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Steal of the week

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Re: Steal of the week

Martin said:
Steal of the week 09-08-2005 11:01 PM Revelations who the fuck are u faggot duel?

lol this is the rep this fucking idiot gave me. lol. because dueling in uo will determine who has superior intellect. and you most certainly do not have near the capacity i do you fucking moronic little kid. stop running your goddamn mouth.
"because dueling in uo will determine who has superior intellect."
rigth it wont, but if ur in a thin glasshouse dont throw with huge rocks


Re: Steal of the week

_Choru_ said:
Hi Rev, you have never killed me 1v1 that I can garuntee, also I dont think Ive died to you in a group fight, ever.

Therefore that is not the reason for my following comments:

You are a fucking retard that should get back to trammel, this is NOT a scam, if you dont have the forsight to use forensic ID on the guy you deserve to be scammed.

When I first came to this shard I made about 20mill scamming ppl promising them my items on DFI. (they all donated here to give me stuff for DFI stuff)

That is a scam, there is very little they could have done to prevent that happening.

You however have NUMEROUS options to prevent the situation you are currently in.

Do you really need to be moaning OMG BANZ HIM!!!!!!!!!1 As far as I'm concerned its part of the fun of playing in fel, get used to it.

lol for scamming and statloss at the same time hmm strange huh? rofl


Re: Steal of the week

This thread is hilarious.

Watch it though Buc, Revelations might make a duplicate character of Buccaneer Bob kill that character, take some screen shots, then make a thread about it.
Re: Steal of the week

tbkiah said:
How is this not a scam? seriously... you go and get something out of the bank and place it into the trade window.... the "buyer" has decided that he will buy the item.. and he closes the trade window dropping the item into the pack and steals it... this is a scam... as in he says he is going to buy it and doesn't and steals it from you... what should happen is that the item is put back to where it was before.. as in it goes back into the bank when the trade window is closed without a trade... unless you people don't know what a "scam" is cause you are fucking retarded but that is besides the point.

It's shady, but it's not a scam. It's a way to steal items...the buyer needs to beware, and use some common sense...If Ryan intended to have secure trading (to prevent what your speaking of) then why in the hell do you think they made it so you can't trade in dueling arena's, why do you think they haven't added trammel?

Please, grad a clue, thanks. Scamming and using shady tactics are 2 completely different things, just because you don't know how to trade securely (usin a vendor) doesn't mean that it's a scam when your items (that are in your backpack) get stolen.


Re: Steal of the week

Antarus said:
This thread is hilarious.

Watch it though Buc, Revelations might make a duplicate character of Buccaneer Bob kill that character, take some screen shots, then make a thread about it.



Re: Steal of the week

DasSchaf said:
hmm *thinks* .. *thinks about ryan* no one will ever stop spamming i guess

maybe try to find the difference between spam and scam there, walker texas ranger

DasSchaf said:
i have a hint for u...
1. read the posts till u know whats happening
2. think about it
3. post and THEN and ONLY THEN u can refer to something that is talked about here...

i have an idea why dont you take your own advice eh? because YOU obviously know everything that went on in this post, but if that were true, then you would know that what he said was in context. so think before you open your mouth......
Re: Steal of the week

I just think "pretending to trade" is no more a scam than "pretending" to befriend someone, and then taking them out of town and murderin them..yea it's shady, but a scam is something where you use an exploit to get something from someone...not something that happens every day.

Stealing is a part of this game, if you think it's a scam, then go to trammel...


Re: Steal of the week

Revelations said:

Read this fucking thread, scamming is now illegal, he will be suspended and maybe banned, so deal with it scamming punk!

Using an in game feature isn't scamming, dude.

All he did was close out a trade window (perfectly legal) and use the stealing skill (perfectly legal). He didn't take it under some sort of false pretense. He didn't get you to give it to him when he said he'd give you something for it. All he did was provide an opportunity to use an in game skill. pwned
Re: Steal of the week

Antarus said:
This thread is hilarious.

Watch it though Buc, Revelations might make a duplicate character of Buccaneer Bob kill that character, take some screen shots, then make a thread about it.

sad but true


Re: Steal of the week

Buccaneer Bob said:
maybe try to find the difference between spam and scam there, walker texas ranger

i have an idea why dont you take your own advice eh? because YOU obviously know everything that went on in this post, but if that were true, then you would know that what he said was in context. so think before you open your mouth......

first just a mistipe

yea talking stuff that wasnt mentioned (only by other people who did the same) is allways in context for sure


Re: Steal of the week

Antarus said:
This thread is hilarious.

