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Public Events


Greetings players!

I am interested to know what events you'd like to see ran. Please note: I am unable to run events myself. It is completely up to the Game Masters on at the time if they are able and willing to run an event. I cannot say that what is suggested here will be hosted but I think it'll give a good measure on what the player base is looking for. Please gear your choices towards events and arenas you know to already exist, creating a brand new arena/event is out of this equation!

Do not page in about this.

p.s. look farther through the thread and find event images/videos! (can also see here)

Capture The Flag (CTF): 7x, runics, pots, hide/stealth hosted by GM Snooze. Video by evgeniy sergeevich.

Seven Jr

Greetings players!

I am interested to know what events you'd like to see ran. Please note: I am unable to run events myself. It is completely up to the Game Masters on at the time if they are able and willing to run an event. I cannot say that what is suggested here will be hosted but I think it'll give a good measure on what the player base is looking for. Please gear your choices towards events and arenas you know to already exist, creating a brand new arena/event is out of this equation!

Bombing run
Double Dom
Everything else. (not a big fan of 1v1s or 2v2s) I like events because they're just fun.



Bomb running and Double domination i believe will bring in the most amount of players. Plus domination hasn't been ran in a long time.
Typically, my guild and I don't participate in CTF-esque events. IMO, they're events for bank sitters to feel like they got in on some action while getting to use those valorite weapons they otherwise would never use.

1v1, 2v2, 3v3, etc. or go home.
King of the the hill/ King of the castle, the one they hold in brit base is pretty fun.
Double Domination
Bombing run
- being able to cast blade spirits all over, so annoying, makes it less fun.
Pretty much all the events are better then nothing at all... the ones where everyone can join, i say hold them the most.
I dont care if u sit at bank all day or not, thats your choice, but if it gets more ppl to leave those areas & join in im all for it!
I get out all the time and get action. Doesn't mean I don't really enjoy playing events that have an objective. It's all a matter of opinion, no need to label people who join CTFs or Bombing Runs... It's just something different to do. Also they tend to get a LOT higher turnout with those events.

Obviously the turn out is higher; the server is mainly comprised of bank sitters and pixel fiends. Literally 75% of the people who participate in those events don't actually PvP outside of them. I guess I just don't have an urge to play in an environment with little to no competition. Which I guess is why my interest in this shard is feigning even more.


Typically, my guild and I don't participate in CTF-esque events. IMO, they're events for bank sitters to feel like they got in on some action while getting to use those valorite weapons they otherwise would never use.

1v1, 2v2, 3v3, etc. or go home.

but if you do the other events instead then:
- being able to cast blade spirits all over, so annoying, makes it less fun.


Typically, my guild and I don't participate in CTF-esque events. IMO, they're events for bank sitters to feel like they got in on some action while getting to use those valorite weapons they otherwise would never use.

1v1, 2v2, 3v3, etc. or go home.

There is more to this game than just duels though! Why not add a different type of challenge to the fight like scoring points (with a ball/flag) AND smashing faces? I think any event should be encouraged though, and don't feel like 1v1s aren't going to happen, just because a lot of people like CTF/Bombing. I can assure you, they will. =)

Also, can always change whether certain spells (or skills) are allowed or not. ;)


Well, the thing is.....you can get big all out brawls going in hybrid anytime. Bring a group of reds out to del pond and many will come to fight.

But 1v1 fights are hard to get these days, and for some people, that's just what they enjoy the most.

Different strokes for different folks


Greetings players!

I am interested to know what events you'd like to see ran. Please note: I am unable to run events myself. It is completely up to the Game Masters on at the time if they are able and willing to run an event. I cannot say that what is suggested here will be hosted but I think it'll give a good measure on what the player base is looking for. Please gear your choices towards events and arenas you know to already exist, creating a brand new arena/event is out of this equation!

Do not page in about this.
that small event that was held super late last night WAS very fun, bro!
There is more to this game than just duels though! Why not add a different type of challenge to the fight like scoring points (with a ball/flag) AND smashing faces?

Simply not my cup of tea. Honestly, I would prefer no events unless they are in the open world. Safe zones are for pussies.


Simply not my cup of tea. Honestly, I would prefer no events unless they are in the open world. Safe zones are for pussies.
I'll play any events no matter what, but I like the suggestion for open world events.

Open world events are my favorite type of events. GM Thunders scavenger hunt was freaking hilarious! Was awesome running around slaughtering people. The time where he gave the clue about "silver weapons" was insane! I ended up finding a group of 5 tamers, and they had total like 3 or 4 dragons, about an equal amount of nightmares, and one guy had a full pack of frenzied ostards (lol). Killed them ALL, and lured the pets into the vast woodland wilderness as their ghosts pursued me from greyland. So much fun!

In a time where finding people to fight outside del pond can be somewhat difficult at times, it's nice to have an open world event where you know where to look.

I suppose I could just look for idocs for that sorta thing, but I don't have the patience to recall around the entire time I'm logged in to UO


How about an event where we go to other shards and steal their players so we can have enough people on hybrid to run an event.
Maybe an event where we do a scavenger hunt for codes that we can use to bid on prizes. Oh wait.....


On a serious note I always liked King Of The Castle + CTF
That's probably the same thing as domination I'm guessing though.
Where you are in Lord British Castle and have to sit on his throne to gain points for your team?
These little events could also be a gateway for someone who's skiddish about PvPing. Maybe it's like dipping their toes into a pool to get them used to the idea of going out. A slight bit of practice with no worries. I mean you guys glorify and tear each other down on the forums making it seem like it's so important to be the best people are bullied into staying in safe zones because they just get ridiculed. If you kill someone go ahead rub it in their face but it isn't very often you get a guy like Viker who does his thing and just doesn't care what people say. You are either going to get a positive or negative reaction out of people by talking shit, people shouldn't be put on pedestals or buried only based on their ability to fight.

The concept of someone being afraid of PvP is weird. Secondly, if people are QQing over internet bullying, they need to harden the fuck up. Life is way tougher than some nerd calling you bad at a video game.