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time to pay the piper.


Account Terminated
It seems, Ive got some things to explain to you guys. You all have been great, and no matter how much of a bitch some of you have been, id not change a damn thing, if I had it all to do again...

But, a year ago I got in a bit of trouble tha I should have been able to get out of, as its not entirely true, but found out last week, it wasnt happening.. ive gotta do the time.

11.5 to 23 months ...

Im sorry, I know Ive let you guys down. I tried to get some stuff done, but its not easy when your mind is racing 24/7. But, I will be back in 11 months.



What!? Oh man :(

Sometimes life goes the way we don't want to. In my eyes You have not let us down, you have done a great job here. Honestly.
Take care mate! Hope to see you soon.


Damn man, that's no good at all.

Thanks for everything, it's been great. Demise is a much better place because of your work, and it makes a lot of people happy.

Hope to see you in 11 months dude :)


Well Xavier I always told you to stay away from that girl she will get you in trouble ....

ok now serisouly just fyi I hope you know canadians always welcome americans to come hide in our country I heard they even gives you a lump sum with a house and a classy car :)

Take care X guess some of us will still be here when you come back. :p


Sucks, I'm sorry to hear it man!

Now who's going to drop me off at T2A in your absence?

On your first day back to Demise make sure to drop me off at Rikktor


Since im not american, and don't know personally, what sorta things net you a sentence of 11.5-23 months.

General debauchery, ticket scalping, improper touching of nether regions in a public setting, gross neglect of the elderly. Thats all I can really think of off hand.


Well , I hope this is the "trick" part of halloween. Although I see this being more likely to happen April 1st....

If this is for real , thanks for all the hard work man. I sincerely doubt any other GM could fill you shoes considering how much work you put into this server in the past year or two (no offense to other GMs). We'll be glad to see you come back soon.