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Ideas for RP server wide event...


Ideas for RP server wide event...

I have been trying to put together an event for the entirety of RolePlayers here. I was almost thinking I should still to either good vs. bad but thats too cliché. I have done many events in the past and they have all worked out awesome so i hope we call all participate in this one.

The event i am trying to plan revolves around a scenario and it is up to various groups to fulfill the scenario. I'm thinking a scavenger hunt sort of thing. I have many ideas but i am so open to taking more. If you have ideas please contribute i think this could be fun.

Riptide TcD

Rp event

First off I dont think Orcs can be labled the best rp group I dont think any rp group can or should be labled the best they are all different...different rules, speech, goals.

Anyways count TcD in on event planning we have had a few ideas ourselves already and would love to participate drop me a line or you know where to find me.
Keep it Fun!

Riptide TcD

Here is a quick one for you

This particular idea would be easier if we had some large "good" rp guilds
Ill use orcs/und as an example but perhaps they "kidnap" a princess from a "good" guild and hold her hostage somewhere and that guild battles there way to her freedom.

The gm's could probably do alot to aid in rp oriented quests..
I thought it would be pretty cool if they created an island only accesable by boat no gate or recalls in our out no pets no mounts of any kind straight foot battles gm made gear only each guild that ventures there can stock supplies on their boat to keep the battles raging.
no summons or field spells or area of effect. just good hard fighting footie style.

If I saw a "good" guild that had a idea that appealed to me id throw a character or two in there
If a guild formed that met the orcs on foot at their fort for battle i would be sure any tcd mounted that interfered would be punished. Most of the time id pick a character in whichever guild had less attendance for the fight and join in.

Crafted gear a few aids and regs isnt much to loose i realize its difficult to do these kinds of things with all the mounted raiding parties to the orc fort but hey we can find new locations to wage for and reasons for being there.

This shard will be what we all make of it as a group anything that keeps me out of the kewl dood trash talking atmosphere will make my own play time more enjoyable.

Getting late ill give it a rest for one moon.
Gnite all.