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Vestrivan of B=D Owned

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Vestrivan of B=D Owned

After trying to attack White SheDevil, Vestrivan got straight butt smacked after talking mad shit about he would own shedevil, after running away 4 times, SheDevil finally caught his ass and dropped him and gobbled up his 200 stones of loot but before (5 seconds later) she could not get it all, because Ricin (the other B=D) showed up with his vanq heavy x bow and by the time shedevil got mana back, he had ressed vestrivan and they recalled out together to the land of the gankage. Here is the photo so please B=D, vest shut the hell up, you got owned 1 on 1, like always and called in backup after you got smoked...



wow, this just shows how much of 1337 pvper SheDevil is and the fact that she multiclients...
She is not multi clienting here you idiot, she came to pk, saw vest and smoked his ass, he is the one sending more B=D to kill you moron... look at the picture, she devil is not fred pinner, no idea who he is...

Afro Man

There are 2 razors open, idiot. Who cares? She killed someone in an opposing guild. What has it come to when every kill needs to be publicly broadcasted on the fucking forums.
antarus and company got owned by a little girl, lol where are the screenshots of shedevil dead? huh huh oh yea you dont have diddley squat, you got owned by vestrivan = one less b=d on her hit list newb...

Afro Man

Revelations said:
antarus and company got owned by a little girl, lol where are the screenshots of shedevil dead? huh huh oh yea you dont have diddley squat, you got owned by vestrivan = one less b=d on her hit list newb...

What are you her biggest fan or something? She killed 2 people, yay. Let her flaunt about it, not you. I for one am tired of seeing every kill posted on the fucking forums, and why would you put this in general discussion it belongs in trammel. Tks.


Revelations is White She Devil (also XXX), I know this because everytime I kill White She Devil as she's running to her house (to hide), she logs off and gets on these characters to loot and talk trash.


Ok, I don't usually get into the e-peen displays, but allow me to set the facts right. First, I am Vestrivan. You came in while I had just finished 2 kills (note the 200 stones of loot) and was not really prepped for more fighting (my poison was used up and several pots used). Second, I play the same tactics as you do, hurting I hide and wait for the heal to kick in, not hurting I press the attack. All that said, you beat me, fair and square. I whiffed multiples, and resisted nothing. So be it, I will call that as it is, a win for you. However, and this part is important... I NEVER talked shit. Ask anyone I have ever killed or been killed by (except yer lieing ass).
And as far as the gank? I am also Ricin and that was a GM bow you recalled away from. Did I mention that the recall away from Ricin was 1v1? But then again, the facts don't really matter to you, do they?

Still laughing,
aka Vestrivan
aka Ricin
aka a whole shitload of toons whose names will not be shown here to protect the guilty
every pk kills people
every pk gets killed
how many besides the anal herpee that started this thread post it to grow an e penis

IMO shit liek this shoud be insta trammalized

Shock Therapy said:
pointless thread...........people need to live life outside of a video game.

You're on a video game message board. When on this board, I would suggest such things as talking about the video game or talking about things related to the video game. We all have lives, that's why we are able to play this video game.


Just took a look at the sceeny again. Just fyi, it is spelled owned or pwned.

WTF is oewned? Or were you just that excited ya got the kill?


She devil, can i ask why the hell do you pretend you are she devils manager when really you're she devil her self? And anyway, even if you were her manager why would you waste your time posting about how some other person you met over the internet killed other PKers. Just my opinion.


ROFL, Shedevil ALWAYS runs in with both her alts right after i smoke her, and she posts a thread full of lies about Vest to cry about him bringin an alt after he died?

Thats so pathetic.
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