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What is the videogame of your LIFE??

Horus Sek

Re: What is the videogame of your LIFE??

Ultima Online was prolly the best game I ever played, hence I am back playing on Demise years later hehe. (my high point in the OSI days was when I had a complete house boat, before they added the code that made your stuff rot away on the boat hehe)

I don't know if anybody has heard of this but I was addicted for years to a game called Pharaoh. Sometimes I still install it for a couple days of feeding my fix.

Also, I play all my old Coleco Vision games on emulators now (yes im ancient)

The old school Team Fortress was a LAN party favorite for us back in the day. Prolly still one of the best shooters in terms of playability.

Horus Sek

Re: What is the videogame of your LIFE??

Whoa you just blew my mind with this. I totally forgot about this game but as soon as I saw it on your list a whole rush of memories came back. LOL thanx for the refresher.

Nottheking;332340 said:
  • Hexen: Beyond Heretic (PC) - My second real FPS. Came bundled together with Heretic.

I get the impression a lot of old school gamers congregate on Demise :)


Re: What is the videogame of your LIFE??

Here's my personal list

Tribes 2 - http://youtube.com/watch?v=qXC3tezqwrA - Sad that the game died.. since most fanboys leave to trendy, boring eye-candy shit.

UO - Naturally ;)

Fallout 1+2 - I just loved those critical hits.. http://youtube.com/watch?v=S49o5JtL02w
Somehow inspired by the old Shadowrun RPG (Inspired by the Pen&Paper RPG).. which is in itself a very old, but recommendable game avaiable for snes. Ahead of it's time.

Secret of Mana
- I wonder why no one has mentioned this yet. Beautiful RPG with the ability to play in Coop mode. For SNES.. OMG Fun!

ISS Series - International Superstar Soccer Deluxe!!! Grandfather of Pro Evolution Soccer. And worth to be mentioned since they have made better Soccergames than EA up to today. ;] ISS 64 is possibly the most remarkable release of them.

System Shock 2 - */me cues paranoid dnb fight-situation loop.*

Tactics Ogre - Outstanding Game. Combining strategy/tactics, wonderful RPG atmosphere, and Outstanding Artwork. Very interesting and addictive. Refreshing Display of the RPG-Genre. This game makes you think: "Wtf is today's developers problem to kick in with some innovative Ideas? It looks so easy here!"

Destruction Derby 2 - The Stockcar Crash Races were awesome. Loved those race-tracks and crashes.

Imperium Galactica 2 - Strongly inspired by Masters of Orion (IIRC?).
"A noob you are!"

And last but not least: Spellforce 2 for combining the RPG and strategy game genre in such a nice way. They have really removed all those Gameplay Issues from Spellforce 1.. and a game with 99 Inventory Pages just has to be good.. isn't it? (God bless the inventory's autosort function.) http://youtube.com/watch?v=fIus8ioJxAY

As you can see I always loved truly innovative Games. If anyone can recommend more jewels in terms of Coop or innovative gameplay. Feel free to inform me about those too. ;]


Re: What is the videogame of your LIFE??

Horus Sek;333003 said:
The old school Team Fortress was a LAN party favorite for us back in the day. Prolly still one of the best shooters in terms of playability.

GameSpy still has Quake Team Fortress matches on their lists.


Re: What is the videogame of your LIFE??

shiftydaclown;332562 said:
hmm hard but here is mine
  • Ultima Online
  • Final Fantasy 11 Online for Xbox 360
  • Halo series
  • Starcraft
  • Resident evil 1-4
  • Final Fantasy 8 & 9 are the best
  • Olbivion
mine falls in the same list ex i hate olbivion and ff9 was gay as soon as the mage forget the name was a robot and the main character was an et
never played ff 11

and have to add any and all breath of fire ex for the one on ps2 dragon quarter disapointment to much of a change

and i cant belive no one has said harvest moon for nes how manny ppl didnt play that like 5 times throught to find out you have to be crazy good to get the good aproval of the parrents


Re: What is the videogame of your LIFE??

While Oblivion was a very nicely designed game, i found the gameplay to repetitive, and too hack n slashy. It's not on my list.

Games that are on my list are:

Warcraft 3 ( I play this daily, atleast for 2 hours LOL )
Madden 08 ( PS3 + 1080p Projector is like zomg ?)
Resistance fall of man ( " + " " " " " ? )
Re: What is the videogame of your LIFE??

A smile broke onto my face when I saw someone mentioned Secret of Mana...incredible game

For me?

