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what music do u listen to


kyuss, lamb of god, mastodon, turbo negro, nin, qotsa, tool, ect...in high school(not too long ago) it was all about depeche mode. 80's music reigns!(and early 90's, and the 70's, and the 00-50's...i love blues, robert johnson ftw!)
i <3<3<3 bob marly too, and his sons. i dont know nearly enough about reggae that i should.
so whats that: stoner rock, metal, new wave, classic rock, blues, reggae and classic country like john cash and willie nelson.
i like the theme song to the ghost in the shell so does that mean i like techno? olkenfold and moby and stuff like that is good but thats not techno i dont think. i dunno what it is really, hmm.


From Revolutionaries:
Matthew Good (Band)

To thought-provoking:
Our Lady Peace

To Punk:
Taking Back Sunday
The Used
fall of troy


fear before the march of flames




scary kids scaring kids

casey jones

called to arms


the bled

eh and alot more


Radiohead, The Tragically Hip, Smashing Pumpkins, Pink Floyd.
The Tragically Hip are Canada's best kept secret (or Americans just didn't like them). Another thing Canada is renouned for is its timeless production of maple syrup. And Trailer Park Boys, if you've ever seen it.


Amnesia said:
Have you guys ever heard of Lacuna Coil? I love them!
i saw them when they opened for opeth for the deliverance(or damnation, i dont remember) tour. they were not too impressive live so i didnt investigate further...seemed too much evanesscence without the pseudo-christian band thing. funny i dont like that but i love opeth. go figure.
yeah, and i forgot to put in flames on my list and i should have cos i got a thing for those drums :p
and, btw,
the used and taking back sunday are not punk.
more like emo or something.


Yes, they are far from punk.
Although, similarities between the previously mentioned bands and punk music are as follows.
1. Repitition
2. Lack of creativity in music as an art form
3. Usually listened to by idiots
... to name a few.


Pbguy434 said:
I was gonna say that but stopped for risk of getting forum gang-banged.

They are far from "punk".

when it came to the genre of music, i respected your guys's opinions, and left well enough alone. But now you flimpy fucks are trying to desecrate a couple of great bands. EMO? how dare you, you idiots. Emo goes on and on and whines about how alone they are, or shitty their life is. they might, MIGHT have one of two songs that border on emo, (i.e. "On my Own" of the Used) but jesus christ that does not define them.
TBS and the Used, are Alt. Punk, a sub-genre of the Punk category, what the hell is wrong with you people, stick to your pvp and leave musical classifications with people with a bit of gray matter between their ears.
Aside, the used could by associated with Scremo (Pronouced "Screa-Moe), a sub-category, and a cuzin to the Emo label, but there are a few differences.


VoxVioleur said:
Yes, they are far from punk.
Although, similarities between the previously mentioned bands and punk music are as follows.
1. Repitition
2. Lack of creativity in music as an art form
3. Usually listened to by idiots
... to name a few.

Vox you know nothing :(
Punk, dispite its ties with modern Alt. Rock, and those foul-fucks, green day, has its great-ness. A very lively branch of music, i will admit, not too much musical talent is required, but then again, you can tell that in certain punk bands, and others that are elavated above them.


i DIDNOT 'disrespect' anyones music taste or their genres of choice.
if you dont like emo so much the maybe you shouldnt listen to it, deep.

and yes, pbguy, i figgured i would catch something from it but once again i have said something about someone thinking it might rub them the wrong way but somehow you are the one quoted and 'flamed' for it. how does that work, man, :p maybe im just not typing clear enough, maybe i should explain myself more.

but, to the condescension!

(i.e. patronizing attitude or behavior )

wikipedia, my bible, how i love reading about all sorts of things!

omfg! look what i just read at wikipedia:
"Taking Back Sunday is a Third-Wave Emo band from Amityville..."
omg, and, and this too:
"The terms alternative rock and alternative music were coined in the early 1980s to describe punk rock-inspired music genres which didn't fit into the mainstream genres of the time"
oh, but wait...
"Post-hardcore, as the name might suggest, is a musical offshoot of the hardcore punk movement"
omg, omg, wait for it:
"The Used is a post-hardcore alternative rock band, from Orem, Utah..."

my bible:

and for easy navigation, the psalms:

did i underline and bold everything so it was easy to read?
i hope i did. :rolleyes:
go ahead, you say wikipedia is wrong, say its up to personal opinion. say that the songs are short, in 4/4 time and lacking a bridge. go ahead and do it...or, maybe you can listen to what you like and not be emo-phobic. cos if you like emo, go ahead and like it. thats great. people listed all sorts of music types that dont get along so well. except for discussing the moral values of one kind, no one has said anything remotely inferior about anyone elses music. so, you go ahead and try to start a fight you emo #^$$!. :eek: