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Ideas to improve factions...

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Dr Zoidberg

Re: Ideas to improve factions...

Q u a n t u m - Catskills said:
It neeeeeeeeds to be lengthened. Everyone says they want the defending team to have an advantage?
Then make it so the attackers can't just keep coming back time after time after time after time. The defenders CANNOT GIVE UP THEIR POST, or they lose. The attackers just have to get in there for 15 seconds to steal the sigils, and the defense just wasted 10 hours guarding. Longer statloss would give an advantage to the defense.

Actually, i would say that longer statloss gives an advantage to the offensive team. I have 3 accounts as im allowed to. If i die during a raid i come back on another char in the same faction that is already stocked. Statloss = 15 seconds.

If im guarding, im inside the base. I die, go into stat. I have to wait the full time and get my loot back. If i was stupid and died too far out, my loot isnt retrieveable and im fucked.

The defenders has to rez inside the base from a friend (50 mana), sometimes the attackers can rez in town or at a nearby wandering healer. The defender also has to retrieve his loot, which can be tricky if the defender was stupid and died too far out (or if the attackers has pushed even further in).

The defenders has their lovely territorial advantage, however, which is huge if used properly. Take my word for it, ive done ALOT of guarding/raiding.

You said it yourself tho, "the defenders cant give up their location or they will lose in 15 seconds", the attackers can with no hassle. So why exactley would longer statloss ease up for the defenders?

And i also belive (i might be wrong tho) that statloss from dying in a faction base is longer than dying in the field.

Q u a n t u m - Catskills said:
Also, I think murderer statloss should be implemented. Like OSI used to have, but less hours per count. PKing gives you the greatest rewards for the least risk, and we all know this game is about Risk vs Reward.

Well, the PK statloss is a related, but different discussion and should not be taken here as to save reading from the tired eyes of everyone following/participating in this discussion.

Q u a n t u m - Catskills said:
You don't want all the PvP on the shard to be Red vs Blue? Make it so the reds dont wanna fight the blues, and they'll make faction characters. DUH. There should be penalties for being an indiscriminate killer.

Making it harder for reds to stick around does not equal higher faction population. Might be a side effect of it, but honestly, not everyone that resigns as a red because of ruleset changes would jump into factions.

Q u a n t u m - Catskills said:
Every single person here continued playing UO after statloss was implemented on OSI

I quit OSI because of statloss / murdercounts so im pretty sure that youre wrong there.

Q u a n t u m - Catskills said:
so I'm pretty sure they'll keep playing if it's implemented here.

Quite probably, but lets try fixing factions by changing it for the better, rather than "fixing" it by giving it a momentary boost in population by fucking over the newbie reds.

Dr Zoidberg

Re: Ideas to improve factions...

eekamouse said:
Ya, because +10 is SO overpowering....

If you want to have a skillcap of 850 (or what it was) go play Samourai Empire or wtf UO is called these days.

Or one of them trammie shards.

Dr Zoidberg

Re: Ideas to improve factions...

that too, that would be a good incentive to join

that could also be one of the items that a town could produce
Re: Ideas to improve factions...

Longer statloss gives the defense time to rest between battles. If the offense is decimated, they can just rez right there and keep fighting with almost no loss, while the defense is running out of regs, potions, etc. If they run out and have to recall, it's impossible for them to get back in. A 20 minute statloss timer would make it so the fighting would stop, the defense could restock a bit and be able to get back into the base. Otherwise, a constant assault on the base makes reinforcements and resupply damn impossible for the defense.

And +10 IS overpowering. Know why? Cuz some people don't have it.

If Krrios gave it's users +10 to all skills you'd call it overpowering as hell.
Re: Ideas to improve factions...

Also, how long is it to guard sigils? If the sigil corruption time was reduced by the same % that faction statloss time was from OSI, then yeah sure, keep the statloss. But only if it's 6 hours to corrupt a sigil instead of 24, the way it's 5 minute statloss time instead of 20.

Dr Zoidberg

Re: Ideas to improve factions...

Q u a n t u m - Catskills said:
Longer statloss gives the defense time to rest between battles.

Im sorry if you take offense at this comment, but you have tried guarding and raiding, right?