-Perfect Dark
-Zelda Ocarina of Time + Majora's Mask
-Chrono Trigger
-Super Mario RPG (Oh don't give me that face..It was fucking amazing!)
-Final Fantasy VII and VIII

I'd also like to add that this is the best thread I've seen on these forums in a long time


Re: What is the videogame of your LIFE??

I agree with Nick, Zelda ocarina of time was a good game, but id have to put zelda wind waker instead of majoras mask only because that three day ideal was a drag.


Re: What is the videogame of your LIFE??

Madden 08 ( PS3 + 1080p Projector is like zomg ?)

You should see it on a 360 ;-> (1080p + 60fps... PS3 == 30fps ;->)

As for projectors, at this time there are no consumer level *TRUE* 1080p projectors. They are all roughly 1024x768 and "stretch to fit" 1080p (meaning you lose a LOT of detail).

The only time I've ever known someone to actually USE a 1080p projector for gaming was when Gears of War came out... A friend of mine (son of a co-worker, actually...) was working at one of the local theatres that use the 1080p Digital Projectors (THX cert'd and everything)... After hours, they set up a 360 on the projector, and hooked up the threatre's sound system and apparently stayed up all night, until just about an hour before the theatre opened the next day o_O

Next goal: IMAX!
Re: What is the videogame of your LIFE??

Mario-Demise;333551 said:
I agree with Nick, Zelda ocarina of time was a good game, but id have to put zelda wind waker instead of majoras mask only because that three day ideal was a drag.

I'm not Nick, sorry


Re: What is the videogame of your LIFE??

Trying to stay away from the forums, but had to post here...

I'll have to say that no game has eaten more of my time than Ultima.

A few that come close:

Baldur's Gate (mostly just killing EVERYTHING)
Icewind Dale (see above)
Pool of Radience
Temple of Elemental Evil
Neverwinter Nights (rolled epic Thief, Pally, and Conjurer from 1-40)

(And it is only now that I try Dungeons and Dragons Online, go figure :/ )

Command and Conquer (playing 3 atm, but still play Generals once in a while)
Final Fantasy 1, 3, and 7
Metal Gear
Resident Evil
Need for Speed (especially Most Wanted even though the plot line blows, that game rocks)

And tbh a few more... most of the above games were on pc where availible and for series such as CnC, Mechwarrior, Metalgear, etc I played every last game in the series unless noted otherwise (I !<3 Square).
Re: What is the videogame of your LIFE??

Final Fantasy Series. (excluding X2. 3, 7, 8 & 9 being the best)
Metal Gear Solid Series.
Super Mario Kart - SNES
Ultima Online
Medal of Honor Allied Assault, and its 2 Expansions.
Re: What is the videogame of your LIFE??

Horus Sek;333004 said:
Whoa you just blew my mind with this. I totally forgot about this game but as soon as I saw it on your list a whole rush of memories came back. LOL thanx for the refresher.
Heh, you're welcome. I really enjoyed the game, and still fire it up on occasion. It was one of the few that were able to creep me out... Even though I'll give that I was new to FPS games and was pretty young then. (though Heretic rarely did the same for me)

Horus Sek;333004 said:
I get the impression a lot of old school gamers congregate on Demise :)
Not all that old-school... I only started with the likes of the NES and Captain Comic on the PC. That, and I play a lot of newer games as well. :p

dolorez;333016 said:
Fallout 1+2 - I just loved those critical hits.. http://youtube.com/watch?v=S49o5JtL02w
Somehow inspired by the old Shadowrun RPG (Inspired by the Pen&Paper RPG).. which is in itself a very old, but recommendable game avaiable for snes. Ahead of it's time.
No, Fallout had little to do with the version of Shadowrun on the SNES; it was made a spiritual follow-up to the 1988 Interplay RPG, Wasteland, which was also produced by Brian Fargo. (who would later make the Fallout games) Even though I enjoyed the SNES adaptation of the game... But wish it had been as open-ended and large as the Sega Genesis adaptation was. (comparing them, though, showed the Sega's hardware weaknesses: the smaller cartridge size meant lots of recycled dialog and graphics, and limited architecture)

dolorez;333016 said:
System Shock 2 - */me cues paranoid dnb fight-situation loop.*
Look at you, hacker. A pathetic creature of meat and bone. :D

