages, eliminate the super rare items people get from them. Rings yeah i can see, but stuff like "Godiva Chocolates" etc aren't really needed


Re: Your wedding suggestions are appreciated

TheTalentedMrZing;1454449 said:
Have u ever met a woman?

Godiva Chocolates ARE required.


Do you see how much he's online? Of course he's never met a woman.

Oh, and:

Free Wedding:

Held at chapel.
Ceremony performed by a staff played Minister.
Staff catered reception in the Reception Hall. (No rare or unique foods will be served!)
Staff monitor event to ensure no disruptions.
Must be scheduled at least one week in advance.
(2) blessed rings. Saying "wedding rings". It's a free wedding.

1 Million Gold - Bronze Package:

Held at chapel.
Ceremony performed by a staff played Minister.
Staff catered reception in the Reception Hall. (No rare or unique foods will be served!)
Staff monitor event to ensure no disruptions.
Must be scheduled at least one week in advance.

Also includes:
(10) blessed personalized wedding invitations w/ Couple's name, date, and time of the ceremony.
(2) blessed Wedding Rings (for bride and groom). *
(1) Wedding Cake
(2) Rings? I believe rings are necessary. They can be more or less rare, but blessed nonetheless. With a 5-word engraving, possibly.

3 Million Gold - Silver Package
Held at chapel.
Ceremony performed by a staff played Minister.
Staff catered reception in the Reception Hall. (No rare or unique foods will be served!)
Staff monitor event to ensure no disruptions.
Must be scheduled at least one week in advance.

Also includes:
(18) blessed personalized wedding invitations w/ Couple's name, date and time of the ceremony.
(2) blessed Wedding Rings (for bride and groom) with a personalized engraving.
(1) blessed Wedding Cake
(1) blessed Unity Candle
(1) blessed (BoD hue) ice white dress for the bride.
(1) blessed (BoD hue) ice white fancy shirt for the groom
(2) blessed rings. 10-word engraving.

5 Million Gold- Gold Package

Held at chapel.
Ceremony performed by a staff played Minister.
Staff catered reception in the Reception Hall. (No rare or unique foods will be served!)
Staff monitor event to ensure no disruptions.
Must be scheduled at least one week in advance.

Also includes:

(25) blessed personalized wedding invitations w/ Couple's name, date and time of the ceremony. In the gold package, couples may choose a color theme for their wedding just like in real life, which will dictate the color of the invitations, flower petals, and flowers in the chapel.
(2) blessed Wedding Rings (for bride and groom) with a personalized engraving and an unlimited amt. of words.
(1) blessed Wedding Cake
(1) blessed Unity Candle
(1) blessed (BoD hue) ice white dress for the bride
(1) blessed (BoD hue) ice white fancy shirt for the groom
(1) blessed (BoD hue) ice white sandals to match the bride's dress.
(1) blessed black sandals for the groom.
(1) blessed black pants to match groom's attire
(2) Wedding Champagne Toasting Glasses and
(1) Bottle of Fine Champagne
(1) Wedding Present gift box filled with Godiva Chocolates*
(1) blessed Wedding Guest book.
(2) Days of Town Criers announcing the union after the ceremony is complete

I totally removed the special bonus. About a year and a half ago I got one of these 8-million gold weddings and aside from the main package (rings, food, etc.), we stayed at the "honeymoon" a total of fifteen minutes. After all, there is only so much grinning you can do with a character that looks like he was hit by a bus... several times. All-in-all, free or Gold package, everyone should get rings. "Wedding rings" should not cost any money, and if a crap load of people get married, so much the better. This will STILL be a gold sink because people will not want "simple" things and there's always the 'gotta 1-up him' factor.


Re: Your wedding suggestions are appreciated

Just to clear things up for everyone here. I had the first Gay marriage in UO ever. On OSI shards.This was on the Europa server. It was not frowned upon what so ever, infact they encouraged it and I think they might have even posted it on their website. This was back years ago. I married my ex boyfriend at the time in game. I am gay. I think its a little rediculous to set such rules like this. Its simple, if there are people who are serious about getting married to someone of the same gender then the ceremony should be serious. If you believe they are trying to make a joke out of it, then you end it and take their gold its that simple.

When I got married to my exboyfriend in UO, we got bracelets saying each others names on them saying "Forever so and so".

As far as making the remarks about people weren't allowed to get same sex married back in the day. I think thats quite a bold statement, this is a game in current times based very loosely on what the medival days were like. Obviously you didn't see people running around on ostards, with dragons, call each other racial slurs and calling each other newbs. I think its a little unethical to do this in this day and age, whether you are a private server or not, I don't think its right. Now if you have personal issues with this and that comment was just to shut everyone up, please message and we can talk about it.

