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Suggestion Thread

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Everyone has giving Great idea's so far. But no one has statate the obviouse...... There isnt a single pvp or pvm or technical change that can be made to this shard to make new players join and old players reinstall the game.... The probleme is the population Periode and any changes that dont help to increase directly the population are worthless. I am the only one who gave an idea that was directly aimed at the MAIN probleme this shard is facing the population ( wedge too when he talked about advertising). No one even read my comment or tryed to build on it even tho... Thats how bad the remaining community is here........ Everyones trying to fix a HUMAIN probleme by adding more codes and technical stuff....... The fact is t'il that new player goes to bank and is Amazed seeing tons of chars logged on........ Untill the OldSchool players loggs and see,s the stupid little number telling pop of shard on logging go up.....The actualy population wont increase and any change to make a super new animal bod with gems systeme is pointless

You're right, however we do need some changes to keep the players here once they return. Sadly, we have returning players checking in weekly. The reason they leave is not due to pop reasons or the problem would fix itself. It's because they see the same problems and move on to next shard.


Forum Member of the Year 2008
To be honest I would start by wiping all those horrific hues that have been added throughout the years.

Whenever I log on for my random visits, I facepalm at all the different colors that keeps coming out. It was sort of fine when it was limited to a few items of extravagant design, since it was mild and not over the top.

Now everyone wears different hues that are more and more obnoxious to the eyes one after the other. Like there was someone the other day riding a Ki-rin that was a mixture of white and blue of some sort.

You can say what you want about it, but my reaction is always "Dafuq is this" and it does not take long for me to decide that I don't really want to be part of it.

You can say it's a selfish suggestion, but if I get that reaction, being the hardcore trammy that I am, I can imagine I am probably not the only one that's heavily turned off by all these unpleasant colors.


When these changes ate made, everyone should hit up old skype/aim contacts and spread the word

We should all make forum accounts on the competitions forums and INVADE. Everyone

Try to get the word out before getting banned

Maybe go to the competitions forums, and find out and list the contact info of everyone there. Then try talking to these people and attenpt to convert

Dunno if itd work tho. Several players messaged me trying to get me on UOF, years ago, and it failed: I told them to go eat a dick.
They might have immature response as well o_O


When these changes ate made, everyone should hit up old skype/aim contacts and spread the word

We should all make forum accounts on the competitions forums and INVADE. Everyone

Try to get the word out before getting banned

Maybe go to the competitions forums, and find out and list the contact info of everyone there. Then try talking to these people and attenpt to convert

Dunno if itd work tho. Several players messaged me trying to get me on UOF, years ago, and it failed: I told them to go eat a dick.
They might have immature response as well o_O
Any form of marketing will work once serious changes are made. I have so many contacts on other shards asking how Hybrid is doing. Very much looking forward to telling them about our recent changes.
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Associated Risk:

Stealing from crim/murderers - if this happened outside of towns, couldn't you just kill the person? This is only a problem with Reds and Greys in towns. Blue's don't have an issue with it, as the aggressor already flags when he steals. Personally, I find great irony in your choice of diction using "Associated Risk". Wherein a murderer or a criminal is the "victim" of theft. Those characters made those decisions and, by Lord British's laws, karma is a bitch.
Even if we were to follow your advice and disallow reds from entering town, this is still relevant to criminals.

Your reasoning is that murderers and criminals can be stolen from without recourse by virtue of their status as murderers and criminals. This logic fails when we try to justify how murderers and criminals can legally kill people who attack them. Making it illegal to defend oneself from theft but legal to defend oneself from attack is an arbitrary distinction that can't be supported by reason.
Guild 50+ - There are currently 4 guilds that have 50+ members, and they are at war with each other.
A guild's charter is its description of purpose. Currently, we can barely fit a single sentence in this area. This isn't very important, but it's an easy fix for a nonsensical limitation.
Ghosts and Runes - I don't see why this is a problem. It's a convenient way to troll those who death gate.
At the very least, it shouldn't be possible to block people's house runes with ghosts. If you really want to troll someone, you should have to do the legwork and assume the risk to do so, not simply park a ghost somewhere that no one can do anything about.
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I don't see any benefit in making it easier to gank people, but yes, wands are an issue for 1v1 fights.

What if we were to make it so that a gheal charge will act as a mini-heal unless the player has been damaged by at least two other players within the past five seconds? This would allow soloists to continue to participate in PVP while preventing the issue caused by gheals in 1v1 fights.
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Obviously this has been said elsewhere, but fir the sake of adding it to this thread:

A Money duel system.
Menu comes up, rules are set, money is added from bank before the match, total matches are set ( best out of X Wins the wager)

If a money duel with at least 1m gold is begun, a world message should be sent so bored people can watch


I don't see any benefit in making it easier to gank people, but yes, wands are an issue for 1v1 fights.

What if we were to make it so that a gheal charge will act as a mini-heal unless the player has been damaged by at least two other players within the past five seconds? This would allow soloists to continue to participate in PVP while preventing the issue caused by gheals in 1v1 fights.
Anything is better than the current situation.

Even if we were to follow your advice and disallow reds from entering town, this is still relevant to criminals.

Your reasoning is that murderers and criminals can be stolen from without recourse by virtue of their status as murderers and criminals. This logic fails when we try to justify how murderers and criminals can legally kill people who attack them. Making it illegal to defend oneself from theft but legal to defend oneself from attack is an arbitrary distinction that can't be supported by reason.

