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Mages are overpowered

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Re: Mages are overpowered

rottenwomb said:
Mindblast will destry you. Most warriors go 90str + dex and 40 or 45 int.

I can count on my right hand the # of times I've been mindblasted, if your a warrior I would go with 114 dex, 100str, and 11int. If you get MB'ed you get MB'ed, but don't throw away 30 stats for the possibility of gettin mind blasted.
Re: Mages are overpowered

FelipeFigo said:
Trever is getting to understand exactly what I am talking about.
If a mage stands ground yelling vas ort flam and corp por, he should not be able to hold a skilled warrior hitting him at the same time. But In this shard, this is what happens.

what SHOULD happen is:

A warrior comes. The mage starts his work, casting protection if he doesnt have it already. Then, he casts Poison to disable the warriors healing, or maybe paralyze him... then he can start his combo, vas ort flam / corp por or whatever...
the warrior, if in disadvantage, should run, heal and come back.

But what HAPPENS^?
The mage runs after him, casting another combo while going 70 km/h with his horse, and it ends like that, with the warrior dying before he can even use a god damn bandage.
Come on wheres the player´s skill in such a pvp?
Mages should be worried about using some armor, having protection always on, paralizing fleeing warriors... and things like that, where we would see who of them knows how to play the game.

What we see out there is a vas ort flam / corp por rampage, maybe a paralize if the guy has a horse and good connection, but its very rare...
Lets imagine this: 4 mages against one warrior...
what HAPPENS in this situation: all 4 of them cast vas ort flam and corp por, and the warrior is INSTAKILLED. ok, fair enough, after all this is supposed to be the mage´s vantage.
Ok, now lets imagine 4 warriors against a mage.
The mage can run like hall and In vas mani until reaching a safe place, or even recall... i say is THIS fair?
are we warriors faded to be killed by unskilled mages just because magery is powerful? come on...
lets put some real disturb, some real running limits while casting, and some effect to this resist spell skill... I think everyone agrees things would be funnier.
Casting spells give you the advantage of doing damage from distance, which is already a VERY good advantage, considering that it is also a HIGH damage.
Now am I the only one to see that doing HIGH DAMAGE, from a HIGH DISTANCE, and YET RUNNING AS MUCH AS THEY WANT is hellish unfair?

And Druid, im not saying mages are invincible. Im saying they are overpowered... they CAN be killed, but it is VERY difficult to us, and too easy for them.
Of course I have already killed some of them, but it required me MUCH more gameplaying skill then it does to them when they vas ort flam / corp por me leaving me with 1/8 of my life.
What I want is balance... this is the way things should be, dont u think?

wtf are you trying to say? that it is possible for mages to cast while running? you're a ****ing dumbass.


Re: Mages are overpowered

CrazyCracka420 said:
I can count on my right hand the # of times I've been mindblasted, if your a warrior I would go with 114 dex, 100str, and 11int. If you get MB'ed you get MB'ed, but don't throw away 30 stats for the possibility of gettin mind blasted.

Really? so people here arent smart enough to eval a warrior? hmm.. glad you said that :D
Re: Mages are overpowered

Man! I fear AXERS.. Man I really hate axers... so yes warriors do stand a chance.. an axer with a vanq/supreme axe can kill me in 2 hits if i dont get a heal out... and god damn axes are a menace when they take away HALF your intelligence/mana
Re: Mages are overpowered

Anybody in here who thinks mages is over powered I challenge you create a mage and fight my Dexxer. PM me with the where and when..
Re: Mages are overpowered

Legion if you get a mage low in health they can just run, they might not be able to kill you, but neither can u if they have any sense of staying alive. Unless you got purple pots :D
Re: Mages are overpowered

rottenwomb said:
Really? so people here arent smart enough to eval a warrior? hmm.. glad you said that :D

They might be, but I don't think they have the time when I'm runnin up swining my mace in your face, they are more worried about gettin a spell casted than eval int...and if someone is gonna cast mind blast, don't u think I can just run away, heal, and come back and hope to fight again?