I know this may seem like a joke to some of you, but I take it pretty seriously and find it a bit upsetting whether its a game or not. Real people are playing this game and it represents the day and age we live in today.

Please reconsider this. Thank you.


Re: Your wedding suggestions are appreciated

jeremylk7;1454582 said:
Just to clear things up for everyone here. I had the first Gay marriage in UO ever. On OSI shards.This was on the Europa server. It was not frowned upon what so ever, infact they encouraged it and I think they might have even posted it on their website. This was back years ago. I married my ex boyfriend at the time in game. I am gay. I think its a little rediculous to set such rules like this. Its simple, if there are people who are serious about getting married to someone of the same gender then the ceremony should be serious. If you believe they are trying to make a joke out of it, then you end it and take their gold its that simple.

When I got married to my exboyfriend in UO, we got bracelets saying each others names on them saying "Forever so and so".

As far as making the remarks about people weren't allowed to get same sex married back in the day. I think thats quite a bold statement, this is a game in current times based very loosely on what the medival days were like. Obviously you didn't see people running around on ostards, with dragons, call each other racial slurs and calling each other newbs. I think its a little unethical to do this in this day and age, whether you are a private server or not, I don't think its right. Now if you have personal issues with this and that comment was just to shut everyone up, please message me personally and we can talk about it.

Please reconsider this. Thank you.
While it may be true some of what you said, it will not happen here and there is no room for discussion on this. Ryan's shard and that is his rule. Uo game in it's originality is not set into this day and age it's set back much farther then that. It's considered to be a Roleplay event. If you would like to be married again to your boyfriend then feel free to go back to OSI. I am sure their new graphics will lead to such lovely places where you can fall in love all over.

Ajax I agree with that as well no need for godiva chocolates and some of the other rares that can only be had with being married.
Re: Your wedding suggestions are appreciated

I'll agree with the lowering of the prices, but in turn take out some of the undeeded "rares" that come with the wedding to keep those that will marry purely out of material want. I think with lowered prices more people will be able to partake in these kinds of events. I want to go to one. :>


Re: Your wedding suggestions are appreciated

May I suggest

That all weddings are done free with the following included:

  • Held in one of the Town theaters such as the one in Upper Britain or Jhelom. Other public places such as the Lycaeum could also be used. Minimal decoration; any decorating done by staff is deleted after the event.
  • The couple gets the choice of a wedding theme color. Flowers, the wedding cake, etc would be done in the color of choice.
  • Ceremony performed by a staff played Minister.
  • Staff catered reception (no rares or renames) in the Reception Hall.
  • Staff monitor event to ensure no disruptions. Necessary as these weddings will be open to the public. Anyone attending and disrupting out of roleplay will be jailed and have their stats/skills set back to newbie :ssj: .
  • Must be scheduled at least one week in advance.
  • One renamed, recolored wedding cake.
  • One unblessed BoD Ice White Wedding gown (fancy dress) for the bride.
  • One unblessed BoD Ice White Fancy Shirt and Black Long Pants for the groom.
  • One set of similar attire for matron of honor and best man. Not in ice white, but in the wedding theme color chosen (or closest color to it that wouldn't be rare)
  • 24hour co-ownership to honeymoon isle
  • town criers
    1. -One day announcement of upcoming wedding (day before).
    2. -One day announcement after wedding has occurred.
  • A posting in the Shard Gazette**

As extras, have all the goodies that have been previously offered and more but price it accordingly (prices following are for example only).
  • Blessed Wedding Jewelry - 1 million per piece
  • Engraved Blessed Wedding Jewelry - 5 million per piece
  • Engraved Recolored Blessed Wedding Jewelry - 10 million per piece
  • A private, invitation-only wedding held in the chapel.
    Includes 20 engraved invitations and the private chapel service - 3 million
  • A private, invitation-only wedding held in the chapel.
    Includes 20 engraved recolored invitations and the private chapel service - 5 million
  • Additional invitations - 3 million per 15 extra
  • Additional recolored invitations - 5 million per 15 extra

Other items that could be used are recolored flowers from wedding theme color, Godiva chocolates, champagne, renamed wine glasses,
For the very rich you could add the option of wedding mementos for guests - a renamed wine glass for each, etc.

** Can we add a forum section for tournament results and announcements? After an event have the staff take two minutes to post the tournament happened and the outcome. A chronicle of Hybrid activity. Other events such as Wedding announcements, impromptu events like Balrons invading Britain, Poker tournament results, etc could also be posted. Players would be able to reply with their comments, congratulations, suggestions, etc.


Re: Your wedding suggestions are appreciated

jeremylk7;1454630 said:
No actually there is room for discussion. I don't understand your hostility. The truth is, it doesn't matter what day or peroid this game was set in. If it was set back in when blacks were slaves, should we automatically make every person with a dark skin hue color to automatically be mules? No. Because its not ethical no matter who runs this shard or what you are doing it is publicly accessed. You are taking money to host a server for a game that was established already. This means EA has copyrights to UO, you do not. Infact any day EA wanted they could shut this server down and slap ryan with such a big law suit, he wouldn't be taking any vacations for a very long time.

