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Hello Everyone......

Hello Everyone......

hello there everyone, i just wanted to come in and say hello, i gave been so use to playing on osi shards, and not to use to the custom made ones there are some nice ones but i grown attached to the osi shards, and there is only one that i have been playing on but also been loking at the same time for a new shard to go to thats the original ways of osi and from what i have read and seen this might be the shard, i like the idea of felluca only pvp pk etc and trammel and other facets safe zone i like that, anyhow is there any pointers from what little players are now on this shard for a new commer to the shard... i noticed there are lots tha thave houses alrdy and so there must be a way to make cash fairly fast to have houses placed alrdy... any information would be great on being a new commer to the shard
Draee Hail and Welcome :)

And yes this shard is pretty much OSI, so much in fact that I feel right at home LOL and loving it!

Not every thing is spawnmed as yet but I have placed a home already on in Brit, so the money is out there to be had.
aah well thats great, looking forward to starting up not sure what to start for a character yet to best work at start. but we will see wher ei go i guess thinkng mage but, also thinking mabye fencer necro to start bah not sure hehe not going to get into crafter till i ahve my own place makes a differance
hehehe its always the way, what to start with :)

I placed my house using my crafter, but my Tamer will be the money puller in the future.

Then its a fighter maybe a Nox Mage not sure yet.
Personally, I think that the best money makers are Scribes.

They start out a little slow and boring, but once you get going they make the fastest money.

Just as an example, to start off with, you can make Poison scrolls and sell them back to the npc mages for 16 gp each. Blank Scrolls cost 5 gp and the Nightshade costs 3gp.

So basicly, you double your money without ever having to leave the mage shop.

Within your first 2 mins on the shard, you can walk to the local mage shop, buy 1000 worth of blank scrolls and Nightshade, and turn it into 2000 in about 5 mins. Then you turn the 4000 into 8000, then the 8000 into 1600, etc.

The only limitation is waiting for regs and blank scrolls. But once you get to where a mage shop has 999 of each that isn't a problem either. (Not to mention you can soon after make runebooks for even more cash.)

Ice {RKn}

Tailors are the best money makers I've seen so far.

Only thing you have to buy is the sewing kits, then go kill a bunch of sheep, cut them up and collect the wool, then turn that into cloth.

I made over 40k in a few hours just GMing my tailoring.

The only problem is there's not enough sheep :(
cool yea, i have always had troubles on making money never really got the nak down on it, always been struggling to make money or have money Grins :)


Really shouldn't be feeding into this An Corp non-sense, but this caught my eye:

Tailors are the best money makers I've seen so far.

Only thing you have to buy is the sewing kits, then go kill a bunch of sheep, cut them up and collect the wool, then turn that into cloth.

I made over 40k in a few hours just GMing my tailoring.

The only problem is there's not enough sheep :(

My how the shard has changed in over 10 years. :)


Bug Huntress
Tailors are the best money makers I've seen so far.

Only thing you have to buy is the sewing kits, then go kill a bunch of sheep, cut them up and collect the wool, then turn that into cloth.

I made over 40k in a few hours just GMing my tailoring.

The only problem is there's not enough sheep :(

Many many years later

Whenever I start a shard I use BOD Resets to make my money! Here on Demise...A full book (500) Smithy or Tailor resets go for around 2 million each...So before I even started leveling or anything I collected 500 of each..Boom 4 mil gold...Bought LRC gear, two houses, bought 120 Tailor and 120 BS powerscrolls, all the ingots/leather/cloth needed to 120 both skills..and just like that you're ready to roll!