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The lack of civility and humanity

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Re: The lack of civility and humanity

derreisender;1671529 said:
It doesn't matter what country you come from or what language you speak; we all have the same avatars in game. Nobody is, inherently, any more or less human than anyone else.

This part made me laugh ^^

If someone is trying to buy something from me and talking like this "I are how much want?". Then I'll tell them to go fuck themselves, and I know alot other people who will do the exact same thing. And if you see someone saying something in japanese or whatever then they are not human anymore then they are "fucking koreans" or a "fucking jap". And to me people seem to use it to make themselves "more" human then that asian minority person. ^^

But as I stated earlier in this thread: How would one refer to a black player without using the n-word? :/


Re: The lack of civility and humanity

Reign Flame;1671574 said:

Hey! I'm just telling it like it is :eek:
And I only tell them to fuck off if they talk like I illustrated above I do not think in any way that they are less human, but some people are acting like they think that...
Re: The lack of civility and humanity

There seems to be no limit for the capacity for us, as humans, to deceive ourselves. What possible long-term benefit could there be for isolating yourself based on language, color, and culture? The mere act or popularity of a belief/idea does not mean that it is true, nor does it immediately mean that it is the "best" choice.

Nothing in this world comes with a label on it that says "this particular act is generally regarded as good" or "this particular act is generally regarded as bad." We invent these labels ourselves, and most people are taught these labels by popular culture and mainstream media. When one begins to investigate the nature of these things, in the spirit of the times, one will consistently find that every major institution simply deals in illusions.

When I see someone speaking a language I do not understand, I do not think "fucking jap" or "fucking german" or "fucking [label]." I see a person speaking language that I do not understand; that's it. I know bits and pieces of various languages, and usually, we can find one that we can at least kind of understand. Being different does not make you inferior.

There are those from Asia who surely think of us as "fucking americans" and "fucking swedes," etc, so this behavior isn't unique to us. It's a defect of global popular culture, but it's not permanent. The fix is made by a simple choice. That choice is to be willing to understand and not see yourself as so different from anyone else in that we are all uniquely human; that is the commonality.

We're all part of this single larger community in hybrid; see this as a microcosm of the world. All humans are part of this single community in the world, and we function as a single living organism. My point is that this strife is not external to us; it is an internal problem within each of us as a part of the world. The fundamental decision is to choose understanding and love for another sentient creature from an objective perspective instead of fear and loathing for all of our innumerable differences.


Re: The lack of civility and humanity

Err... You became to preachy for me :/

Back to me music ^^



Re: The lack of civility and humanity

Well you don't want me to think... The world is a better place when my head is quiet ^^

Let me illustarte it:

Ozzy's brain activity:

_/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\_ = Very Bad

_/\__/\__/\__/\_ = Bad

_____/\___/\___ = Average

______/\______ = good

______________ = Very good

zlatan fulgere

Re: The lack of civility and humanity



Re: The lack of civility and humanity

Black Thunder;1672647 said:
"...and He who made kittens, put snakes in the grass"

"....and He who put snake in the grass soon realised that it wasn't so smart to put them so close to His children."


Re: The lack of civility and humanity

I know this was posted on: 05-18-2007, 03:34 PM
But what you said makes alot of sense. Well wrote.


Re: The lack of civility and humanity

Seo, the discussion is still on, should we be nice to our fellow players or should we be complete assholes?

I for one say we get rid of all the good in the world and start anew! So first we need to get rid of Ajax, then we can pwn Mythia... And lastly you can try to kill me but I'm so awesome its kewl... Just thought I'd let everyone know... Again...
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