It would be something for any person to make a claim to EA regarding the false representation of their company's software. Calling into question their values as a company.
LOL. I am not hostile at all towards gay weddings. I actually dont' care one way or another. That was a rule on weddings that Ryan made. You are making a really huge deal out of this. This is for wedding suggestions. You made your suggestion and it cannot be granted so if you want to discuss this further then feel free to email me or send me a pm on the forums.

*flame on*

Damn, sick burn. Zing POW! you get a gold star skuraged for your uncanny insulting skills. Go you. Have your mom make you and extra batch of cookies tonight and give you a hug before she tucks you in.

I see the children (age or mindset) are out in force all the time around here.

jeremylk7, just do your thing and let it go, mang. These punks are as openminded and tolerant as a cinder block.

And just for the record, im for the Godiva Chocolates still

i am not sure if this was directed towards me or not. I am not insulting anyone and I am old enough to not need to be cared for by my mom. If you were not talking to me then just forget what I said.

To do something as stupid as a fantasy game wedding... and then make stipulations such as no gay weddings because it doesnt jive with realism for that time period?? I'm so curious as to what real time period included ANYTHING from the UO universe? Your reasons are entirely falacious anyways. The fact is that gay union has been around forever and has been ceremonial (especially around the time period that you seem to suggest UO existed in!)

My personal vote is to remove weddings entirely, but if you are going to have them then just fucking have them and dont make all these ignorant rules and addendums about it.
Well lets see we've had great harts and deer that are still here today much of the animal spawn is in the real world. While the uo world is all fiction you can actually put many parts of the world to a real time fiction. The discussion of gay marriage is over and if you feel the further need to discuss it with me then feel free to email or pm me. Any further debate on the gay marriages in uo will be deleted. It's not my policy but it's Ryan and I am just a little fish in the big pool of Hybrid staff. I support and enforce all of his policies.


Re: Your wedding suggestions are appreciated

If you don't have a suggestion then you shouldn't post. some players do enjoy events such as these and this thread was created to improve the current system so people who do enjoy them can have a better experience


Razor Creator
Re: Your wedding suggestions are appreciated

The reason prices were high is because of all of the rares involved, it was meant to be a gold sink, and it served its purpose well.

So if the price is going to be lowered, we should expect to see less rares of course.

While free and/or cheap weddings sound nice... I think these will eventually cause Nienor to burn out completely. Consider the amount of energy that goes into running an expensive private wedding with the current prices. I don't see *any* way that a free, public wedding would ever be possible. It would take several staff members to run it, and even then there would be problems. It would just turn out badly.

So, remember, the less weddings there are the higher overall quality each one will be (because Nienor will feel like it is worth the time+effort to execute a good wedding). There's a balance here.


Oh and gay UO weddings: Ridiculous. It would take anyone who takes IRL gay weddings seriously about 3 seconds to realize that if we allowed gay weddings then every guild would have mass weddings for themselves all the time. And what about that dude who posted he wanted to marry his horse in this very thread? You seriously think if we allowed it that he wouldn't do it? Of course he would. The rules are designed to keep weddings from being a *complete* joke, and they do a good job at that.


Re: Your wedding suggestions are appreciated

I agree it would be ridiculous with the current system. Removing the rares would give people very little reason to have silly weddings. Make it more expensive to have a wedding than the payoff of being wed (just like real life marriage).

Make it an experience for the players rather than a item handout. ... ? give them a unique place to explore for example

interesting facts, i recently played through ultima 7 and it was full of bad homopwrno:

the mayor in this game was gay. the avatar helps the mayor to express his feelings towards lover shortly after entering the black gate to the world of sosaria.

also, you can recieve choose to sleep with a male or female at the bucs den bathhouse regardless of the gender you choose for your avatar.


Re: Your wedding suggestions are appreciated

Zippy;1455246 said:
While free and/or cheap weddings sound nice... I think these will eventually cause Nienor to burn out completely. Consider the amount of energy that goes into running an expensive private wedding with the current prices. I don't see *any* way that a free, public wedding would ever be possible. It would take several staff members to run it, and even then there would be problems. It would just turn out badly.

uhm.. I suppose there could be a drive in wedding chappel performed by a NPC, something that works like this:
go the npc, interact with him by getting a dialoge box, get a target cursor, target the person you want to marry, X amount of gold is drawn from your box and you get a newbieifed book saying you are married to the person you targetted.

Las Vegas style.

Bad Idea, I know. I don't want it implemented either. Just a response to Zippy, but mostly to those who wants their gay/animal marriges.