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* insert no flame thread* Why do everybody think HOLY is trash?


So I've been wondering lately.

I've gotten pretty irritated by people (who bank sit or just sit in pond doing nothing but being gay), that comes up to me and start giving me shit for being in HOLY.

What makes me wonder is this.

Why have it become a sport to tell me and probably everybody else in HOLY that we suck?
I mean it annoys me to the point that I honestly considered quitting, just because people dislike HOLY or some members in HOLY.

My point is this, MOBB was in HOLY before they created MOBB and everybody already know that MOBB is SICK.
RAW when they dominated was in HOLY aswell.

So, can we please tone down the hate abit? Fair enough you dislike me or some of the players, but if you don't have a grudge against me, please dont bitch and moan me in the face when I'm online to try and have a good time, just because you need to show how big that e-peen of yours is.
Please bear in mind that some of us actually are people, and only play UO in the time we have to spare

Much love and best regards,

Yours truely 20.HombreSauce.


I know what you mean, lol....

Some guy pvped withthe guild I'm in a few times last week, DOOM. We got along pretty well. Added each other on skype n shit. All was good.

Last night, he tried to kill a guy in DOOM, everyonewas in party and saw what was happening so a couple guys cut him off and ganked the guy. I recall in time to see his dead body, face first in the muck.

So I guess the logical thing to do in his brain is cuss me out with skype messages. Zomg you ganked me youfaggot go suck some dick, your going to get ganked everyday now just you wait! *Blocks me* Mad at me all for recalling in, lol.

Him and his buddies ganked me the day before. Did I cry like a child about it? Nah. It's part of UO, everyone ganks.

Hombre, the moral of the story is: If you gank with a big guild, if you beat other people at idocs for millions and millions ofo gold in items, if you EVEN ASSOCIATE with a gank party, LOTS of people WILL HATE YOU and talk down.

Just the way it is


The best I can come up with, is kinda like what Crikey said. People loose at an idoc or two and the butt hurt just never fades away. Also some people I won't name, go out of their way to bad mouth ONE any chance they get. It kinda reminds me of what gluttony used to do on the forums when EQ came back. If you say something often enough(e.g., EQ always wins) , some people will just take what is said as fact. I'm not sure I want to give these people this much credit, but its kinda like psychological warfare. Either way, some shit talking from the dregs of Hybrid isn't going to keep me from enjoying idocs and pvping with a overall chill group.


this reminds me of the kinda stuff my old guild had to put up with (HB). people used to hate us just because it was popular to do so. people used to rage at us for no reason lol. you just need to learn to ignore it and do your own thing, if you have fun being in your guild dont let the haters keep you from playing the game for your enjoyment how you want too.

*let the flames begin about Heartbreakers now*
Probably because Holy members are generally below average pvpers who often times avoid confrontation unless they have a number advantage. Then again, I just described the majority of this server. So maybe this server just likes being hypocritical.

White Lotus

well the thing that bothers me...is most of us in HOLY/ONE dont run around saying we are good....we offer fair fights all the time cuz we enjoy the fun and alot of the bashers know this and have lost to us in fair fights.....we have won 90% of idocs for almost 3 years str8 and sure some where ganks, some were not, some had the whole shard there fighting us, and some people just didnt know anything about....we pvp on red mages every single day and yet alot of the bashers play blues or bola tamers and just sit until we are outnumbered then attack.....at idocs when the whole shard is there...we will be fighting like literally 20+ blues with 8-10 of us and reds will come in to attack us and the blues and reds wont even attack each other.....now once again we dont go around saying you suck when we kill people or spamming we are good....we typically gate them out even or give them a res.....but it is well known that all these other groups team up to kill us first....if we are as bad as the flamers say then why team up...if we can be killed 2 to 1 like people say then why play blues or make the excuse we have alot of people........why act like we are the only guild in hybrid history that has had alot of people.....EQMS, GoonSquad, IP, LOL, Intrusion, GNG, OWN, $, LOOT/2DD, TWO, #1, RAW, SM^ are all guilds that tried to fight us with more or even numbers then us at idocs for a while as well but i think the only one of those guilds that is even around anymore is SM^ and people tell me its not even the original group we started fighting.....so my points are these......

