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realistic wolf role-playing

Two Wolves

realistic wolf role-playing

We are getting a lot of inquiries about our realistic wolf RP.

The rules are: only appear in game to other players as a Wolf and do not use Verbal communication.

You are limited to *emotes*, noises, movements and whatever else you can think of. Imitating canine behaviors turns out to be surprisingly expressive. Some of the best RP I have seen comes from these Wolf characters.

It is very easy to get started. Anybody can create a new character with Ninjitsu 50, Wrestling 50. That is enough ninjitsu to cast Animal Form for the dog. This will make you a wolf pup, to start. Wrestling 50 will be enough to hunt rabbits on your own, that is about it. At this stage you will need to be in a pack to survive.

Currently there are two packs, Storm Cloud Pack and Saw Tooth Pack. The Saw Tooth Pack has no alpha female, so you will be a pup in the Storm Cloud Pack - since the alpha pair are the exclusive breeders in a pack,

Alpha Male: Kajika (walks without sound)
Alpha Female: Hipamika (sharp teeth)

will be your parents; until we get a female for Nagogth.

If you decide to first develop your ninjitsu, you will need to work it up to at least 85 to cast the Animal Form, Wolf Form. I recommend 90 or 100 because fizzling is annoying and there will be lots of skill points to spare. Starting as an adult, you have more options. You can take a free slot in either of the existing packs or roam the area as a loner. Lone wolves are likely to be driven out of established pack territories, unless you can take over the position of the Omega and work you way up the pack hierarchy from there.

? is an open slot. Rudedi is no longer a pup. That needs to be updated.

Names for Wolves will not be Blank Wolf like Wolf Clan people. They are usually native names that have a wolf themed meaning: Nagogth (snake killer) Stu'oqe'e (mouse hunter)

Here are some or our resources:
Wolf Clan Origin Myth
Cheyenne names
^^ sorry about the flashing banner

The major rituals that Wolves observe are:
Reinforce the pack hierarchy, whenever two wolves meet one will submit.
Share responsibility for caring for the pack's pups, by bringing back meat to the densite.
Participate in group activities, group howl at dawn, dusk, during hunts.
Group hunts, will have a leader who will target larger pray with a larger group.
Senting, *roll* on things that you find on the ground to pick up the sent.
When other wolves *sniff*, now you can give them information, *smells like mongbat*.