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Grandmaster's Journal


Grandmaster's Journal

Grandmasters Journal,

Entry 1, Day 1

I accepted the post of Grandmaster from my friend and Mentor Grandmaster Parsons. Truth be told, I never realized the burden such a position came with. Being the Newest, and perhaps the last of The Holy Order, I have had to take up all the duties that were once the responsibility of an entire guild. I have slept very little, keeping constant watch at the front gate.
Today I encountered a couple of citizens who live outside the city. Both wore strange clothes, and rode strange beasts. I followed them as far as the barracks before they confronted me. I must have appeared weak, as I did not have the courage to force them to disarm. I have no one, and realizing this, I understood that this was a battle I could not win, if it indeed came to blows. Instead, I warned them they were being watched by the Holy Knights of Trinsic, and that they must behave themselves while in the city limits. Is it Holy to lie, if only to keep order in my once fair city? Furthermore, did these strangers know that I am the only one left of my order? If indeed they did, they did not seem to care. They left the city without incident, a thankful outcome to what could have been a horrible event.
Later in the day something far more sinister took place. So horrible infact, that I find it hard to write about in these pages.
It began with a strange hooded figure entering through the front gate. Instantly I realized such a man was up to no good, so I made my way down the stairs, mounted my horse, and tried to follow him.
I searched the city, yet there was no sign of the stranger. Finally, while scouting the area near the royal bank, I came across a sight that made my blood go cold. In the middle of the street lay a bloody torso. Who the victim was, I do not know. I only know that what remained of the corpse was proof enough that whomever it was had been murdered in a most evil fashion.
I took the duty to pick up the remains, all of which fit into a single bag. I tried to hold down my lunch as I cleaned the blood from the sidewalk. With full attention on my grusome task, I failed to hear the sound of horse hooves coming from behind. At the last moment I lept out of the path of the speeding horse, on which sat the mysterious stranger. I abandoned my cleaning duties and tried to follow, but the mount ran with unnatural speed, and was soon lost from sight.
I am not certain that the appearence of the stranger and the dismembered body are connected, but it seems to uncanny to be couincidence. All that I know for sure is that the task of maintaining order in this city is too much for one man. I must find more knights to help me in my cause, or I fear all is lost…
Until then, I can only maintain my vigilance, and continue my tasks, dispite however hard it may seem.
-Sir Samual Wild,
Grandmaster Knight
Holy Knights Of Trinsic


Re: Grandmaster's Journal

Day 2

I must have been dozing at my post, for I did not notice the strangly dressed man standing in front of the city gates. Only when he begain muttering
some foreign incantation did I come awake. Quickly I rushed down the stairs to meet him, but upon arrival he muttered a different incantation, and a strange blue gate appeared before me. I bid him tell me what he was doing in trinsic, but he only chuckled and stepped into the shimmering portal. I gathered my courage, and not wishing to be left without an answer I followed.
I found myself in a strange land, in front of a dark and mysterious building that matched the strange man perfectly. He was standing just inside the door, perhaps anticipating my arrival.
At first my questions got no response, but after refusing to be intimidated, the mysterious man begain to give me answers, although they were somewhat cryptic, almost as mysterious as him...
I found that I was on the island of fire, far from my home. He seemed amused that I was stuck there, but I refused to show fear.
Further questioning revealed little, except that he was the ruler of a strange "Cabal" I recall hearing of a dark Cabal somewhere, but my memory fails me as to exactly where.
Finally I asked him for directions home, at which he assured me he would return me safely through another of the strange gates. I excepted, and thanked him.
Before leaving he issued a cryptic warning, speaking of a horde of barbarian wolves, who would wish me ill. I assured him I would not back down from anyone, especially savages. He seemed amused by this, but I am certain he knew I meant every word.

I returned to my city through the gate, and am scribing this entry quickly, before going on patrol to make sure this was not some sort of set up to gain entry to the city.
I didn't trust the man. I found him cold and mysterious, so far from the holy light that I have embraced. Yet he warned me of the barbarians, and spoke of future alliances between our nations. I cannot help but wonder what the future brings. I only hope I find others willing to join the order, so that when an attack does come, I shall be prepared.
Sir Samual Wild
Grandmaster Knight
The Holy Knights of Trinsic