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Should mare boating considered to be illegal?

Solution of Pet Boating

  • Pet Summoning Ball

    Votes: 17 13.8%
  • Owner Knows exact Pet Coordinate mobile or stilled

    Votes: 14 11.4%
  • Declare Boating illegal

    Votes: 25 20.3%
  • It is fine the way it is

    Votes: 67 54.5%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
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Re: Should mare boating considered to be illegal?

Here is how I see this big chunk of discussion is all about.

Mare boater VS Victims

Arguing endlessly to keep or shift things into their own favored way.

I think Victims' side has few interesting ideas to change things in the better ways while boaters' side has also a firm opinion on why things should be the way it is.

True reason beneath their claim?

Victim, Don't want to lose thier 2 month old nightmare they have brought up with so much effort in absurd way.

Boater, We are self proclaimed balancing officer of Ultima Online who punishes and hands out risks to unfairly advantaged tamers for using mares. Meanwhile, we would like some profit and fun.

Maybe that guy who started this post didn't lose any mare at all. He just wanted to find out who the hell is the boater and who is not for his references. LOL Make sure your ID doesn't sound resembling to your character name!!!

Blue Looter

Re: Should mare boating considered to be illegal?

I am a tamer, I train my pets because.. well, 7x gm pets are just plain fun to use, not to mention worth a sizeable amount of money. Using them for farming is effective. Using them for pvp is less effective, but still fun.
If you enter pvp, whether you instigated it or not, your pets are at risk, not only from losing skills due to death, but to total loss of the pet.
I did get a visit from one of the suicide mare luring squads the other day in Serpents hold, apparently their timing was off, my reflect and in vas mani made them look like they needed more practice.
Overall, I feel these attacks are about equal to the town thief. Both char types in my opinion are pretty much cheesedick lamers. And it pains me to say, both types are valid.
Bonded pets are not 'blessed' items, close, but not quite. Treat them and protect them as you would any item of great value.
I voted not to make it illegal.
If it happens during pvp I think it's less than honorable, but if it's a suicide town attack I think its the act of a total cheesedick.

Sleepy Char

Re: Should mare boating considered to be illegal?

To be honest, I'm starting to change my view on this, and I don't even have a tamer.

It used to be that Mares would get boated when people would be acting shittily with them, trying to noto/invis gank, rolling in guilds with them, factioning with mares or bola ganking. Stuff like that.

Now, it seems like every time someone sees anyone with any mare in any situation, it's getting boated. Simple as that, he has a mare, time to boat it.

When this thread was posted, it was like a dexer moaning that disarm thieves are able to steal his vanq. In the past week or so however, it's more like a dexer moaning that anyone can disarm steal weps at any time with 0 skill.

Mare boating has gone from a select punishment given out to the deserving to a display of l33tness that any moron can and will pull off, and I'm not sure there's a way to distinguish between luring a gank guild's mares and luring someone's mares just because it's a mare.


Re: Should mare boating considered to be illegal?

Blue Looter said:
I am a tamer, I train my pets because.. well, 7x gm pets are just plain fun to use, not to mention worth a sizeable amount of money. Using them for farming is effective. Using them for pvp is less effective, but still fun.
If you enter pvp, whether you instigated it or not, your pets are at risk, not only from losing skills due to death, but to total loss of the pet.
I did get a visit from one of the suicide mare luring squads the other day in Serpents hold, apparently their timing was off, my reflect and in vas mani made them look like they needed more practice.
Overall, I feel these attacks are about equal to the town thief. Both char types in my opinion are pretty much cheesedick lamers. And it pains me to say, both types are valid.
Bonded pets are not 'blessed' items, close, but not quite. Treat them and protect them as you would any item of great value.
I voted not to make it illegal.
If it happens during pvp I think it's less than honorable, but if it's a suicide town attack I think its the act of a total cheesedick.

I agree completely. Know how to defend your mares, don't take them into pvp if you don't want to lose them. And I agree with the post above, too. Too many idiots are trying to boat just to boat as opposed to specific reasons.

That having been said, I voted to keep it as is. Learn to recall, run, or follow your damn pets.


Re: Should mare boating considered to be illegal?

Few answers to posts:

1. CHknplkr is right about how to defend your mares. I have never had any, but this is common sense. Take this from one of the guys taht was boating mares like crazy last night, together with CHknplkr himself. See, were not that bad, we take your mares, but also tell you how to defend aqgainst it. If you choose not to, then we would like to thank you and would appreciate the free mare/ransom(your choice).

