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The People's History of UOGamers


Re: The People's History of UOGamers

hell yeah, DDoS attacks of October/November 05! Totally forgot about those. The first attack was the last week of October, with the most severe being the first few weeks.


Re: The People's History of UOGamers

Boreen;1597021 said:
What do you mean by player-run or Gm run, compared my personal mall, because I do stuff by myself makes it less?


Note before I start that I am absolutely not trying to downplay your mall in any way!

Further detailed explanation:

It is not a shardwide effort, and hasn't had a direct effect on the server. The other things listed did, and I'll show you what I mean with some old forum posts from that time if I can find em.

You're missing the entire point of this. This is not about naming our achievements, nor boosting egos. It's about compiling the significant events of the server.

I am not saying that your vendor mall sucks, or isn't big... however, I haven't noticed it having nearly the same effect as the examples I gave of other such establishments.

the guy said:
But...its not 100% me, I have given out TONSSSS of spots for free, I'd say ~10-15 vendors are still up of others, may mostly be empty, but they are there.

I have 50-60 of my own, I'd say that must count for something if no one else can handle them.

Again, this is not about size; it's about the historical signifigance. Think about it in a historical sense... do history books note the biggest armies, or the biggest battles?

Hint: it's not the armies.

So, I'm very proud of you; good job running an excellent vendor mall. However, I still fail to see proof of historical significance, which is what I am going for. Sorry, dude.

the guy said:
I've probably added 50-100 vendors or more of other people to my mall, they can't handle the shoppers, they all get cleaned out quick and often.

I don't know what more you could want :p

See above.


Re: The People's History of UOGamers

FLICK-hybrid;1597060 said:
what did osmo do to have his keep droped?

i had no idea that happened

well, he quit UO becaus eof IRL things wiht his girlfirend. Im pretty sure he knocked her up at that point :-P so he dropped all his rares, all his everything on the ground at wbb. and with all his pure, he completely filled his keep with pouchs wiht random shti in them, and 4 had: pure sanies, pure halfy,m pure dana, and pure sash. so he dropped the keep with the tons of random pouches and it turned into a huge scramble to grab the pouches to try to get the items... it was kinda liek a game :)

he also dropped the 18x18 at vesper that addicted owns now (i think he owns it atleast). that was a partry and a half. the gm's were there. someone used an autoplace tot put the 18x18 back, but the gm's knocked that down because he had an unfair advantage :-p

funny thing is, when he was giving all hs stuff away, he still won the poker jackpot of liek 4m :-P

this happened like a month or so after Barstools were re-released (if i remember correctly)
Re: The People's History of UOGamers

kdivers;1597390 said:
well, he quit UO becaus eof IRL things wiht his girlfirend. Im pretty sure he knocked her up at that point :-P so he dropped all his rares, all his everything on the ground at wbb. and with all his pure, he completely filled his keep with pouchs wiht random shti in them, and 4 had: pure sanies, pure halfy,m pure dana, and pure sash. so he dropped the keep with the tons of random pouches and it turned into a huge scramble to grab the pouches to try to get the items... it was kinda liek a game :)

he also dropped the 18x18 at vesper that addicted owns now (i think he owns it atleast). that was a partry and a half. the gm's were there. someone used an autoplace tot put the 18x18 back, but the gm's knocked that down because he had an unfair advantage :-p

funny thing is, when he was giving all hs stuff away, he still won the poker jackpot of like 4m :-P

this happened like a month or so after Barstools were re-released (if i remember correctly)

While all of that is true, he also generally had a sour puss attitude toward a lot of things/people. Staff took notice of it and he became disliked by many of them, especially Ryan and Terron.

Another thing to add is when Ryan deleted all of Furota's/Lorthic's shit, he had amassed a nice fortune for himself, maybe considered one of if not THE richest person here. He also had a sour attitude towards a lot of people and staff, which in the end got his shit wiped.

Some other things to add. John Dew gets deleted/firewalled for sending spyware disquised as a UOGamers link to staff members over AIM.

That donation scammer emdeeaech or whatever the fuck his name was who got busted for it. Now Ryan owns all his confiscated shit. 6564654646465 mill, polar bear ethys, pretty much tons of donation shit he was scamming out of the system for free.


Re: The People's History of UOGamers

Testament;1597398 said:
While all of that is true, he also generally had a sour puss attitude toward a lot of things/people. Staff took notice of it and he became disliked by many of them, especially Ryan and Terron.

Another thing to add is when Ryan deleted all of Furota's/Lorthic's shit, he had amassed a nice fortune for himself, maybe considered one of if not THE richest person here. He also had a sour attitude towards a lot of people and staff, which in the end got his shit wiped.