we dont run around like most of you acting like your gods gift to uo and bashing others, we play for fun(and for the most part gate people we kill out or res them)

we didnt make the ganks and its not like we gank that often, in fact for the most part we are getting ganked by everyone teamed up...and its not my fault other people are assholes and cant hold a guild together even just playing on and off

we love even fights you can hit me up anytime for some

alot of "good" pvpers tell me to my face and pvp(or used to) and tell me how good i am and my group is then go out and talk shit to look a certain way to other players all the time

most of the bashers(not saying names) used to be in ONE or HOLY and only bash and spread hate because they have personal e-beefs with certain members mostly over misunderstandings concerning pixels, so they feel the need to flame every chance they get out of spite OR they keep dieing at idocs so they feel bitter

lastly the reason some HOLY members are "below average" at pvping is because not everyone in HOLY is a pvper.....we have hunters, idocers, pvpers, and ALOT of new or returning players that we try to help out....we actually want the shard to improve and people who come here to stay so when we meet a legit new player we give them stock and a new house n try to help them learn to pvp......
People will always hate on what is the biggest target. I have little experience idoc'n i've came to idocs for pvp but never stayed for loot. While the only dealings i have with holy was me getting ganked, that's what i get for going solo or with less than 4 people. Anyone who comes with anything less than everyone they got online is a fool. It's not about fair, its about combat. That being said, i never got a gate out or a res, but i also never got shit talked.

I have no beef with anyone in Holy, or anyone period, anyone who has issues most likely is projecting their in-security onto everyone around them.

Also P.S hombre not like your immune to some ill feelings and misguided hatred for people - look at how you beefed with glanton, was no real call for the comments and conjecture you made because i on a personal level have fought more than 3x out numbered with glanton and still killed people so it's not like he was a scrub. Yet that didn't stop you from getting all bent outa shape from me and optiek (without him having coms mind you) dropping you guys a few times in a series of 2's and you blowing way up about it. I am not saying your ill tempered or even bad at the game, what im illustrating is that we all from time to time, get bent out of shape for no seriously good reason, it just happens. So lighten up, don't quit over people's verbal butt-hurt. Just keeping doing you and let them fall to the way side. I've been asked for years to set up delayed eb's and i keep telling them maybe someday. That don't stop me from dirting people in 2's, it just lets me know i have room to improve my manual timings.

on another note, seriouslly what would everyone do without HOLY? Just pick loot up off the ground? Is that fun? Not for this guy.....


There are plenty of people in holy who bash, trash talk, and call names lol...

One guy even called me a faggot because I wouldn't fight him, his friend, plus a disarm thief, while I was on a dexxer, lol... sorry, I'm all set with going out, getting stunned, having a thief steal my weapon,making me defenseless, then getting synched out.

If I'm fighting with a guild, I will gladly fightuneven numbers even if the odds of victory are low. This is because I can rely on them for support when 6 guys start dropping on me with bola spam.
If I'm by myself, and there are a bunch of randoms fighting a group that is bigger, I will not even bother trying to help unless the other guild is uncoordinated shit that I can handle. The reason is....when you team with a bunch of random fucks, if you get stunned, or bolad, or whatever, 999/1000 times the comrades will see whats happening and think "OH NO RUN RUN RUN AWAY", and do exactly that without even trying to help. They leave you to the wolves, and run to the bank. This gets old after countless times.
I have VERY VERY RARELY had the oppurtunity to team up with random reds, because that is not how people do it on hybrid. Solo red = gank on sight.

Boy...Im way off topic. Oh yeah. Holy N E V E R gates people out or ressurects them. Maybe they just hate me? They kill you, kill your mount, then leave or ignore you. This is cool with me, since me and 99% of others are the same, but don't say that you do :p
we love even fights you can hit me up anytime for some

Sound fun. How do we contact you


I don't know why you care so much about that, just ignore it. Guilds aren't made for being loved by everyone.

I am myself a victim of hatred and envy. Because they know I'm a legend in UO and a high class person in RL. So, people comes all the time to test and challenge me.


