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what is imbus?


what is imbus?

i understand all the rp stuff got moved to t2a territories... but why? are the combat rules in t2a different or something? where they just freeing up housing space on occlo? just curious why this happened since i last played the shard

Middle Man

Re: what is imbus?

its to help centralize the rp community and give it an area that the Seers can more freely control and use for the purpose of RP. There are different rules that prohibite griefing in these lands but not pking. The rules are listed in detail and when entering Imbus a link apears and a warning stating that you are entering a RP zone and that these new rules apply.

Right now the main use for Imbus is for blue farmers and a couple of RP groups who mainly hang out in Dell waiting for other random RPers to show up. The best way to get there is to go to the basement of the east brit tavern and go through the teleporter located there.