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Wheres the pvp?

You have to remember uonewbz had reflect up and mickey had half mana. I didn't know mickey intention was to attack him and then I attack. I didn't know the hate relationship between the too. I kind of regret deleting it because it shows both sides. It shows mickey does die but it also shows that uonewbs had reflect up and also mickey had half mana. It wasn't a fair or set fight. It was a bullshit match and if people gain anything from that. You should reevaluate your values
it shows you both trying to swt me up for a gank then failing..Mickey calling me bad and then calling me out, then gets worked, then come out of alt.. and gets worked again! So??
When did he get ganked?

James never attacked him and he was on a blue character while we were on Reda.

I love how you get called out for being a liar daily and it gets proven time and time again that 90% of the garbage that comes out of your mouth is a lie but you have the audacity to call someone else a liar.

You're almost as delusional as Uonewbs and it was funny when Mike shut you up after constant threads filled with lie after lie.
Oh shut up liar, I saw the whole dialog with you and James twice trying to set me up for a gank, then u got too cocky and went past ur little troll then dodge mode and finally 1v1d me and got fucking worked bro. On TWO DIFF CHARS LOL

Pat McGroin

Oh shut up liar, I saw the whole dialog with you and James twice trying to set me up for a gank, then u got too cocky and went past ur little troll then dodge mode and finally 1v1d me and got fucking worked bro. On TWO DIFF CHARS LOL

You killed a character stocked for dueling with free consume.

Meaning 1 of each pot.



Bro the koren army wouldn't even except you because they thought you were a nut job

The Korean army...


who was said that?

i had been army for 2 years...

here the present for you

it's radio u have to go close

hahaha ^^ㅗ


oh hard english
so do u wanna duel with english?

Well your daughters sells for 20 euro here, a mother will cost around 10 or not?

your turn.
Want to duel with english possibly the best virgin comment ive heard all year paigen go get some fresh air come back when you have a girl and a job.