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Yew's Disgrace : Chapter 2


Yew's Disgrace : Chapter 2

For all that he had seen today death would have been all too welcome. Early morning before the sun had risen our scouts spotted liches. The scouts never did make it back to tell us. Just the same they spoke their presence not in words but in a way apparent to all creatures and beings. Their cries of pain echoed through out the forest of Yew. These screams left our camp in panic. Awaking hastily we all made mistakes that we were told to prepare for.
Fires remained burning instead of being put out this only hastened the liches gathering. We made the mistake of taking in new comers to Yew, people unfamiliar with the screams of the liches. They ran frantically throughout the woods and soon after we heard their cries of pain as well. It was uncommon for me just the same old. However I know I had to get myself out of there as quickly as I could.
I snared my quiver of arrows all finely tipped with silver. To my side I knew I had my sword present deeply engraved with my people’s phrase “Deserve Victory,” it was wired into the handle with fine gold which left its indent in your hand as you held it. It provided a certain satisfaction knowing I had such a fine blade ready to my bidding but what also made it more valuable to me especially in these dreaded woods was the silver lacing. Without my simple tools I would fall to any lich whether it be their swarms or the simple drifter. I am not any great swordsmen and I am not claiming to be but if I ever have to fight against a lich… I will go down swinging with as much adrenaline and anger I can call forth.
Looking around I finally realized the situation completely. This wasn’t the regular swarm of liches or a regular passing this was an attack. It was an attack against the Brigands to finally eliminate us from the woods of Yew. I could understand the onslaught of screams coming from all sides. Those unaware were easily slaughtered by the magic of the lich. We were unprepared the scouts might have been looking for the occasional drifter but to stumble upon a mass like this no wonder they left the scouts speechless. The longer I looked the more I saw fall to the magic of the lich. So many lives lost many of which had no idea that it was the last moments of their known lives. I didn’t know what else to do.
I only had one choice. I armed my blade and ran as quickly as I could… I can’t remember what direction I headed in but fortunate for me I ran into a weaker section of their raid. As I saw the liches it became like an instinct I took my bow held it ready to fire I pulled an arrow knocked it back and I sent the arrow soaring towards one of the many liches. It wasn’t long until I heard the unbearable gargle of an already dead soul die again but not only die cease to be. My illusion of the shadows was removed in those seconds after the first arrow is shot tactics pretty much leaves the area. All that exists next is the swiftest and strongest attack and who goes down first. Knowing I had little time I put my bow around my back drawing my sword I picked up pace.
I could feel the heat of the liches burning my skin. The pain was unbearable with each passing second his skin felt severed from the bone. It only increased my attempt to run faster. I reached the lich making one final lunge I swung my sword making a direct connection to the lich’s shoulder. The blade entered the lich with ease it was like a knife to butter. As the blade slid through I witnessed the gargle once more. The sound piercing my ears not leaving any other doubt what indeed I was hearing the pain of a soul being relieved from all existence. Dropping to the ground at the mere sound of it I felt weak.
Breathing heavily I knew I had to keep going. I felt the pain of wielding the sword the writing engraved in my flesh I finally understood its importance. I had to get up, I had to get out of here with whoever could run and we would one day return here in the thought of claiming our birthright. These woods do not belong to those of undead it belongs to the human brigands. It belongs to me. I deserve victory because anything less is unjustifiable in my eyes as well as in everyone else’s.
What I saw today would not be how it will end. I will come back to these woods and claim what is mine… One day I’ll show all of those undead who oppose us so greatly how the death of one of the brigand costs them ten fold. I shall spread their bone, their ash, their soul across these woods in such a vast amount that all will know who brings the brigand victory.
As I made my escape into the woods I could think of nothing else. I could only keep the simple idea in my head... "Victory."
Nice. I love all the detail with the engraving on the sword, that's a great idea, and I had such a perfect visual of the words imprinted on the straining palm.

Keep it up man, they only get better.