Q u a n t u m - Catskills said:
If the offense is decimated, they can just rez right there and keep fighting with almost no loss, while the defense is running out of regs, potions, etc.

Yes, that is correct. Disadvantage defender on the restocking. I belive we have already covered that.

Q u a n t u m - Catskills said:
If they run out and have to recall, it's impossible for them to get back in.

I am also aware of that fact. I also belive that was covered in prior posts.

Q u a n t u m - Catskills said:
A 20 minute statloss timer would make it so the fighting would stop, the defense could restock a bit and be able to get back into the base.

I dont know what shard youre playing on, but if you are raiding someone and dies, you dont leave and come back when youre out of stat. You stay and help apply the pressure with BS and fields or you backup with heals.

Let me make this absolutely clear:

"20 minutes statloss does not mean that the attackers go stay in their house for 20 minutes if they die so that the defending side has a chance to go resupply.".

20 minute statloss means that you are on blade spirit / field / heal duty for 20 minutes if youre a defender. It means relogging if youre an attacker.

So exactley why the hell does it make it better for the defenders if both sides have longer statloss? The attackers can bring in fresh characters while the defenders cant.

Q u a n t u m - Catskills said:
Otherwise, a constant assault on the base makes reinforcements and resupply damn impossible for the defense.

Yes, thats what I call "raiding". Applying pressure on the defence untill they get desperate because of low supplies and do stupid shit.

Q u a n t u m - Catskills said:
And +10 IS overpowering. Know why? Cuz some people don't have it.

If Krrios gave it's users +10 to all skills you'd call it overpowering as hell.

Im not for the +10 idea.

Dr Zoidberg

Re: Ideas to improve factions...

Q u a n t u m - Catskills said:
Also, how long is it to guard sigils? If the sigil corruption time was reduced by the same % that faction statloss time was from OSI, then yeah sure, keep the statloss. But only if it's 6 hours to corrupt a sigil instead of 24, the way it's 5 minute statloss time instead of 20.

Im not really sure, but i belive its 20min statloss in faction bases already and 18h for capping a sig.

Someone thats 100% on this information, please feel free to add it in. Someone thats <100% on it, please dont : )


Re: Ideas to improve factions...

Dr Zoidberg said:
Im not really sure, but i belive its 20min statloss in faction bases already and 18h for capping a sig.

Someone thats 100% on this information, please feel free to add it in. Someone thats <100% on it, please dont : )

If I remember correctly, statloss times are set at a base of 5 minutes. That base is then scaled up or down depending on two factors:
  • Where you died, and
  • Sigil ownership

If you die while defending a base full of sigils, statloss is ~2-3 minutes. If you die while raiding a base full of sigils, it's ~7-8 minutes.

If you die in a town you own, statoss is ~2-3 minutes. If you die in a town you don't own, statloss is ~7-8 minutes.


Re: Ideas to improve factions...

Dr Zoidberg said:
If you want to have a skillcap of 850 (or what it was) go play Samourai Empire or wtf UO is called these days.

Or one of them trammie shards.

It was just an idea. I thought this thread was for ideas about how to give incentives for faction participation (among other things). +10 skills is not "auto-trammie".

Come up with another idea then.... or :foff:

Oh ya, and "it's like powerscrolls" or "it's trammie" isn't an "argument".


Re: Ideas to improve factions...

Hm, why don't you broadcast when a player logs in some news about a certain faction? It's subtle and would get players interested subliminally.


Re: Ideas to improve factions...

I dont post much, nor do I play much but I have been playing on this shard for a long time. i think the only way to fix factions is to REMOVE GUILdS FROM FACTIONS!! Its such a fucking power guild gongshow.


Re: Ideas to improve factions...

krrios said:
If I remember correctly, statloss times are set at a base of 5 minutes. That base is then scaled up or down depending on two factors:
  • Where you died, and
  • Sigil ownership

If you die while defending a base full of sigils, statloss is ~2-3 minutes. If you die while raiding a base full of sigils, it's ~7-8 minutes.

If you die in a town you own, statoss is ~2-3 minutes. If you die in a town you don't own, statloss is ~7-8 minutes.
A small combat related benefit for being within a town you control would make things more interesting.


