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Threads about hz get deleted or moved

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I feel that Hz members are very sensitive people and every single post of constructive critique gets first bombarded with all sorts of spam from the Hz guys ...and then they all press the report button asking the mods to delete the topic.
I really dont give a crap about them, i just think it's funny that threads even involving them get lichlorded/removed within minutes.


I really dont give a crap about them, i just think it's funny that threads even involving them get lichlorded/removed within minutes.
you're right you don't give a crap about HZ. You and Zulu are obsessed with them.

OMG look Hz this Hz that, Hz has staff, Hz use script, Hz killed me they must be cheating, Hz is a Zerg.

We can't compete under this Tag lets make a new guild and pretend to be better.....

Yall are fucking pathetic and act like a bunch of 3rd graders.


there is not much you can do when one guild recruited whole server
So let me get this. Hz recruited the whole server and some of you fights your own guild with your alts?

Ok so HZ has 150 members to pvp with?

Seriously Alvin i always thought abit more of you then that. I look at your group and i see lots of potential and some that could be decent pvp'er.

Why not recruit the new comers to this shard even before they are suited or know wtf they are doing.
Help these guys with basic pvp suits teach them what they need to know. Mass recruit meatshields. Fight fire with fire. Once you have the numbers cut the ones holding you down.

When hz first started we did'nt have 100 members we had like 10. MB took the time to mass recruit then clean the bad apples over and over again. When i say we i mean when i was with them. Ill be honest what MB was doing was stupid to me but the guy built a strong army.

For the shared target script i thinks its funny cause if they use it and you all die to it then you all have bigger problems. 10 hz droping on the same target = 6 hz spells wasted. While all hz is concentraded on the same target your 10 should be able to drop w hz while they drop one of yours.

3-4 players with proper sync drop should kill one enemy so do the math.

Am not talking trash about you i just find it funny how zulu and bassmaster have such a hard on for hz. If they would spend more time at planning an attack instead of wasting all this time on forum crying like a little bitch. They probably would be on top.

Ps bad ortograph might be caused by a stupid android with autocorrect.


I feel that Hz members are very sensitive people and every single post of constructive critique gets first bombarded with all sorts of spam from the Hz guys ...and then they all press the report button asking the mods to delete the topic.
It's happening!


because you're not important enough for those kind of threads to be made about you every day. Where's the list of KvG threads that aren't being lich lorded? You guys can't even make recruitment threads without talking about us.
Hz are parasites to demise. MB and his gang of mindless retards do nothing but troll at every corner. Successfully ruining the PvP and Spawn experience for old and new players alike. Everyone except those who grovel at MBs feet absolutely hate him. There only a few of us who speak our minds and hope for a change because their reign of shit tactics and trolling must come to an end. He and his guild deliberately ignore the rules and find loop holes or anything left unfixed to exploit in order to gain any type of advantage.


So let me get this. Hz recruited the whole server and some of you fights your own guild with your alts?

Ok so HZ has 150 members to pvp with?

Seriously Alvin i always thought abit more of you then that. I look at your group and i see lots of potential and some that could be decent pvp'er.

Why not recruit the new comers to this shard even before they are suited or know wtf they are doing.
Help these guys with basic pvp suits teach them what they need to know. Mass recruit meatshields. Fight fire with fire. Once you have the numbers cut the ones holding you down.

When hz first started we did'nt have 100 members we had like 10. MB took the time to mass recruit then clean the bad apples over and over again. When i say we i mean when i was with them. Ill be honest what MB was doing was stupid to me but the guy built a strong army.

For the shared target script i thinks its funny cause if they use it and you all die to it then you all have bigger problems. 10 hz droping on the same target = 6 hz spells wasted. While all hz is concentraded on the same target your 10 should be able to drop w hz while they drop one of yours.

3-4 players with proper sync drop should kill one enemy so do the math.

Am not talking trash about you i just find it funny how zulu and bassmaster have such a hard on for hz. If they would spend more time at planning an attack instead of wasting all this time on forum crying like a little bitch. They probably would be on top.

Ps bad ortograph might be caused by a stupid android with autocorrect.
Join them so we can show you what is going to happen. Then you may share your invalid opinions on forums as you please. Otherwise sit back and grease your fingers up with some fudge covered popcorn fatty.


Hz are parasites to demise. MB and his gang of mindless retards do nothing but troll at every corner. Successfully ruining the PvP and Spawn experience for old and new players alike. Everyone except those who grovel at MBs feet absolutely hate him. There only a few of us who speak our minds and hope for a change because their reign of shit tactics and trolling must come to an end. He and his guild deliberately ignore the rules and find loop holes or anything left unfixed to exploit in order to gain any type of advantage.
The only ones that you claim speak there mind are not speaking nor trying to counter attack with a game plan. All you guys do is cry on forums or lower yourself by making some weak ass troll post sounding like pre teens by making moronic thread about gays and other preteen comments. You claim they are bending the rules while that target sharing script is a joke and easily cannbe counter attack with a proper team play. If and I say if MB is using that script then your team should target drop MB leaving his guild blind. Not sure where they ruin champ spawn while I am still able to pull some on my own. Yes I do get raided on odd times but its the point of a spawn..


Join them so we can show you what is going to happen. Then you may share your invalid opinions on forums as you please. Otherwise sit back and grease your fingers up with some fudge covered popcorn fatty.
Proving my point. You can call me fatty while you hide behind your screen in shame you have no clue if I am infact fat or not. Its a proven fact you cant pvp your way out of anything and refusing to learn or adapt. You are one of the main reason why your team fails. You head is so up your ass that you think you know it all. But whatever keep crying keep acting like a fucking child.


Aight Bass. To explain why it gets moved.

On any shard that still needs to look good for any new players the staff hides negative posts so that people aren't deterred from playing. Even if it isnt for new players. These kind of threads are removed because they breed hate and kill the server. It becomes too much and people quit. Take An Corp for example, they let stuff like this linger and they bit the dust (hard).


Hz are parasites to demise. MB and his gang of mindless retards do nothing but troll at every corner. Successfully ruining the PvP and Spawn experience for old and new players alike. Everyone except those who grovel at MBs feet absolutely hate him. There only a few of us who speak our minds and hope for a change because their reign of shit tactics and trolling must come to an end. He and his guild deliberately ignore the rules and find loop holes or anything left unfixed to exploit in order to gain any type of advantage.
Well Said..


Proving my point. You can call me fatty while you hide behind your screen in shame you have no clue if I am infact fat or not. Its a proven fact you cant pvp your way out of anything and refusing to learn or adapt. You are one of the main reason why your team fails. You head is so up your ass that you think you know it all. But whatever keep crying keep acting like a fucking child.
Ok FATTY enjoy yourself while bank sitting. MB is recruiting by the way *wink wink*
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