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The moment you have all been waiting for..

The moment you have all been waiting for..

Yes, Pete finally dueled me. He's actually fairly good.. cough.

So here they are.

One of Messiah, and two of Pistol Pete.

Hope ya like em.


The three duelists were all in the same faction.
There is some longstanding hostility between the duelists.
These videos fit here just as well as they would in General or whatever...

These videos were great, they made my UO day.
They were pretty shitty duels, But all the shit Pete talks, just makes it funny. lol.

Oh, and qweazdak, Do you even have anything to do with factions? If not, please dont even post here. You seem to flame all my posts so go diaf.



Dude, he flames everyone's posts. It's nothing against u personally, I believe.

He's just grumpy :p

And about the videos... I didn't like. I heard u are good, so u could post some of the good fights.


Raezion- said:
They were pretty shitty duels, But all the shit Pete talks, just makes it funny. lol.

Exactly, it makes my day when people who talk crap get beaten by someone who doesn't (atleast I haven't heard you talk crap).
Destructo, I think I deleted it. We can make another if ya would like.

Also, Sharper, To make a fight good, you need two good players to fight.


Raezion- said:
Destructo, I think I deleted it. We can make another if ya would like.

Also, Sharper, To make a fight good, you need two good players to fight.

Now you just showed your arrogance :p

In the near future, I would like a "bad" fight with you. Since Im not good, but to improve you need to practice, right?


Hmm, what were the rules of these duels anyway?

No Pots?
No Petals?
No Stuns/No Specials?

Also, why the hell did he cast reveal?
That just has me puzzled...


well you cant hide if your enemy is in plain sight. i think none of them are ninjas, so forget the smoke/egg bombs.