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Rest in peace tyler.


Re: Rest in peace tyler.

I knew him as Meph from Catskills......He knew me as Skulletto and Maahem.

Good ole' vesper pk's.

Re: Rest in peace tyler.

Lunarpancake said:
I knew him as Meph from Catskills......He knew me as Skulletto and Maahem.

Good ole' vesper pk's.


Yeah, your definatly old school man...
sad sad times...his family asked me to be a paul bearer...at a closed funeral (family only) im rather taken aback...i was like family but on the same note if i was excluded and another friend of his chosen i would be rather upset...anyways
thank you all once again

Daniel Spaeth
Re: Rest in peace tyler.

Cronic man I'll definetely contact you as I did Tyler's cousin, Scott, man. As for the little brat and his comment all I can say is. It's not of your concern how tyler died and his drug problem. Unless to himself and those he loved and loved him back, who won't judge him. If you had any reading and comprehension capacity you'd notice as said here many times he was willing to change, to get through that issue. You can't say nothing. I luckly don't know how is it like to deal with drug addiction of any kind, but you can imagine it's pretty damn hard. Multiply some of you kids' addiction and obsession for UO ten times and you might get a small idea. Even thou, he never told anyone to use drugs, he acted as always as a funny, nice friend, who always showed care for those he came in contact with. The conclusion is: if you have nothing good to say, shut your damn mouth, and show some respect through your silence. Respect for Tyler, those who care for him and their grief.


"Nothing lasts... nothing lasts. Everything is changing into something else. Nothing's wrong. Nothing is wrong. Everything is on track. William Blake said nothing is lost and I believe that we all move on."
-Terrence McKenna
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Re: Rest in peace tyler.

i dont recall meeting him but my thoughts and prayers are with his family , only in time will we see him again rip
Re: Rest in peace tyler.

ANiceUoPlayer said:
God bless.. But, He did die on an overdose and i cant just feel sorry for someones own bad decisions. Example: friend comes to be 2 days ago, says oh btw, "girls name" is pregnant, i respond wonderful its not like you didnt know something like this was in the cards, look at yoru lifestyle. Nuff said,

He does have my blessing, but dieing on an OD is a ridiculous way to die, and may i ask What was the Drug used?

Depression can fuck up your state of mind and and make you do things without thinking. If you have never been down that road, well, it is a horrible one and you can't judge a person's character but a decision they made while in that mindframe.
Re: Rest in peace tyler.

Testamentx said:
Depression can fuck up your state of mind and and make you do things without thinking. If you have never been down that road, well, it is a horrible one and you can't judge a person's character but a decision they made while in that mindframe.

I can give my condolences to the grieving family, and friends. The loss of a friend or loved one, is hard, even more so when they do it to themselves.

I would add though, for the good of all who may choose to believe the truth...

Depression can fuck up your state of mind

Depression is a state of mind, not something that changes it. On the wise, depression is a CHOSEN state of mind. Any psychologist or therapist ( and btw I have very little respect for that profession, but I know some small spots of psychology) would tell you that humans generate their emotions, we generate our thoughts and we generate our psychology. This person, chose to be depressed. He chose to hate life, himself, and he chose the road he walked.

Events in life may help us to choose these things, if we let lifes lemons have control over us, but by and by, what we have in life today, is a direct result of choices made yesterday.

Tragedy is tragedy, and hopefully other people will learn by it. The road of drugs, rock, alcohol, addictions, etc, will lead you to hate yourself, because you find you've gone no where useful, and that is depression. Eventually, it brings forth death in some manner.

I wish the best for Tyler and his friends/family. I hope others near him, maybe living the same lifestyle, will learn by it.
Re: Rest in peace tyler.

Rottingham said:
I can give my condolences to the grieving family, and friends. The loss of a friend or loved one, is hard, even more so when they do it to themselves.

I would add though, for the good of all who may choose to believe the truth...

Depression is a state of mind, not something that changes it. On the wise, depression is a CHOSEN state of mind. Any psychologist or therapist ( and btw I have very little respect for that profession, but I know some small spots of psychology) would tell you that humans generate their emotions, we generate our thoughts and we generate our psychology. This person, chose to be depressed. He chose to hate life, himself, and he chose the road he walked.

Events in life may help us to choose these things, if we let lifes lemons have control over us, but by and by, what we have in life today, is a direct result of choices made yesterday.

Tragedy is tragedy, and hopefully other people will learn by it. The road of drugs, rock, alcohol, addictions, etc, will lead you to hate yourself, because you find you've gone no where useful, and that is depression. Eventually, it brings forth death in some manner.

I wish the best for Tyler and his friends/family. I hope others near him, maybe living the same lifestyle, will learn by it.
dude please shut up. maybe you meant well but just say youre sorry and keep your opinions to yourself.

and by the way what the fuck does "rock" have to do with anything?


Re: Rest in peace tyler.

i remember him from catskills, mostly moongate pvp with him.

i remember you as well cronic, im thinking of the right people right?

sry man, im listening to some clapton right now...he feels peoples pain.
Re: Rest in peace tyler.

Wow, yeah I remember spanky for sure, he was in my guild a long time ago. When Kaz made me gm of .e when I was a big noob lol like 2 years ago maybe longer. I remember him pretty well to and i'm pretty sure I had his aim.
Re: Rest in peace tyler.

Thank you all so much.
His funeral was rough, but helped a little with my very meager understanding of death. For pictures just ask me

HuztlaMan on AIM