2. My suicide exploder character's name is a direct reference to the forum name, but by the time you see this character, you will have so many reds around you with explo pre-casted, it will be too late. We go scouting on our blues which nobody knows, oh and incognito / disguise kits are even better.

3. To kirin's comment "Boater, We are self proclaimed balancing officer of Ultima Online who punishes and hands out risks to unfairly advantaged tamers for using mares. Meanwhile, we would like some profit and fun." - AMAZING SUMMARY, could not have said it better myself.


Re: Should mare boating considered to be illegal?

I was checking on selling and buying forum a bit earlier and stumbled upon a seller who is selling his newbie mares for 275 - 400k. Come on people! Boat more so a newbie mare will hit 1 million!!!

UOGamer Tamers are....Doomed.


Re: Should mare boating considered to be illegal?

Kirin said:
Come on people! Boat more so a newbie mare will hit 1 million!!!

UOGamer Tamers are....Doomed.

That's exaclty my biggest rationale behind mare boating. If we boat 5 - 10 per day, soon they' be so rare that even if we retame 25% of them, we will make mad $$$ by reselling them. Oh, and also, when they become so rare and expensive a lot more pple will be willing to pay huge ransoms for them, so we win on both ends, not to mention we are doing away with the "I am leet banksitting on my mare tamer" kinds. At some point pple will not dare banksit on their mares unless they are REAL good. In which case, they deserve to own our asses and get to keep their mare. On the other hand, gotta love the smarty pants who go afk on their mares and die to poison RIGHT IN FRON OF WBB( Hellooooo Mr. Black).

Sleepy Char

Re: Should mare boating considered to be illegal?

What would you guys who boat mares say to this;

All mares can be 'ported back to the owner. There's a delay on this like the stuck menu and a limited number of uses, to prevent abuse. However, there's also an insanely large 'crim' timer, perhaps something like 3 hours, maybe even a lot longer, I don't boat mares so I don't know.

If YOU ATTACK SOMEONE WHO IS NOT ATTACKING YOU with a mare, you can't "claim" it for an hour (or whatever). This means that if you're a blue attacking a red with a mare, no porting. Red attacking blue, no porting. If someone attacks you and you say all kill, then you can port it. This way, red, blue, war or faction, people who attack others using mares are still at risk of being boated, but if some random guy stumbles across someone with a mare he can't dump on the tamer and lead the mare off just for the sake of being an asshole.

I realise this ruins some people's fun and because if that they'll probably say it's a bad idea, but IMO luring should go back to how it used to be, a "punishment" for those being most abusive of a trained mare's power.
Re: Should mare boating considered to be illegal?

uolamerdev said:
That's exaclty my biggest rationale behind mare boating. If we boat 5 - 10 per day, soon they' be so rare that even if we retame 25% of them, we will make mad $$$ by reselling them. Oh, and also, when they become so rare and expensive a lot more pple will be willing to pay huge ransoms for them, so we win on both ends, not to mention we are doing away with the "I am leet banksitting on my mare tamer" kinds. At some point pple will not dare banksit on their mares unless they are REAL good. In which case, they deserve to own our asses and get to keep their mare. On the other hand, gotta love the smarty pants who go afk on their mares and die to poison RIGHT IN FRON OF WBB( Hellooooo Mr. Black).

I love guys who think they are the kings at this. Pepsi and GAY boated Krrios'. When you guys beat that then start talking about being good at boating mares. K thx.

Sleepy Char

Re: Should mare boating considered to be illegal?

unrequited love said:
I love guys who think they are the kings at this. Pepsi and GAY boated Krrios'. When you guys beat that then start talking about being good at boating mares. K thx.

How about boating Mark's supermares as controlled by Persona, recorded live on RPV?

We knew he'd get them back via adminhax, but "these guys" still did it. At least try and pretend you've got some humility before opening your mouth and putting your foot in it.


Re: Should mare boating considered to be illegal?

unrequited love said:
I love guys who think they are the kings at this. Pepsi and GAY boated Krrios'. When you guys beat that then start talking about being good at boating mares. K thx.

1. I never said I was good, in fact I even mention that I like afk'ers, since it makes it SOOOOOO much easier. If I wanted to do things the hard way, I'd be farming using a warrior hacking at liches.

2. Can't be that bad at it if we are getting about 5 + per day(at least 8 yesterday, but I was ther efor only 5 of them), when people know this is going on and are on the lookout.

3. We actually boated 2 of them from the same guy(Mr. Black, but I was only there for the first one) but he got on the boat the second time as a ghost and a GM took him and the mare out.

