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Minax Leadership?


Minax Leadership?

Today is campaigning and since afro man quit, have we got other people who want to run? who have a good amount of time to do so, who like factions enough to occasionally use message faction and organize some sigil runs?

Rob A*G

I'll give it a shot if anyone wants to give me a shot at it? no im not the best pvp'er but im pretty good with organazation... plus it doesnt seem like anyone else really wants the job. Factions has become one sided very quickly and it seems as though everyone is jumping over to Com as i dont think they have lost a town since i have been playing factions which has been for a month now.

So to anyone that wants a leader that will be on alot and do everythign he can to make factions fun again vote for me.

Unless of course my man Afro decides he wants to take full controll again.


oh hey, another boston uogamer, neat. anyways, whoever our new leader is, we just gotta get our activities more organized, as opposed to flailing about... alliances with other factions might not be a bad idea, whatever it takes to break that CoM stranglehold

Afro Man

Kitsch said:
oh hey, another boston uogamer, neat. anyways, whoever our new leader is, we just gotta get our activities more organized, as opposed to flailing about... alliances with other factions might not be a bad idea, whatever it takes to break that CoM stranglehold

Alliances aren't bad ideas, but they are very hard to keep. One small mistake and poof, there goes the alliance. And even with alliances, it is still a very difficult task to beat CoM.


I've been thinking about alliances for ages...

I think SL would be cool with an alliance with Minax, but obviously I can't speak for all.

It seems on every shard (And now UOG), SL and Minax have been the two underdog factions. If we can get some allying going on, we could finally bring down the CoM monster.

But as Afro said, realistically, if we went 3v1 vs. CoM, I doubt we would win.

58k stones in resources at the LoC Outpost and counting...




Eh i dunno man... alliances or not, we'd need at least 100 ppl guarding the sigils for 24hrs straight or CoM will run us over, as usual.


The best Cl would probably be son of wanker vote for Son, other good choices im not sure, but Son is a Dedicated Minaxer and he will keep everyone organized


Bah I still can't believe Afro left us...:(

You make me cry.

Son is straight though...he talks a lot about leaning back and its significance in the world today.

We just need a very active CL that is willing to put up with an undersized, and for the most part, uncoordinated, faction.

And will sit online for 18 hours everytime we **attempt** to get some sigils.


Afro Man

Cricket said:
Bah I still can't believe Afro left us...:(

You make me cry.

Son is straight though...he talks a lot about leaning back and its significance in the world today.

We just need a very active CL that is willing to put up with an undersized, and for the most part, uncoordinated, faction.

And will sit online for 18 hours everytime we **attempt** to get some sigils.


:) i just got fed up.. I'll be back don't worry.. but let son run, he knows as much, if not more about factions then i do! =O.. altough he's starting college classes on the 30th!! :(
yeah afro, i know how you feel

for some reason, com having mass numbers/guards/pets/ect to own the towns 24/7 just seems to take the fun out of factions all together =\