Some other things to add. John Dew gets deleted/firewalled for sending spyware disquised as a UOGamers link to staff members over AIM.

That donation scammer emdeeaech or whatever the fuck his name was who got busted for it. Now Ryan owns all his confiscated shit. 6564654646465 mill, polar bear ethys, pretty much tons of donation shit he was scamming out of the system for free.

well, someone gettign banned for a bad thing sint all that special... its not like banning john dew was a big shardwide event...

there was also the big GM sponsered thign where the GM's dropped kakakakaka's 18x18. if you dotn remember him, he was the "self proclaimed" best pvp'er on hybrid :-p
Re: The People's History of UOGamers

kdivers;1597467 said:
well, someone gettign banned for a bad thing sint all that special... its not like banning john dew was a big shardwide event...

Neither is half the things mentioned in this thread, it's still something a lot of vets remember. That's the point of this thread.

Not the fact that 15000 people were there to witness it.

He was well known and it was well known when he got the boot.

Another great thing I remember is the freestyle rap competition 1 & 2.

As far as notable guilds, I haven't looked through every single post yet, but there needs to be mention of GAY. I'm not mentioning it because of me being one of the first original members, even back before we got the pink outfits. It was a well known guild, not for the skills but for the awesome fun-factor of it.


Re: The People's History of UOGamers

GAY is a good addition, I hope one of them speaks up with some history.

So are the rap battles - those were tight! Anyone remember when they were? Sometime in mid 2006.

I don't really want to add a banning of someone though. Though I do hate John Dew.
Re: The People's History of UOGamers

Flipper;1597792 said:
GAY is a good addition, I hope one of them speaks up with some history.

In the good ol' days, there were a lot of drunken nights on vent, ganking, and town killing. Sadly, that's all I really remember.


Re: The People's History of UOGamers

Testament;1597398 said:
That donation scammer emdeeaech or whatever the fuck his name was who got busted for it. Now Ryan owns all his confiscated shit. 6564654646465 mill, polar bear ethys, pretty much tons of donation shit he was scamming out of the system for free.

Re: The People's History of UOGamers

I played a bit 2004 when i first joined the server, and since u didnt have much ill write what i can for that. However i really dont have months down.
First quarter i joined and soon after factions was introduced to the shard. Myself and WANKER created the guild MnX in Minax obivously which came to hold such early players as MentalityTC, Voodoo Child, Celery, Sir Ryan, Spaceman Susan and many more great pvpers as we was previous friends from before. [IC ran by Soc and BoJ had a lot players including eraxor and reality. Then Immortal exisisted not yet ran by Josh but someone else, but still powerful. This was the early faction scene to my memory. CoM dominated the towns and factions, with both talent and numbers.
Summer of 04. We took MnX into SL to combine our guild with Sir Ryans new SL guild to match the numbers of CoM in attempt to get towns. Where in which we was succesful in gaining the towns marking a turning point in moral for many players on the shard as that for first time another faction besides CoM held all the towns.


Re: The People's History of UOGamers

Testament;1597609 said:
Neither is half the things mentioned in this thread, it's still something a lot of vets remember. That's the point of this thread.

Not the fact that 15000 people were there to witness it.

He was well known and it was well known when he got the boot.

ah, then why, pray tell, shouldnt there be mention of when i acquired me pure?

im not saying it should, im jsut poking fun at your logic. if Dew went out with a blast, that woudl be one thing. but it was nothing special...

anyhow, Osmo siad he quit back in october 2006
Re: The People's History of UOGamers

kdivers;1597923 said:
ah, then why, pray tell, shouldnt there be mention of when i acquired me pure?

im not saying it should, im jsut poking fun at your logic. if Dew went out with a blast, that woudl be one thing. but it was nothing special...

anyhow, Osmo siad he quit back in october 2006

What about the time when I was a staff member and you were AFK. GM Andre made himself look exactly like you, changed his text and namehue to yours, paged in around 5 times full of profanity.

I brought YOUR super mining man to jail not knowing his ass was playing a joke on me.

He placed you back at WBB.

You didn't know that did you? Now you do....rofl

Yes, it did happen, you were AFK, not sure if he ever told you.

As for the Dew thing, maybe I'm just thinking it was more fun and notable for us on staff because of what we got to do with him before he was booted. ;)


Re: The People's History of UOGamers

<3 poptart

in all seriousness, getting some info on OPP/P F when they were first here would be cool... i know you and phontain were in on that.

also, any big name duelers, when they played, or if there was a big tourney... anyone remember this stuff?

Also, the guilds Tru and GOD and 666, etc... I know there were more. I wasn't really here then; guess I have some forum scouring to do.