4. It's one of the most fun ways to make an easy $$ in UO. The other easy way is being a tamer and farming with your mares, so we are directly taking their very same easy money making advantage and using it directly against them for our own gain.


Re: Should mare boating considered to be illegal?

Mr Fahrenheit said:
How about boating Mark's supermares as controlled by Persona, recorded live on RPV?

We knew he'd get them back via adminhax, but "these guys" still did it. At least try and pretend you've got some humility before opening your mouth and putting your foot in it.
True that, what 10k scribe with RA/reflect up and instant move 7x mares?
And we still killed him and boated it, that's some real boating, GAY and Pepsi are noob tbh ^_^


Re: Should mare boating considered to be illegal?

I've notice that people aren't riding their mares anymore.

Congratulation boaters you have accomplished your mission.

Getting rid of nightmare from the game.

It was PART of the game.
Re: Should mare boating considered to be illegal?

BlackSword said:
I've notice that people aren't riding their mares anymore.

Congratulation boaters you have accomplished your mission.

Getting rid of nightmare from the game.

It was PART of the game.

People are learning they aren't trammy items to display at banks. And guess what boating mares is part of the game.

Ghost Foo

Re: Should mare boating considered to be illegal?

Mr Fahrenheit said:
What the fuck are you waffling about? This is Ultima Online not BE AN ENORMOUS CUNT TO OTHER PLAYERS online. Thanks for the Wikipedia lesson, too.

Actually, thats what im trying to say. I believe you made my point. If you let other people get to you then it is, "BE AN ENORMOUS CUNT TO OTHER PLAYERS online." Heres the problem though, if players are acting towards you in a certain way then dont deal with them, dont let them, act smarter then them. There are many different ways you can keep your mares from being boated. Whether you agree with this or not, players who are boating mares are not exploiting the game, they are exploiting the ignorance of other players.....

Sleepy Char

Re: Should mare boating considered to be illegal?

Ghost Foo said:
Actually, thats what im trying to say. I believe you made my point.
You see, most people won't believe it, but I actually agree with you. Part of the reason I even play UO 9 years on is because unlike every other MMORPG there's this constant emphasis on player interaction.

If you want a sword, you can kill someone who has a sword, and take it. You can kill monsters and buy a sword. You can buy ingots and make one. You can mine ingots and get someone else to make you one. You can kill a miner and give the ingots to your smith. It's all about how players interact, and I get that.

The problem is, I think the balance has been fucked up recently. Boating mare is undoubtedly a popular craze, and it's pretty clear that anyone taking a mare anywhere is going to get it taken from them. That's the point where something needs to be done. It's no longer a risk of your mare being boated, it's pretty much a certainty.

The problem is that anyone can do it. Kill a tamer and have a bit of brain and congrats, you just boated a mare. Even a mule character could do it. It's be hard, but it's possible. The dexer comparison still stands, if disarm stealing was made to require 0 skill and everyone started doing it then pretty soon you'd get all the dexers moaning that something needed to be changed, with the mages posting "Losing weps is part of the game".

Something needs to be done, but I don't know what. Mares should be lurable but not to the point where it's getting impossible to even have a mare. As usual, the idiots have taken a good thing and squeezed every last drop of fun out of it.

This is entirely guesswork, but I would bet that a lot of the random people going "LEAVE MARES U FAGS" have just discovered this k-rad world of mare boating and want to get in on the fun before they fix it somehow.


Re: Should mare boating considered to be illegal?

We really mostly target banksitters because I believe banksitting and WTFPRETTYPIXELS have gotten out of hand, and this is the most effective way to cripple a banksitter as everything else is blessed (ITS LIKE TRAMMEL YAY)
That and ummm, woot its funny as hell.


Re: Should mare boating considered to be illegal?

unrequited love said:
And guess what boating mares is part of the game.

Well, I need to hear this kind of thing from Admins or Devs to accept above theory of 'Boating mare is a part of the game'. Since when?

Mare is part of game. It EXISTS. It spawns.

Boating is a player INVENTED way of having fun for few selected individuals.

I strongly disagree with your point of view sir.
Re: Should mare boating considered to be illegal?

BlackSword said:
Well, I need to hear this kind of thing from Admins or Devs to accept above theory of 'Boating mare is a part of the game'. Since when?

Mare is part of game. It EXISTS. It spawns.

Boating is a player INVENTED way of having fun for few selected individuals.

I strongly disagree with your point of view sir.

I hope you know that your post is the result of having your own mare boated. You don't need an admin to tell you its obviously part of the game. Boating was not integrated thus it will not be removed.
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