Watch it though Buc, Revelations might make a duplicate character of Buccaneer Bob kill that character, take some screen shots, then make a thread about it.

not really sure killing a thief would be a big feat, but hell if he wants to try, i can always snoop him to death... ARRRRRRRRRR


Re: Steal of the week

Buccaneer Bob said:
not really sure killing a thief would be a big feat, but hell if he wants to try, i can always snoop him to death... ARRRRRRRRRR

When I die the person or people open an empty corpse and still yell owned, pwned, don't **** with me newb.. those types of things. I always laugh to myself as I am naked with nothing able to be taken in my pack.. its funny


Re: Steal of the week

Sigler said:
When I die the person or people open an empty corpse and still yell owned, pwned, don't **** with me newb.. those types of things. I always laugh to myself as I am naked with nothing able to be taken in my pack.. its funny

yeah i know how that is, when im alive my pack is full and im fully dressed, when im dead my corpse is empty... hylarious


Re: Steal of the week

It could be seen as a scam... here ill trade you this for this... oh wait no now i will take it cause it dropped into your pack......

Ok... this is half scam half not... this is more of an exploit of game mechanics to create a situation in which he can take an item through stealing... no stealing the item is not the scam/con/whateverthefuckyouwanttocallit... the part that is the scam/conwhateverthefuckyouwannacallit is the part where he says he will trade the item, doesn't trade and steals it. This isn't just shady tactics... that should be considered scamming someone...

Easy way to fix... instead of having something drop from bank to backpack with a cancelation of the trade window, have it fall back into the place it was before. having someone remove an item from their bank into the trade window is a scam/con... stealing the item when it drops into the bag is not..

This is not "trammel like" and any of you who say it is can go deepthroat a horses cock.

Ok, i believe it was testamix or something that quoted me and said that the staff gets the final word and what i see as a scam blah blah blah... OK, i know the staff may see it not as a scam but the thing is they are wrong, its a scam.. though it is their idea and word whether or not they will enforce this.


Re: Steal of the week

tbkiah said:
It could be seen as a scam... here ill trade you this for this... oh wait no now i will take it cause it dropped into your pack......

Ok... this is half scam half not... this is more of an exploit of game mechanics to create a situation in which he can take an item through stealing... no stealing the item is not the scam/con/whateverthefuckyouwanttocallit... the part that is the scam/conwhateverthefuckyouwannacallit is the part where he says he will trade the item, doesn't trade and steals it. This isn't just shady tactics... that should be considered scamming someone...

Easy way to fix... instead of having something drop from bank to backpack with a cancelation of the trade window, have it fall back into the place it was before. having someone remove an item from their bank into the trade window is a scam/con... stealing the item when it drops into the bag is not..

This is not "trammel like" and any of you who say it is can go deepthroat a horses cock.

Ok, i believe it was testamix or something that quoted me and said that the staff gets the final word and what i see as a scam blah blah blah... OK, i know the staff may see it not as a scam but the thing is they are wrong, its a scam.. though it is their idea and word whether or not they will enforce this.

blah blah blah, been said like 5 times already in this thread... got any new input? hmmm? you gonna be okay? you want a soda? hmm?


Re: Steal of the week

Well... guess what? when it simply comes down to what is a scam and what is not, that is the truth... do i care if they enforce it? no... and if you reply with what you did was a con.. let me tell you that a con and a scam are .0001% different than eachother.
Re: Steal of the week

Revelations said:
his aim name is Tastie Wheet, big deal bob, you stole a 100k sword and no one will buy from you again, and guess what, last I checked, Ryan was deleting scammers accoutns, hope it was worth it admitting your a scammer online.

He said in the forums he would offer me a cbd for the glass sword I was selling, showed up and stole it after giving me some sob story about how thieves have been stealing from him so he needs to be extra safe, see ya Bob, I hope you enjoyed your time on UOGamers....

HAHAHA you got owned.


Re: Steal of the week

that .0001% could be the difference in the atomic weight of uranium and iron, just because its a small number doesnt mean they're almost the same
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