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Those wanting to learn PvP


are you still around op? im a new necro mage and i need practice..my gear is crap tho. i would like people to duel with before i try field pvp and get owned.


Not to put you down, but playing necro mage really requires good gear, especially if your trying to 1v1. Anyone with perfect or really good gear is gonna have a completely unfair advantage. Wrestle scribe mage is cheaper, but harder to get kills with, all the other mage templates are also pretty expensive.

On a side note. If we want good pvp on demise, I think some of these people with disproportionate amounts of gold and arties should be a little more generous to new players, and try to help them get decent suites so they can quit complaining about how pvp is quiet on this shard.


Don't listen to him. Necromages are easy and cheap to suit, especially in the current era of cheap gtots. Me and the OP have suited necromages for under 5kk and been quite effective. Here is a guide written by the OP.

A common misconception in PVP is that you need a perfect, LRC suit to be efficient. Now, LRC is fine and dandy, but good pieces eat up a lot of space in a suit, and usually cost a LOT. With recent ML items and ToT drops, it is cheaper than ever to get a mage up and running on Demise. Here’s a complete rundown for basic setups of gear.

Kasa – 1kk
12 SDI 12/17/21/17/17
Overall good, and usually fixes suits up. This is the hat you should be aiming for if your runics have sub par resists.
Talkeesh/HoM – 1kk up to 4kk
4 MR, 10 sdi, 8 int, x/x/x/20/20
Has energy, which is Very common in mage arties, and poison plus three (two, really, since int is pretty lackluster) goods mods. If your gear is filled with phys/fire/cold, these are a good piece to get.
Helmet of Swiftness – 10k; usually given away for free
FC 1, FCR2, Int 5, 6/5/6/6/8
Poor man’s inquisitors. If you have the gear to afford the lack of sdi and resist in this piece, it frees up 1/2 in your jewelry, allowing for use of 1/2 15 dci jewelry and so on.
• Crafted leather cap – varies
Now, leather cap may look ugly and stuff, but they can have mods no other head piece provides: HPI and LRC, as well as better resists overall. Use these if you need specific mods instead of pre-defined ones from other hats.

RBC – 1kk
10 Mana Inc, 15 LMC, 3 MR, 5/3/14/3/14
Possibly the best overall mage chest. Full of mods, but with lackluster resists as cold and energy are usually easy to get elsewhere.
Violet Courage/Heart of the Lion – 100k
15 DCI, 14/12/12/8/9 (VC), 15/10/10/10/10 (HotL)
My personal favorites for the DCI / resist combo. They lack LMC, which you will have to cover up with void/tome/orny/other runics, but that’s usually easily countered. By combining HoL and Kasa, you can pretty much use runics with no resists, just mods.
• Crafted Tunic – varies
The same that was said about crafted hats can be said here. If you need specific mods/resists, crafted tunics are usually the easiest way to get them.
AoF – 12-15kk
40 LRC, 15 DCI, negligible resists
A hard to fit piece of armor, but usually opens up lrc for suit with retarded runics. Avoid it unless you have the gear to compensate the absolute lack of any resist.

Glads and Crafted Runics are your only options.
Glads – 25kk+
18/18/17/18/16 10 HCI 10 HPI
Glads has only one downside other than cost: can’t be PoF’ed. However, it is a plate gorget, and those take longer to lose durability. If you take proper care of it, one should last for years until long after you get bored of this game.
• Crafted gorget – Varies
As usual, these are your choice if you need specific mods.
Now, before you even consider it: Mempo of Fortune is a terrible pvp gorget. Don’t even try it.

Legs and Sleeves:
Remember, this is a PvP character. Trying to fit midnight bracers or any fancy artifact in a PvP suit is a nightmare.
Fey Leggings – 10k – Elf only until Demise gets peerless
HPI 6 20 DCI 12/8/7/4/19
Awesome pair of leggings. If you combine this with a RBC, it’s will have far more mods than Heart of the Lion + crafted leggings at the cost of lower resists.
• Crafted legs/sleeves
Bah, you already know what I am gonna say here.