Maybe if everyone just stands there and lets you dump on them, but I don't think most people care about a fair fight here. I sure as hell don't.
Re: Mages are overpowered

CrazyCracka420 said:
Legion if you get a mage low in health they can just run, they might not be able to kill you, but neither can u if they have any sense of staying alive. Unless you got purple pots :D

That's why I would use a spear and purple pots.

I am far from being a superior dexxer.. I personally like playing mages but that still doesn't mean I wouldn't mow down 99% of the mages that would cross my dexxers path. The trick is.. The real trick is playing a dexxer like a mage and stop playing him as a point, click and follow toon.. Most good UO players understand this. It's just the stupid ones who make threads like this don't.

Mary Poppins

Re: Mages are overpowered

blah blah, all this back and forth isn't new. There's other threads addressing what he's saying,

resist doesn't function like a 100.0 point skill, its broken from the AOS/samurai elemental resist break

Disturb is probably off because the spell recovery times are slightly off
Re: Mages are overpowered

Well speaking as a pure dexxer myself ( Ice IV from IPY) mages can be out done. The secret is not just to run into battle with a gm weapon and a couple bandaids. You must have potions,pouches, armor against hybrids, fast attacking weapons, poisoned weapons in some cases, and magic reflect. These things added upon eachother can outdo mages once you become comfortable with healing times, potion key bindings, knowing when to hide and when to fight. However, a dexxer against any more than 1 mage will die. Also will a mage against 2 well fitted/trained dexxers.

that is all - Ice IV/Grandson
Re: Mages are overpowered

Also - if you are fighting against a mage with explosion pots, use the environment against them. Explosion pots cant go around buildings. Watch the timer and take sharp turns and odd maneuvers when it gets to 1. Also another thing I enjoy doing is using their explosion pots against them. 3...2.. you run towards them, at 1 the expo pot explodes on/right next to them dealing damage both ways and if you're a dexxer you'll get a hit off too. Another way to use explosion potions against them is to know the locations of wandering healers and other non-invul npcs. 3.2.1 and the expo hits the healer with splash damage. Wandering healers are some mean mofos if you get on their wrong sides. Get hiding and just have the healer fight them and run at them when they are at a disadvantage. In dungeons memorize where the tough monsters spawn. It takes about 2 seconds for them to aggro you so you have plenty of time to hide right next to them. Have a heal pot ready for when they try meteor, but trust me they wont stick around long when a poison elemental is on their ***.

my other 2 cents


Re: Mages are overpowered

True, but there are three lil words that make escaping a bit easy for a mage, "Kal Ort Por"

I bring this up for one reason, i heard this shards uses seige rules and in seige, the spell recall is disabled.


Re: Mages are overpowered

You know, the more complaints brought up with the shard, the more the GM's actually "Tweak" just to make the one person happy, the more complaints that arise. So how about everyone just shut up about the whole magery/dexxer thing... beacuse mages aren't overpowered, and neither are dexxers, so if you don't like it, leave the shard and quit your bickering, all you do is cause a mass argument that'll never go anywhere.
Re: Mages are overpowered

How did this thread get this long?

I wish I could have forum admin abilities for simply FIVE minutes to ban all of the children who have been whining this whole time.


Re: Mages are overpowered

I am very happy admins dont put people like you to moderate the foruns orange, cuz on top of being a damn noob (only a noob or a blind person cannot see that mages are overpowered in the shard, look around you you sick assh.ole do you see anyone without the magery skill?) you are also a retar.d, cuz banning people that bring up discussions for the sake of the shard´s balance is really something only a retard would do.
And I see you indeed ARE a little blind, since you are 19 and still calling me a child whining... you prolly wouldnt stand 1 minute with your teeth intact after saying that in front of me kiddo.


Re: Mages are overpowered

Skimmed through this massive thread a little bit.. it seems to me that everyone is just going back and forth on the subject, like always. Well, this topic has been in debate forever in UO. Not just on this shard. It's futile to even bother arguing this I think...
Re: Mages are overpowered

Neither are overpowered, just LEARN how to play that character instead of expecting to be the top #1 pvper in the shard once you gm fencing. It's not that way; it takes a long time to know the dos and don'ts of pvp. Please stop whining on the message boards, shouldn't you be out fighting and getting better at dexxer pvp?
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