Also P.S hombre not like your immune to some ill feelings and misguided hatred for people - look at how you beefed with glanton, was no real call for the comments and conjecture you made because i on a personal level have fought more than 3x out numbered with glanton and still killed people so it's not like he was a scrub. Yet that didn't stop you from getting all bent outa shape from me and optiek (without him having coms mind you) dropping you guys a few times in a series of 2's and you blowing way up about it. I am not saying your ill tempered or even bad at the game, what im illustrating is that we all from time to time, get bent out of shape for no seriously good reason, it just happens. So lighten up, don't quit over people's verbal butt-hurt. Just keeping doing you and let them fall to the way side. I've been asked for years to set up delayed eb's and i keep telling them maybe someday. That don't stop me from dirting people in 2's, it just lets me know i have room to improve my manual timings.

on another note, seriouslly what would everyone do without HOLY? Just pick loot up off the ground? Is that fun? Not for this guy.....

I can't remember this, but yea it might have been rage:)
Glanton and I are good UO friends, I have no beef towards glanton what so ever, and if I see Glaton in trouble on the field I always try to help him out:), even if we roll HOLY vs Glantons crew, I target everybody else THAN Glanton :)
It's true I had my issues with Glanton in the past because I thought it was fucking annoying dying because he never bothered to buy a horse :p

But It sounds to me like it's a long time ago, and I deffo must have been raging:)
I know I'm not perfect, I've spoken shit to alot of people if I thought I was being treated poorly or if I thought the situation was unfair!
But thanks for pointing it out Dylan:)

White Lotus

well wen it comes to ressing people or gating them out...sometimes we dont really have a chance to like if we are getting attacked by a group and we kill them at an idoc...we will kill there mounts and loot them to slow down their recovery time....or if we are at del ponds we might not res or gate out a blue cuz theres a safe zone right there......but if a small group or solos come by at idocs...or we come across randoms in random spots..we do kill them but 9 out of 10 times we res them and gate them out...it really just depends on the circumstances

as far as for even fights
pm on here with contact info and your team
aim me: xjoker11x


I have VERY VERY RARELY had the oppurtunity to team up with random reds, because that is not how people do it on hybrid. Solo red = gank on sight.

Boy...Im way off topic. Oh yeah. Holy N E V E R gates people out or ressurects them. Maybe they just hate me? They kill you, kill your mount, then leave or ignore you. This is cool with me, since me and 99% of others are the same, but don't say that you do :p

Sound fun. How do we contact you

Sucks you havn't seen me solo fielding then ;)
And regarding the mount killing, thats probably the thing I hate the most, I can't stand it.
I never attack a mount (unless its a nightmare or a dragon) because I hate when people kill mine!
The times I actually have killed a mount is if the person is behaving badly towards me or act like a general douche :)

Hell, I even saved Chads warhorse once, only for him (10 minutes later) to gank me and kill my 7x nightmare which wasn't bonded yet :p


Probably because Holy members are generally below average pvpers who often times avoid confrontation unless they have a number advantage. Then again, I just described the majority of this server. So maybe this server just likes being hypocritical.

I agree
I agree

But you are also part of the majority sir.
as far as the whole "numbers and avoiding confrontation"Your also guilty of logging in blues and ganking the good 10% of the shard
When there is Points to be lost or compitition on the field, you guys tend to turtle Into the ponds as well.



I agree
I agree

But you are also part of the majority sir.
as far as the whole "numbers and avoiding confrontation"Your also guilty of logging in blues and ganking the good 10% of the shard
When there is Points to be lost or compitition on the field, you guys tend to turtle Into the ponds as well.

But do what u got to do to win
Im just stating what i see
Maby we could do some set ups or suming
I agree
I agree

But you are also part of the majority sir.
as far as the whole "numbers and avoiding confrontation"Your also guilty of logging in blues and ganking the good 10% of the shard
When there is Points to be lost or compitition on the field, you guys tend to turtle Into the ponds as well.

Is that a joke? My guild and I are the only ones on the server you will ever see fight outnumbered. Didn't I rape you and your friend 2v2 the other night? Sadly, you're about the skill level of Praxus with the delusion of Asmodai.

You wanted to fight me for gold, but only if Parliament (your guildmate) could hold the gold. Wouldn't even fight me for fun or if someone else held. Just a little bitch boy trying to scam.

Let me know if you want me to post countless screenshots of raping p3g.