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Winter Half Apron Hue 2067


id think more than 3mil a yard. id not let any of my 64-67 clothes go for less than 5m a yard.. i may be thinking the value is worth more because i own 44 yards cut in clothes.. but try to get someone to sell a robe for 3m.. good fuckin luck.. ive tried to trade a 64 robe for a 67 and had no takers. 67 is the best hue imo

ill trade anyone a new icewhite/purewhite robe +1m for 3x 67 robes.. o yea no one has 3 67 robes

pete liv

so maybe 4.5? rarely is the finished clothing worth as much as all the robes together(or hats or aprons or sashes depending on hue color/source of hue)


ive been offered 100+ in fallon and pure white/or a death shroud for 21 yard + winter antlerss.. legit offers more than once..

i just dont care to part with something that i have 0.0% chance of making or wearing again if i get rid of it..unlike any other hue in this game that is a dime a dozen


Yeah I wouldn't sell either, I think 4-5 mil a yard is more realistic I think but it might be tough selling the halfy for 30mil! Halfy is 6 yards right? I still have 4 of the 2067 robes, not sure if I'll cutem up or keep em as is.
i sold my 2066 floppy hat for 23mil which is roughly 2.06mil per yard

2066 robes sell for 3mil
realisticly it should get a 10-20% higher than that for 2067 since 2067 robes sell at 3mil to 3.5mil

you have to find someone that badly wants it to charge 3+mil , only a small handful of people might pay over 2.5mil per yard though.

i'm not to sure why everyone is hyping it up though.

a fair price is 2mil per yard

max value should be 3mil per yard

this item is idealy worth 18mil max 6 yards.

some of the people in this thread, never owned winter hue tailored items... not to sure why they are giving out any advice.

all the hype reminds me of this thread
you should of taken it that, i'm confused how you could turn it down?

you paid what? 1-2mil per yard and turned down a 5.5mil per yard offer on 18 yards? sounds he was just trying to scam ya offering 5.5mil per yard


I would say 3.5-5m Per yard on the 2067 apron. 2067 is definitely the most wanted of the three winter hues from that year, i know quite a few people looking for it.

you should of taken it that, i'm confused how you could turn it down?

Not everyone buys items with the intent to overcharge people later, theres more to UO then gold.


I would say over 4.5mil a yard is pushing it. Tops of 4mil a yard unless you have someone dying to have it.
the only reason people wanted one more than the other is availability. at first the 64 was the king of the winter robes. then the price soared to 5-7m per robe for them. at this point people realized i can get the 67 for 2-3m why not just do that. so they did. there were less 64 robes than 67 from what i can tell. therefore people begin to see more of the 67 crafted into items. but i can say i would put all my money in that 64 doub before i bought a 67 doub any day of the week.

anyway 67 robes are about 3-4m now. if people pay more than your just not that bright. what you need to realize is the main person giving prices is also the person that owns it all. he prob has 40-50 yards worth of 67 cloth or clothing pieces. so asking a price and him telling you is just going to be what he values it at not what it may really be worth. but then again the age old argument begins as to does he determine the price because he has it all or not.

the best thing to say is availability=price. so if you want to consider he owns prob 1/3 of it himself then yes the remaining 2/3 may be worth more.
another example is my thong. i own the only one that is pw. ive been offered as much as 150m. i personally didnt think it was worth that til i got the offer. now i would never take less. so the same thing could have happened in this situation. thats kinda how the prices become inflated in game and real life.
floppy hat is rediculous looking imo. thats why u received a mere 2mill or so per yard. honestly i wouldn't take no less than 4.5mill for my 67 robe, even though i'll probably never sell, just due to the fact, i wont ever be able to get one with a cool name on it again.