Re: Ideas to improve factions...

factions may not be perfect the way it is but I don't think it could get any better by changing it...

if you really wanna increase faction loyalty i think the best course of action would be just to increase the time it takes to leave to a month. that would provide an increase in loyalty without being a massive inconvenience.

Dr Zoidberg

Re: Ideas to improve factions...

eekamouse said:
It was just an idea. I thought this thread was for ideas about how to give incentives for faction participation (among other things). +10 skills is not "auto-trammie".

No, its not. I agree. But it is very unbalancing to allow some people to have a higher total skillcap than other people (which was the way you phrased it and you havent corrected me yet, so im pretty sure thats what you meant).

eekamouse said:
Come up with another idea then.... or :foff:

Stop being a retard please.

When you throw out a stupid ass idea that will ruin the shard, i WILL SPEAK UP AGAINST IT.

And i DO have a better idea.

DO NOTHING AT ALL. Thats a way better idea. Yes, not ruining the shard is a better idea than ruining it.

SO SHUT THE FUCK UP AND LEARN TO THINK PLEASE (preferably before you reply again).


You know what im good at? Im good at telling everyone else why their ideas are pure crap (when their ideas are pure crap ofc, i dont tell someone with a great idea that its pure crap). And then when the administration reads this thread, they might see your idea and think "WOOOOW THATS THE BEST IDEA EVER!", then they read on and read my post. Then they might think "hmm, i had not thought of it this way. This extremely large-penised dane has a very good point and this little trammish fuck is a complete retard. This dane must be extremely good looking.". Which I am.

eekamouse said:
Oh ya, and "it's like powerscrolls" or "it's trammie" isn't an "argument".


And because I HAVE explained it numerous times over the years. And because virtually everyone here knows that particular discussion. So instead of having that discussion EVERY FUCKING TIME, we just remind people that there is something called AoS and thats where they should go if they want that kinda shit.

Next time, please just remember that this is a brainstorm and some peoples force is in critizing. I normally remember to be somewhat polite, but when retards like you jump out and tell me to fuck off because their tiny penis feels sad that its semi-human owner is an idiot, i give again in the same way.

I dont do this to be an asshole, i do this to teach you to stfu next time and instead get on with the important part, which is refining the idea that we are brainstorming over.

Dr Zoidberg said:
SO SHUT THE FUCK UP AND LEARN TO THINK PLEASE (preferably before you reply again).


Re: Ideas to improve factions...

I hate the fact that holding the towns means nothing. Essentially the faction holding the towns will do the same thing that every other faction would have done, which is to place faction vendors. Give us something we can look up to when we "hold" the towns...

And then faction weps/clothes/armor/etc... they don`t last long enough for me to want to spend 6k+ silver on a aggy/ver/val faction wep. It`s just not worth it really.

Stacked factions have got to go... honestly. I hate how people join a faction so that they don`t have as many "oranges" to worry about while "factioning".

The idea of "one faction for life" is retarded tbh. I don`t wanna create a whole new account just so I can join an underdog faction. That would make me not wanna play here tbh...

And Heroes need a damn monster to kill for life force and sphere. I`ve heard it was shadow wisps but they aren`t orange to my hero character.


Re: Ideas to improve factions...

I agree that doing nothing is a better idea. Right now I think people don't care as much about holding the towns simply cause there isn't enough participation in factions for everyone to care. Making it one faction for life definately is not going to help that. And factions really DO have incentive to hold towns, they get the ability to place guards and vendors where they want them, and also to craft sweet items. There's just not enough people on to care.

Also, this is just my opinion, but I think that faction vendors being available to everyone helps take some of the very tedious parts of UO out of the game, making it more enjoyable for everyone, and imo the less tedious this game is the more people will want to play it.

Also people kill their fellow faction members only because there's no one else to kill. If there's no enemy faction members around, the factioners are gonna kill whoever they can regardless of if you're in their same faction. The need for PvP outweighs faction loyalty because that need is why people join factions in the first place.

So basically adding things that make factions more tedious for all is going to result in a drop in faction participation which is DEFINATELY NOT WHAT WE WANT
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