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gauntlet templates and other questions


gauntlet templates and other questions

So,What templates do you guys use when you go to doom and the gauntlet? what are the templates, stats, weapons/armor. what tactics do you use when doing gauntlet?

also what are your tactics with these templates for taking down the bone daemon and each of the doom bosses incluidng dark father?


Bug Hunter
Re: gauntlet templates and other questions

I've tried a lot of templates, mostly to make that place less boring, and I've decided the perfect gaunt camper is a pure mage. They don't need anything but a few spellbooks and an LRC suit. They stay at range so their armor is rarely damaged, so they never need repairs. It's the perfect zero maintenance character.

And the appearance of an arty in an empty pack is so much more dramatic :p


Re: gauntlet templates and other questions

Gisela, the pure mage uses earth elem and offensive spells only? Could you describe some skill combination please?


Bug Hunter
Re: gauntlet templates and other questions


Get an ethy or bonded mount and don't bother with wraith/lich, you will just end up dead trying to get away on foot. I've seen it too many times and it never stops being funny.

Pile on a bunch of SDI and get GM inscription. That should make up for the loss of mana leech. You cast less but can do more damage in the long run.

Train magic resist so that you'll never be paralyzed for more than a second or two. Kite the mobs just like an archer would - dmg spell, walk a few paces, dmg spell, walk a few paces, staying out of melee range.

If need be, keep a couple of earth elementals up and in guard mode. They are like having 175 more HP, plus the mobs have to cast 2 dispels to get rid of the pair, making them more useful than, say, a demon or fire ele which is one dispel then the mob's on your ass.

You can also lead additional mobs (aka adds) into a corner, have your earth eles attack them, then speed away. Mob AI is too stupid to come find you once the eles are dead.

The most important resists for a ranged char in gaunt are fire, phys and cold in that order. Fire for the FS and expl that mobs cast on you, phys so that DF reflect doesn't kill you, cold for mindblast.

Don't use magic arrow unless you are sure no one else is. The timer on it is broken, so only one person can use it at a time. Everyone else's will be wasted.

Room 1 - fireball spam
Room 2 - harm spam or fireball if you are a coward (or some asshat necro is casting corpse skin)
Room 3 - fireball spam, summon demon for poison dmg (you can still insult any asshat necro casting corpse skin)
Room 4 - ebolt or lightning
Room 5 - harm spam, earth eles or lightning if some asshat necro is casting corpse skin. Earthquake works but eats too much mana if you aren't in wraith

DF - any big dmg spell cast slowly, so you don't kill yourself on reflect .. I like ebolts

Note that harm is not affected by slayers, so use an sdi book when you are casting it. Neither is mind blast, fyi.

e: added some recent observations and reservations :p


Re: gauntlet templates and other questions

That sounds good :)

Gisela what kind of template you have? Like to share?


Bug Hunter
Re: gauntlet templates and other questions

That is just a regular scribe mage, something like
120 mage
120 eval
120 med
115 resist spells
100 scribe
100 focus (tmp for pvming)
40 wrestling (tmp for pvming)

I am starting to wonder whether I am *really* keeping up with the wraith form necro mages tho. Probably not but necro is just so icky :eek:


Re: gauntlet templates and other questions

or be a mage like me and TANK THEM ALL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Orion Lighter

Re: gauntlet templates and other questions

Just switch the 40 wrestling to Anat and you'll have the equivalent of defensive wrestling of 100


Re: gauntlet templates and other questions

I use a combination of archer/chiv bushido, macer/necro/chiv parry, and a mage/weaver/bushido. I switch up the charachters to break up the boring grind of the gauntlet.

On the mage/weaver/bushido I use gift of life on the lesser and mainly use it on abyssmal horrors and dfs. I do just enough damage to get looting rights on all of my charachters since all three suits are for lrc/resists.


Bug Hunter
Re: gauntlet templates and other questions

Orion Lighter;672154 said:
Just switch the 40 wrestling to Anat and you'll have the equivalent of defensive wrestling of 100
Cool, I just dropped wrestling for focus as a whim while in Gaunt.. this is obviously a much better idea :)

I wanna know what kind of damage other people are doing with spells in there. My mage is doing something like (without any disco or corpse skin)

DF - 140~ ebolts
Room 1 - ~45 fireballs
Room 2 - ~22 harm
Room 3 - ~forgot
Room 4 - ~80-90 ebolts
Room 5 - ~22 harm

So would dropping inscription for necro result in more dmg?


Re: gauntlet templates and other questions

Df's 60 per hit with nothing but EoO
Room1 70 with AI
Room2 40 with AI
Room3 65 with AI
Room4 One hit before they hide!
Room5 60 with normal attack

Orion Lighter

Re: gauntlet templates and other questions

I've been testing it with a necro-inscription mage (110 eval 115 ss) versus my necro spawner (100 eval/ss), and I haven't noticed much of a difference, I think harm in room five just gets one more damage, while I still run out of mana with my spawner in room two

Maybe it's just me, but I don't see a difference in damage between having inscription or not, at least not in the rooms that count.


Re: gauntlet templates and other questions

Gisela;673026 said:
That would mean a 1k hit so I doubt it :p
Nah, just that they hide when they are at half health, and if lucky, I get two hits on them before that, but usually just one. That's why I wrote what I wrote..
On a noobie dexxer..


Bug Hunter
Re: gauntlet templates and other questions

Well I am trying to make a caster's dps calculator but holy damn it is complicated.

Or we could just go on test and see who can kill X mob fastest :p


Re: gauntlet templates and other questions

Gisela;673086 said:
Well I am trying to make a caster's dps calculator but holy damn it is complicated.

Or we could just go on test and see who can kill X mob fastest :p

It's not about high numbers really, I get loot priority on my thief down there, using GM magery and 0 (20) weaving, and still get looting rights on most mobs. :)


Re: gauntlet templates and other questions

Well, wraith form, spam fireball, magic arrow in room one, harm in room two, fireball and magic arrow in room three, room four, same as 1 and 3, room 4, cast a few energy vortexes and go unleash the fireball magic arrow spam, room five, unleash a shitload of earthquake's, darkfathers, hit them with anything, not like they got resists anyhow, very possible to get looting rights on a bodrunner for those guys.

Use slayer books for room 1, 3, 4, 5 and for the DF's and you are well on the way to be a mean killing machine.