Alright, so armor is covered. But what about your hands?
If you are a wrestler, a Tome is the optimal choice. If you can’t afford one (~1kk), or need other mods that the Tome can’t offer, such as MR and LRC, a crafted book is the way to go.
If you want a Tactics Mage, on top of the other mods you already need, such as LMC, HPI, MR, resists, now you need to get all that without your book. That being said, you have two routes: HCI and DCI, giving priority to one depending on your play style.
My main tactics mage is a defensive character, so I focus on DCI, having 45 myself. But I once had a character focused around HCI, which would almost never miss specials, making one hit kill combos very reliable. Each of them have their advantages. The thing is: I don’t have absurd gear capable of getting both, even being rather rich myself. Another thing, is that the one with 45 HCI would get destroyed by dexxers/other weapon mages all the time due to not having DCI.

Overall Mods You Need
In order of importance, what you should aim for on your first suit:
33 LMC – 15+ HPI – 7+ MR
10+ SDI, 15 max

Basic starter suit I have used:
6 LMC 2 MR 9 SDI book
24/4/7/22/6 5 HPI sleeves
5/18/12/20/19 5 HPI gorget
4/9/21/20/9 5 HPI gloves
14/11/8/5/9 5 HPI 6 LMC leggings
Total cost: 2kk (RBC and runics)
Total mods: 20 HPI, 37 LMC, 8 MR, 61/70/69/70/64, 9 SDI and a pvp’r ready for action.

Basic Elf suit I have used:
Heart of the Lion
Fey Leggings
Brightsight Lenses
6/26/21/7/7 5 HPI 2 MR sleeves
8/18/6/22/8 8 LMC 2 MR gloves
21/5/17/19/24 5 HPI gorget
Totals cost: 3kk (1kk for tome, 2kk for the runics, paying about 500k each.)
Total: 35 DCI, 7 MR, 16 HPI, 33 LMC, 70/75/68/70/75 (elfs have higher energy resist cap), 15 SDI

And, to show how it’s hard, expensive, and time-consuming to get a high tier suit, here’s mine. Even after spending 5 years assembling this, I still die all the time to people with the 1-3kk suits.
Void, Orny (35kk), HoM (4kk), Heart of the Lion, Sash (12kk)
1/3 13 DCI 7 SDI ring (15kk)
15/15 48 Hit Light sc-1 warfork (70kk)
7/24/6/23/6 5 HPI 19 LRC 2 MR sleeves (20kk)
21/23/7/9/8 5 HPI 8 LMC 20 LRC gloves (35kk)
4/12/22/7/7 5 HPI 7 LMC 20 LRC leggings (10kk)
23/10/20/5/21 5 HPI 20 LRC gorget (30kk)
Total cost: ~235kk
Total: 15/43 HCI/DCI, 109 LRC, 35 LMC, 2/6 casting, 17 SDI, 73/84/74/74/87, Int +13, 8 MR, HPI 20

In the end, a properly built character with good coordination and teamwork is worth way more than any high price suit. That should be your aim, not amazing gear.


You do have a point, but people will always feel they need better. I have seen some cheap suites work very well though.


wow thats a lot of info to soak in. thanks so much def going to reread a few times and use it.
one question.- do you carry regs into battle. no lrc? is it a waste of stat?


You can do bods afk (i think lol)
You have 4 accts to collect bods
Easy acess to tots

Void + Tome = 25 LMC
craft everything with mr + lrc and you are done..
get a ring and brac 1/3 and gg

a 100 LRC 30+ lmc and some MR + dci from shield / jewelry.

all you need is some patience ... since bods are fuckin boring.


Not to put you down, but playing necro mage really requires good gear, especially if your trying to 1v1. Anyone with perfect or really good gear is gonna have a completely unfair advantage. Wrestle scribe mage is cheaper, but harder to get kills with, all the other mage templates are also pretty expensive.

On a side note. If we want good pvp on demise, I think some of these people with disproportionate amounts of gold and arties should be a little more generous to new players, and try to help them get decent suites so they can quit complaining about how pvp is quiet on this shard.




I don't think any mage should go without full lrc, unless they just plan on gate fighting. Being able to get rezzed and still be useful without picking up your corpse is a huge advantage.


I don't think any mage should go without full lrc, unless they just plan on gate fighting. Being able to get rezzed and still be useful without picking up your corpse is a huge advantage.
If you die alone, you have to rez anyway. If you die as a group, chances are you will stay at your corpse for instant redress when looting body.


In the situations you suggested, being on LRC wouldn't matter, you would die anyway. At least following that line of logic. ;)
True, but atleast you could rez up and try to have some fun dying some more. No matter what you have to admit that LRC is a huge convenience. Obviously the other mods are more important to how well you'll be able to fight and endure.