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Who from atlantic plays here?

Re: Old Atlantic Players

Questar123;1946634 said:
I used to play on Atlantic as Questar and Outkast. From about 98 I believe until 2003-2004. I remember playing with people such as Mystical, Iceman, Karou, Caius Larigius, Cinder and i'm sure a lot more that I just can't think of right now. I'm seeing a lot of familiar names on here.

i know you.... hit me up on icq 36502108 if your playen here still


Re: Old Atlantic Players

Played Atlantic from 98-2002ish I believe. Names were Jazerac and Fozzy the Bear. I was the reason they put up the signs in high populated dungeon rooms that stated "You cannot release your pets here" or something to that effect. I remember gating into a lich lord room where a dozen or so players were farming and releasing 2-3 dragons and a few drakes , dying instantly, and having a buddy outside the door rez me while we watched everyone die :-P Good times.
Re: Old Atlantic Players

damn i remember you too, you got me good once.. i lost my silver vanq katana and hally and a full light dex suit of invuln when you droped two dragons on me when i was training resist on a LL and two liches..

meany :(


Re: Old Atlantic Players

Poperonieo;1948633 said:
damn i remember you too, you got me good once.. i lost my silver vanq katana and hally and a full light dex suit of invuln when you droped two dragons on me when i was training resist on a LL and two liches..

meany :(

Haha, sorry about that :-P Good times though


Re: Old Atlantic Players

Poperonieo;1952166 said:
were you apart of "yellow shoe crew" that me and "accord sir" started also?

Not entirely sure... I do remember wearing yellow shoes though if that helps *shrugs* I very well could have been, its just been so damn long ago.


Re: Old Atlantic Players

Poperonieo;1894192 said:
WOW... alot of you are saying youre people you arnt..

Im Honor, Morph, Astro, Fargo, Ippon, GAMBIT, Cecil, Mephisto, Zaphoed Bee and many many more.. Just because you bought an account from me doesnt mean you are me :/

You weren't ZaphodBee. You might've been Zaphoed Bee or whatever but I was ZaphodBee, Charade, Minlu, Evil Wife Beater.

aim Oblivionuog


Re: Old Atlantic Players

Fridmarr, Breen were the main chars...played UO from beta till they ruined the game with Trammel. Had lots of fun ganking in Terathans and blocking nubs...was such a blast. Anyone on here that knew ComaWhite or Leper? We were real tight for years till he moved away and lost touch with him. The best thing about old UO was the emphasis was on SKILL and not items...give me 30 each reg and a hally and I was golden.

Mscreation, Leper, Rikus, GiGi, Abraxsas....I miss my niggahs!


Re: Old Atlantic Players

My Dread lord Smith DruGGeDUpHiPPiE
Old school PK's on Atlantic .. Gavenvo.. Precast that shite yo!
like GavenVo I played from early beta through till 98'. I sold the account off early 99' I think it was.
Brit was our main playground, that and the balron cats heh.
Thieving was prolly the thing I miss most, the ability to just screw with someone for hours on end..

*Fav moment* Stealing a castle dead from some scrub then selling it back to him for half price...then stealing it again :)
Re: Who from atlantic plays here?


Chars: theoden / deaDWinter

I was in Butchers Circle [BC] (with jester Raddicks) then later on in SSJ.
Ran with Azram the Dark aka darkest star (SSJ), wargon, quickbeam, arrowguy, buzz, t-mack(SSJ), gohan(SSJ), cecil(SSJ), jarl(SSJ), , kremlin of CC (Covetous Crew) and Agamemnon and Penny of the mercs (TM) and so on..

somewhere i read one guy used to be in TB (Trinsic Borrowers)..that was one cool ass guild as well. Shady-ass thieves with lots of dirty tricks :]


Re: Who from atlantic plays here?

Played Atlantic as:

Rufus W Silgian(GUL, guildmaster) and assassin extraordinaire :)
Darby O' Rourke (2 of these, one a thief the other my bard and count giver):)



Re: Who from atlantic plays here?

Venomous Villain;2010447 said:
was princess leia in K$B. i was 12 when i played and i saw female chars had buns so fuck you!


Anyway I played from 96 tell aos

Holy Man
Re: Who from atlantic plays here?

Heavy Smoker;1016644 said:
Oh snap I remember that guild their was a mage/theif in it he was hella good forgot his name though.

was it Ninja Nameless? i was also Honor from LNR, we used to go pking all the time.. funny shit, i had no idea you were magus/sword.. i gotta look for some screen shots now heh

oh yea i always wanted to know.. who came first? you named magus/sword or the other guy named mager/weapon?