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What happened to everyone?

PhuZzy LoGic

Am i just not logging on at peek hours or has the server died down?

I havnt seen many people in luna.

Happy New Years :D


It's packed sometimes, but goes down to 3 or 4 people at other times. Depends on the time of day I think.

Lord Mars

comon man this game is like 15 years old.. by now most uo players would have aged and probably died ... and more will be soon


Lol, yeah, human life expectancy is only like 35 now anyway... what with all the pies and softdrinks :rolleyes:

I dunno, my entire guild stopped playing for a few weeks over christmas, but they're all slowly coming back from drunken holidays now :p


comon man this game is like 15 years old.. by now most uo players would have aged and probably died ... and more will be soon

Or playing another games...

Quick question: how many active players Origin have today (summing all servers) ?




D3 beta pretty fun, you will probably like it if you like d2. its kinda disapointing in that its basicly d2 with a new engine, I was hoping ten years later or whatever they would come up with something more innovative than gimmick destructable areas in the enviroment. but if all your looking for is a new D2 its all that and a bag of chips


Yeah, lately I've been signing on early in the morning (2-5 a.m. EST) and there's hardly anyone in Luna. But in the early evening it's packed.
Sir, there are trillions of differences between Diablo II, and Diablo III. I've recently come into acquisition of a diablo III beta account...

There's a reason why me and the guy who got the beta are playing Diablo II together.

Bile, where are you, fruit.


Sir, there are trillions of differences between Diablo II, and Diablo III. I've recently come into acquisition of a diablo III beta account...

There's a reason why me and the guy who got the beta are playing Diablo II together.

Bile, where are you, fruit.

You on East? sc or lad?
Sir, there are trillions of differences between Diablo II, and Diablo III. I've recently come into acquisition of a diablo III beta account...

There's a reason why me and the guy who got the beta are playing Diablo II together.

Have you tried Torchlight? It's an indie game made by good part of the Blizzard North crew, including the composer Matt Uelmen.

And yes I am playing D2 again, this time with mods (Median XL).
But I am still playing UO too... and I am not dead yet (wink to Lord Mars ;) )


Xavier claims to have gone to jail. Thus almost nothing new is coming down the pike. I guess he was good entertainment for many of us XD

Besides that. The game gives little in the way of keeping a few hundred people busy. By doing the same thing for so many years. Nothing can be really done. It takes a long ass time to make new stuff. It is a hope it won't ruin the balance of the game as is. Plus, it is a item grab game to get more items.

Sadly, UO never had a reason. We do not require food for our toons while logged on. We do not see our toons age. We do not have a save the "insert here" thing going on half as much as the pay per shards. Even when we do. It is still an item grab. I don't know if it is possible or not. But personally. I would greatly like to see something added that gives everyone a shot at a few unique items of not much power. BUT! Gives a jolly romp through the game for a few days.

Like whats the deal with those diaries that never amounted to anything? OR how about a few quests to save Athena from the evil dragon bad ass. Chase through each facet finding clues. Kill mini bosses that tell you that although you did NOT find the evil dragon. You got another clue to where he may be. When you find him he shits magic exploding gem stones of, ouch ouch it hurts me death ! ;)

GM's can pm me any time for wacky ideas. I have a ton of crazy humorous stuff =D


Damn you guys... now I feel like playing Diablo 2.

P.S. I've pre-ordered D3, does it have anything like clans? factions? Would be cool to have an all demise thing.