A guild's charter is its description of purpose. Currently, we can barely fit a single sentence in this area. This isn't very important, but it's an easy fix for a nonsensical limitation.

At the very least, it shouldn't be possible to block people's house runes with ghosts. If you really want to troll someone, you should have to do the legwork and assume the risk to do so, not simply park a ghost somewhere that no one can do anything about.
Easy fix, just do not allow reds to attack blues in town. If you're red in town and stolen from, that is the risk you take for being red in town. Also, as someone who practices the dark arts of town killing. I think town killing should take more talent than suicide rushes on your red.


Easy fix, just do not allow reds to attack blues in town. If you're red in town and stolen from, that is the risk you take for being red. This will also curb some of the town killing. Town killing should take more risk and skill anyway, I'm expert in that field. :)
Even if we were to follow your advice and disallow reds from entering town, this is still relevant to criminals.
What is the argument for disallowing reds from fighting in town anyway? What value is added by doing so? If it's just about town killing, there are easier ways to solve that issue.
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I think there should add some sort of point system so when you kill a red you can hand in there head every 30minutes for points and with these points you can buy general pvp stock or there should be parts of the world were you can have a high chance of killing mobs or something which drops pvp runics or com deeds full of pots or regs or petals this would bring people to pvp in these area's and give new players easy way to get stock.

I also think they should do champ spawns and make them have sick item drops so you will need quite a few players to do these this will also create pvp
in a dungeon like environment. I also suggest adding new things into the game like wedge suggest on petballs to max there skills also house teleports for
your ip I also believe in some system where depending how many hours you play you get some type on reward for this because this can make players want to
try stay active or stay afk online so when a new player logs onto the shard he see people here.

Hopefully we see some of my suggestions thanks.


hire more staff - limit their abilities to add items/gold

advertise the shard more

give active staff a percentage of donation money - only to very active staff with no valid complaints against them

make bolas unusable if a character has animal taming skill

remove wands

remove hybrid armor - do a CuB and make the armor pieces worth 500-750k tokens... i think 750k was the original amount

make brit always normal price or -30% - this will help new players who may not know about faction price increase/decrease

do another trade fair

do another CuB

more events are always a good thing

add more gold sinks to the shard - seasonal items, rare hair dye hues, deco, etc

make faction trap and faction trap removal kits 1 use each

eliminate faction point loss due to time passing - unless character isn't logged in for 2+ months

new vet rewards - since most of us have 100s of vet reward choices, make the new ones cost more than one choice... like some new +2ar robe hue costing 50 choices as an example

more quests - the naturalist one is pretty neat so far

put poker tables in the multi room buildings with the blue roof a little south of wbb

get rid of safe zones except where needed for dueling

wipe the duel boards so current players have a chance to get in the top 10


Could you pick a few of these things to implement after seeing a few more posts? Like, make a list of what you are considering to implement, that way we could comment before the change is made? I know you are busy irl as many of us are, but I've seen some nice ideas here and I just pray that we get some of this done asap. Please make this happen.
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Even if we were to follow your advice and disallow reds from entering town, this is still relevant to criminals.

Your reasoning is that murderers and criminals can be stolen from without recourse by virtue of their status as murderers and criminals. This logic fails when we try to justify how murderers and criminals can legally kill people who attack them. Making it illegal to defend oneself from theft but legal to defend oneself from attack is an arbitrary distinction that can't be supported by reason.

A guild's charter is its description of purpose. Currently, we can barely fit a single sentence in this area. This isn't very important, but it's an easy fix for a nonsensical limitation.

At the very least, it shouldn't be possible to block people's house runes with ghosts. If you really want to troll someone, you should have to do the legwork and assume the risk to do so, not simply park a ghost somewhere that no one can do anything about.
I see your argument only as valid when someone steals from a criminal, not a murderer. I still argue a murderers best option is, well, murder.

Ghosts on runes. I'm rather indifferent on this, I really only used it to troll a few guys for a couple of days until they got smart enough to do an advanced gate macro, which are not hard to create. I still think it serves a major benefit for death gaters. I have single handedly ruined death gaters days by doing so.

Charter - my bad, yeah that's a simple and easy fix. Good idea sir.

Thanks for your feedback and genuine conversation on this. Please, keep it up and comment on others suggestions in an equally constructive manner. I think we the players can really help move this shard in the right direction.


I have played this shard over 10 years. They're are not gonna make changes, people have talked about all this for years. This thread is just to hype up and disappoint. Vet rewards were suppose to change like 5 years ago. Betting gold on duels... 3 years ago. The only change they do every few years is delete and add back del pond lmao. The hues are ridiculous, wands are retarded.

But just for kicks
-Wipe pvp boards
-New vet rewards
-Delete new hues (we are one step away from being an artifact weapons shard and shit)
-Betting gold on duels.
-Delete wands and stupid hybrid mares. i mean really? Might as well add fire steeds. At least those were in OSI in the mid 2000's.
-Adding linked houses would be cool..
-Really doing a 4 house per ip wipe would be nice instead of the gms letting it slide as usual..
-Oh and i cant stress this enough, stop jewing everyone on Christmas presents. Second year in a row you fucked us without lube or dinner first.
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