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Long night for uonewbs LOL

Pat McGroin

First he dies in a 2v2 to random drops (great field awareness)

Than he begs me for a 1v1...

After about 10 minutes of him dumping and running back into his house...

He finally runs far away from his house that I am able to get a dump on him and he dies first dump..

Claming he had no light wands even though I looted a 12 charge off him with like 8 charges of gh...

Then finally ending his night to dying again to random drops while trying to sync me out.


You're officially the worst player to ever log into hybrid.

I heard Viker and Praxxus have teamed up to give some new players such as yourself some much needed pointers in pvp.

You should really look into it. I will see if I can get you the contact information...


didn't have light wand...didn't beg for 1v1.. whatever makes you feel good dude.. you die to me..i die to you.. ha

Pat McGroin

and be real...in that 1v1 you wouldn't even let me dump, you'd instantly run offscreen and recast reflect..u sure lie alot...

hahahah right dude.

The whole time all you did was put reflect on in your house and when you failed to kill me and I went offensive you ran like a little bitch back inside your house as you can see in exhibit A:



I heard Viker and Praxxus have teamed up to give some new players such as yourself some much needed pointers in pvp..

Lol praxxus...dude was my very first kill on hybdid, my first week here, not even 7x gm yet. At brit gy

Kid was pinging like a god, he would Fs, get it reflected in his face, then run like the wind

Someone spectating gave me a bola, with instruction on how to use it.
Ended up choping him down with a force katana or some shit i picked up off the ground

Sad that i remember that

Pat McGroin

Lol praxxus...dude was my very first kill on hybdid, my first week here, not even 7x gm yet. At brit gy

Kid was pinging like a god, he would Fs, get it reflected in his face, then run like the wind

Someone spectating gave me a bola, with instruction on how to use it.
Ended up choping him down with a force katana or some shit i picked up off the ground

Sad that i remember that

Sounds like the first time I killed uonewbs.