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PvP Academy

Re: PvP Academy

Drakull-demise;245248 said:
I suppose that it's due a different reason: if it were based on this thread YOU BOTH deserved the same treatment...

I wonder if anyone has joined this PvM academy TBH....


Re: PvP Academy

You'll never see me talking like that, unless some kid starts offending me. That should count too. If you check my other posts i always try to be kind, cause i am in rl, but some things just piss me off more then others.
End story for me, i am too old for this.
Re: PvP Academy

Lesson 1: Never fight alone,always gank.
Lesson 2: Always ress kill your opponent after you ganked him.
Lesson 3: Talk trash after you resskilled someone
Lesson 4: Say you have the best (insert type char) on (insert shard)
Lesson 5: House hide when you see talented pvpers.


Re: PvP Academy

New thread, different players, same topics.

This thread is being hijacked! It is now about soda pop. discuss

I like Pepsi better than coca-cola, but imho Pepsi Crystal was garbage.


Re: PvP Academy

Agreed on the crystal pepsi, however coca cola is ftw. My gf likes the cherry vanilla, but I prefer the plain cherry. I feel the vanilla leaves a nasty aftertaste.


Re: PvP Academy

Since i am not an american and we don't have those fancy vanilla and similar cokes, i just wanna say PEPSI is teh best.


Re: PvP Academy

i hate any sort of soft drink with vanilla flavor. leave that to cake and ice cream.. NOT SODA!

as for my favorite soda, i may just have to go with either mt. dew or grape soda.

or icb root beer.


i think i really really like soft drinks.
Re: PvP Academy

i dont drink soda, and havent for like 7 years only becuase i dont like the taste. 100% juices and water are much better. But i would say rootbeer is the best soda irl


Re: PvP Academy

I like coke sometimes, but... ew, Id rather drink water. :/ If I drink any kind of soda pop without water afterwards I feel totally dizzy.
Re: PvP Academy

crystal pepsi was the wierdest thing ever created...looked like sprite, tasted like pepsi...brain got confused.

IBC cream soda > all

IBC rootbeer comes in a close second

But I like the Diet pepsi Jazz flavors too. black cherry vanilla is yummeh!
Re: PvP Academy

it has nuttin to do with that, i just hate the taste. more of the carbonation then anything. But yes soda has like 180 calories per 12 ounces so if you drink like 4-5 sodas a day thats talks almost 1000 calories a day, if you cut that from your diet you could lose 2 pounds a week. To burn a lb you much burn 3600 calories.

More useless info ill share with the world. But i guess you need to learn that stuff if you played 2 high school sports(football and track)


Re: PvP Academy

First, this is NOT an NME academy, any of you who fight me should already know that Rza is no longer an NME character, hasn't been for almost a week. This isn't NME as a guild, this is me as a PLAYER, so please leave shade and NME out of it.

Secound, Drakull, you are full of yourself. You say you owned me, you didn't , you attacked me and your girlfriend on a hiryu with a bow came out of hiding and shot me.. you CAN'T beat me 1on1 in a fight, you have no prayer.

Third, By selective, I don't mean SKILLED. I mean not complete retards running around playing like Drakull, if you hide in a gaurd zone or a house, or plan to.. you are not for the academy.

Fourth, if 1 mil is too steep. Fine, it was a starting offer, but considering the things I had planned for the academy (including a stockpile of needed supplies for members to keep them armed while in their learning stages) and that the gold wasn't JUST for me, I didn't think it was too harsh.

Japwnt, anything you have to say is void, your personal vendetta agianst me clouds any good judgement you have ever had.

DJ Roxxers, you've dueled me, and while yes, in many cases you can beat me, I do sometimes win. I don't win all the time agianst ANYONE and at NO point did I claim to be the best, but I'm offering people who know nothing of Fel a chance to have trianing from someone who has been in Fel since his first day playing. I have alot to teach, and while all of you have a problem with NME, I am not NME, that is why I SEPERATED from NME, to be my own man. Shade makes the choices of NME, NOT ME. So please, unless you have something HELPFUL to add to this post. STFU.


Re: PvP Academy

Any of you shit-talkers, please PM me with a time and date to duel me, and I'll be sure to post the screenshot of your cold dead body on the forum =) (Scorpio, Zorak, Kaz, I don't pretend to be as good as you.. don't be asses about this.)


Re: PvP Academy

Windows Dark;245368 said:
EvilDead of [B]NME[/B]
Zer Duvia
Balthazar of Pac

edEt your sig :p

umm.. no offense really.. but why do technicalities matter so much to you? when you criticize someone, its never about anything important..


Re: PvP Academy

Soda sucks irl. And Ill help Rza with the academy. Think I can be a decent teacher? :p
Lets just say Rza got pretty much tired of the retarded acts of NME.