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what music do u listen to


Draco said:
Johnny Rebel!
ok, i didnt disrepect anyones music but that i will. either you have a sense of humor waaaaaaaaayyyyyy over here or you are extreamly closeminded and ignorant. very ignorant. very.


what do I like?

Hmm...music, music. Guess I have to say some of the definite favourites are bands like the offspring, metallica, rage against the machine and ofcourse red hot chili peppers, seeing that I've listened to them for several years since my younger days.
Other bands/artists I like to listen to are:

Hed Pe
Bloodhound Gang
Jimi Hendrix
Theory of a deadman
Bob Marley
Leonard Cohen

To name a few off the top of my head.


yib said:
i DIDNOT 'disrespect' anyones music taste or their genres of choice.
if you dont like emo so much the maybe you shouldnt listen to it, deep.

and yes, pbguy, i figgured i would catch something from it but once again i have said something about someone thinking it might rub them the wrong way but somehow you are the one quoted and 'flamed' for it. how does that work, man, :p maybe im just not typing clear enough, maybe i should explain myself more.

but, to the condescension!

(i.e. patronizing attitude or behavior )

wikipedia, my bible, how i love reading about all sorts of things!

omfg! look what i just read at wikipedia:
"Taking Back Sunday is a Third-Wave Emo band from Amityville..."
omg, and, and this too:
"The terms alternative rock and alternative music were coined in the early 1980s to describe punk rock-inspired music genres which didn't fit into the mainstream genres of the time"
oh, but wait...
"Post-hardcore, as the name might suggest, is a musical offshoot of the hardcore punk movement"
omg, omg, wait for it:
"The Used is a post-hardcore alternative rock band, from Orem, Utah..."

my bible:

and for easy navigation, the psalms:

did i underline and bold everything so it was easy to read?
i hope i did. :rolleyes:
go ahead, you say wikipedia is wrong, say its up to personal opinion. say that the songs are short, in 4/4 time and lacking a bridge. go ahead and do it...or, maybe you can listen to what you like and not be emo-phobic. cos if you like emo, go ahead and like it. thats great. people listed all sorts of music types that dont get along so well. except for discussing the moral values of one kind, no one has said anything remotely inferior about anyone elses music. so, you go ahead and try to start a fight you emo #^$$!. :eek:

Wikipedia is a very credable source, that being said i'd give a shit if, they themselves, THE USED, hadn't declared themselves as punk-rockers, and nowhere near emo. I love how you got all worked up, very self-righteous, it was kinda intriguing, while it lasted, that being said aswell, EVERYONES a critic, if i register'd at wikipedia i could fill it up with my opinion, be it garbage or otherwise. Personally, as a long time Used fan, IMHO, they are not emo, and are extremely punk.
Also in heindsight, your "trail of logical deduction", deduced nothing at all, in the end. But defining one person's perception of genre differentiation.
They are punk.

Now as for TBS, i can't imagine them living with themselves upon being classified as Emo, they'd probably be pretty pissed, but i will say this ive fallen out of them over the past year, not really following their new stuff, so maybe they are, those secretive bastards, becuz from what i have seen of the new stuff, not fucking Emo.


One time I got into a debate with some guy over rap music. I mean, sometimes I don't mind it, but at the time I had a slightly different view. I think he stole my bike.
There's an easy way to determine if a band is Emo. If the "singer"'s voice is really whiney, then it's emo. The Used is emo.

Taking Back Sunday is just plain emo, the lyrics are emo, the vocals are emo and the guitars are typical of a "hardcore" (emo) band.


snellbot said:
led zeppelin

And Dingus is a winnar, too. The Used is Emo, Taking Back Sunday is definately Emo. My friend came over and started downloading all of their crap. One of the songs was something like "Cute without an E", that sounds to me like an extremely Emo song title. Old Greenday is more punk than TBS or The Used will ever be. New Greenday is more...Melodic Rock (As said by PSZ).

Aerosmith, Iron Maiden, System of a Down, Pink Floyd...The good stuff.


I'll be the first UO nerd to admit to his nerdy music tastes: Dream Theater and all prog metal.

But other than that i like most of the metal stuff mentioned already ( And Lacuna Coil rules you fools ) as well as some Jazz ( mostly bebop and hard era, though i enjoy some Free Jazz too ) and some old Hardcore and Punk bands from back in the days ( even some nastier stuff like grind, crust and powerviolence ). Im also big on old Delta Blues stuff as well as well.


Volodya-- I bet you listen to Rush too.

"music is overrrated"
I know an Islamic guy who owns the local Esso who thinks the same thing. He opened up an "all curry" restaurant in place of the rotisary chicken place at the back of the gas station store. My father, the local graphic artist, gave his initial design of a beautiful line drawing of a Sitar perched against a wall with vases and pots around. My father was thinking design more than ethnicity I suppose, as the place was named "The Taj Mahal." So when he saw the proofs, this rather seriously practicing Muslim said, "Well, thats very nice-- But I don't believe in music." So instead of the Sitar, he actually had to recreate an image of the Taj Mahal with a ton of these little windows you had to weed out of the vinyl.