luigi-demise;333465 said:
While Oblivion was a very nicely designed game, i found the gameplay to repetitive, and too hack n slashy. It's not on my list.
Excellent ideas, and gameplay was FAR improved over Morrowind, but it had horrible execution, and didn't turn out anywhere near as good as Daggerfall was.
luigi-demise;333465 said:
Madden 08 ( PS3 + 1080p Projector is like zomg ?)
As mentioned, even though 1080p HDTVs are pretty common, and PC monitors that could readily support 1080p-equivalent resolutions have been around and "affordable" for a LONG time, the bulk of projectors don't actually exceed roughly the equivalent of 720p, if they even reach that. Of course, they can still SCALE a 1080p screen to fit, but the result is not 1080p; it's like hooking your PS3 up to a standard-def TV: it won't be high-def gaming at all.
a-e-i-Own-you;333493 said:
-Perfect Dark
Click on my name and take a look at my profile for a surprise. ;)

psz;333559 said:
Next goal: IMAX!
Well, if there were a console that could *support* a comparable resolution, after all; while analog and film-based, IMAX is equal to around, say, 7000p, compared to 720p as the standard for most HDTV... At any rate, well beyond anything even a PS3 could hope for. :p
ParagonDancer;333950 said:
Metal Gear Series.
Re: What is the videogame of your LIFE??

Its got to be these games for me......

Mike Tyson's Super Punch Out
RBI Baseball 2
Ice Hockey
Blades of Steel

Horus Sek

Re: What is the videogame of your LIFE??

hehe wow, I hope you run emulaters now for all those old school games (I know I do) :)

The Devil's Advocate;335697 said:
Its got to be these games for me......

Mike Tyson's Super Punch Out
RBI Baseball 2
Ice Hockey
Blades of Steel
Re: What is the videogame of your LIFE??

FLICK-hybrid;335665 said:
zelda (snes)

cant really think of any more right now
Ah, Flick appears over here!

At any rate, yeah, I can remember spending a lotta hours on The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past. I remember my efforts to get the fabeled "000" score for beating the game. I was quite annoyed to find that unlike other Zelda titles, that meant beating it *in one sitting*. I eventually did this, also grabbing all 20 hearts in the process, and took 14 hours straight doing it. I didn't start as soon as I got up; I was TIRED afterward! :p

Horus Sek;337886 said:
hehe wow, I hope you run emulaters now for all those old school games (I know I do) :)
Emulators are nice to have. Cool thing that Nintendo built them into the Wii; now we can just cross out fingers for them to rapidly expand their library. (at the moment some 180 games over 6 systems) Likewise, I'm also crossing my fingers that they make MSX games available outside of Japan.

The MSX (released in 1983) was Microsoft's first game console, even though it filled the sorta half-way space between "console" and "PC" that was also occupied by machines like the Comodore Amiga and the Timex/Sinclair Personal Computer. I'd like it because it was the original platform for titles like Dragon Quest, (a.k.a. Dragon Warrior) Castlevania, and perhaps biggest of all Metal Gear and Metal Gear 2: Solid Snake; The NES port of MG was quite watered-down, and what many CALLED Metal Gear 2 was actually a spin-off; the areas outside of Japan, as I recall, never saw the real MG2 (which is best described as "Metal Gear Solid in 2D") until it was translated and packaged as a part of Metal Gear Solid 3: Subsistence for the PS2.

Horus Sek

Re: What is the videogame of your LIFE??

Nottheking;337921 said:
The MSX (released in 1983) was Microsoft's first game console, even though it filled the sorta half-way space between "console" and "PC" that was also occupied by machines like the Comodore Amiga and the Timex/Sinclair Personal Computer. I'd like it because it was the original platform for titles like Dragon Quest, (a.k.a. Dragon Warrior) Castlevania, and perhaps biggest of all Metal Gear and Metal Gear 2: Solid Snake; The NES port of MG was quite watered-down, and what many CALLED Metal Gear 2 was actually a spin-off; the areas outside of Japan, as I recall, never saw the real MG2 (which is best described as "Metal Gear Solid in 2D") until it was translated and packaged as a part of Metal Gear Solid 3: Subsistence for the PS2.

Very interesting. Ok I remember playing Jumpman, Rogue and Ghostbusters on a Tandy 1000 HD :) Yes I had the HD, it came with a vast 10MB hard drive. My first model had no HD, lol. :D


Re: What is the videogame of your LIFE??

Battletoads VS Double Dragon :D

I seriously loved Twin Cobra for the Genesis. Breath of Fire 3 for the PS.