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Throw shit away week...

Re: Throw shit away week...

_Choru_ said:
Its still items you're getting.

Would you have trashed your crack for nothing in return? I doubt it very much.

I can't speak for everyone, but every CBD I get a hold of, I actually use on something or sell.

Also, you are correct, I wouldn't trash it for nothing, but there are going to be people who won't trash it in the CUB even though Ryan has said he will possibly delete it.
I am willing to bet that 95% of bank sitters who like to show off all the expensive eye candy will NOT put that shit in the CUB only to whine when Ryan deletes it.
Take a look at the selling forum, tons of Trammy items have been selling lately, more than usual. Why people are buying this stuff is beyond me.
Oops, I paid 600k for this lantern but I logged in the next day and it was gone.
Well, Ryan warned you.

There is a point to CUB, not to mention a chance at an Island home, so why not play along with it?
All I am saying is, I will throw my crack away, whether I get a CBD, a 5k check, a turd, a bonded reindeer, etc. but you will still have those who are gonna be like "Fuck that, I am not throwing this leet barstool in that"
When it gets deleted, they need not whine about it, they had a chance.

I see your point though Choru, but I am not an item horder, I will admit to being a gold horder, so I will throw them in and sell whatever I get for gold. I use what gold I horde to buy and sell homes, regs, give to new players and such, not to buy the coolest rare. Having 15 one mill checks is no where near stress on the server as the 575407 barstools, all kill no skill, fuck trammy items, etc.

So yes again, you are correct, I want something in return but the gold I get from it will go to a good cause, not flooding the server with a ton of useless items.


Master of the Interweb
Re: Throw shit away week...

IMHO I think ANYTHING added to the game should go, barstool, fally clothing, fuck trammy, <3 trammy the lot, GONE.

It serves no purpose apart from adding stress to the server. Bring the game bac kto how UO used to be, ditch the pixel crack.


Re: Throw shit away week...

All the rewards (be they hair dye, name change, CBD) should be wiped after one week, so they are rewards to be used or they will go.
So people get some reward, and no extra items in the long run.


Re: Throw shit away week...

Not everyone on the shard is stricktly pvp. I would say wipe everything except, aids, weps, pots, kegs, and regs, and pouches, and personal crafted armor, but that kills the community that just wants to kill dragons w/ their WW and wear blaze clothes at wbb. Its a tough decision to make....


Re: Throw shit away week...

IQJ said:
<----- Insert faggoty anime avatar here.

First anime is just an interest of mine. Sorry you dont like it.

Testamentx said:
SILENCE!!!, Cagalli happens to be a very wealthy banksitter with lots of horded items and I doubt she/he/it will throw them away because he/she/it won't be able to snort the pixels any longer.
Just the other day at the CTF, he/she/it had to stand on this wall by the bridge and admire all of thier wonderful Trammy barstools, was sickining indeed, I hope they get deleted.
Before he/she/it says that I am just jealous, let be me the first to say that I too have a ton of these pixel crack items, but I am first to say, they are gonna get tossed into the CUB. I want the server to run smoother, not worry about the lastest fashions whilts trying to make up my mind if I want to be a guy or a flirty little female char who cybersexes masturbation over a MMORPG.

The End.

Second i wasnt the one talking about the barstools at the CTF is was actually the character standing next to me saying "barstool only line"

Actually am not that rich and had planned on throwing alot away.

Sorry you dislike me testament. I dont have a problem with you

Re: Throw shit away week...

Cagalli said:
First anime is just an interest of mine. Sorry you dont like it.

Second i wasnt the one talking about the barstools at the CTF is was actually the character standing next to me saying "barstool only line"

Actually am not that rich and had planned on throwing alot away.

Sorry you dislike me testament. I dont have a problem with you


Who the fuck said that I didn't like anime.....?

The guy I responded to said something about that, go quoting him about that.

And also, I loved you, you had hot pixels at one time and you changed them, piss on you now.


Re: Throw shit away week...

Testamentx said:
Who the fuck said that I didn't like anime.....?

The guy I responded to said something about that, go quoting him about that.

And also, I loved you, you had hot pixels at one time and you changed them, piss on you now.

Never said you didnt like anime. Just put that for the other guy.

I apologize. I also fixed the post.

Who are you in game?

I still have the fallon stuff (i think thats what you mean by "hot pixels") minus the kilt. I just got tired of wearing it so when i switched my main to Archaic i changed. Still wear it sometimes
Re: Throw shit away week...

Cagalli said:
Never said you didnt like anime. Just put that for the other guy.

I apologize. I also fixed the post.

Who are you in game?

I still have the fallon stuff (i think thats what you mean by "hot pixels") minus the kilt. I just got tired of wearing it so when i switched my main to Archaic i changed. Still wear it sometimes

I'm over it, as of today, I am no longer immature.
Yes, it is possible to grow up overnight, I am proof. You shall see.
Sorry for bashing you when I don't really know you. :)
