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MyUOG - Factions and staff...



MyUOG - Factions and staff...

First off, a major staff shift has happened in the past few days. Staff players are no longer permitted to play factions, PERIOD.

Second, MyUOG has been fixed and updated, enjoy :)


There will be the more problems, People always has someone or something to blame and the staff are going to get it eventually, but this will stop alot of whats going on right now i guess.


GeoX said:
well i feel sorry for the staff players. but the game has got to go on. good choice

It sucks that the inept few (ODB and such) ruin it for the rest.


No, I mean the incessant whining of players in general about staff characters....

Something ODB does quite frequently


I Miss Hockey said:
Yay, not people will stop bitching about COM.

Oh there will always be bitching, no doubt. I think it's ashamed some of you pushed it this far to where staff cant enjoy there creation. To my knowledge the staff who played in factions are the ones who created it. But I guess when your in the heat of the moment and get dropped, you automatically point your fingers at staff abuse and come here and cause shit like this to happen. Not that my oponion matters, but I disapprove of this act.


The night of the faction wipe Ryan was trying to help some new characters out with TB. Ryan was in TB and not invulnerable so I attacked him - then others joined in and he had to turn on god mode. 10 minutes later Sifu and I were chasing some guy near Brit GY and I randomly took an explosion and went from full health to dead. Sifu rezzed me, I looted my corpse, and didn't say a word after that (other than explaining to Sifu what happened, who in response typed some of his lovely rhetoric).

Yours, Hyru


Well yah .. You attack shard owner while he helping someone ... Dont expect some kind of punishment. =D (If it was Ryan)

An Old Lady

Honestly I'm sad to see it happen. I have been one of the "whiners", but not with out justification IMO.
I don't mind staff playing the shard, and the things to whine about have considerably lowered in the past few weeks. I enjoy fighting krrios and some other players who supposedly are gms, I hope you reconsider letting gms who have behaved decently play factions. Sadly though I also feel this will be good for the shard, alot of people have quit becuase of staff playing factions. I'm sure the stafff will still be able to pk people right? I mean play pk characters. Just an idea but maybe staff members can take control of a few acient liches for an hour or two and invade brit.
Just an FYI, but I was checking out MYUOG a second ago and none of the detail pictures come up. It gives the ol' red x box for a messed up image. Also, just a question, but are characters supposed to be made public upon joining a guild or is it only due to public/private char settings?